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Vocabulary in Context

Marketing- Vocabulary List 1

1. Target market ;
2. Product endorsement ;
3. Premium brand ;
4. Marketing strategy;
5. Market share ;
6. Brand loyalty ;
7. Product placement/Product embedding;
8. Consumer ;
9. Market research ;
10. Market leader

Terms and Definitions

1. The target market of a product or service is the group of people it is aimed at
(e.g. Parents, students, businesspeople, car owners, medical staff, etc.)
2. Product endorsement involves a celebrity or other well-known person
publicly supporting the product and appearing in its advertising (e.g. Famous
actor Chris Hemsworth advertising the New Hugo Boss bottled eau de parfum,
or David Beckham featuring in a sportswear commercial.)
3) A premium brand is a range of products that sells for a much higher price
than other similar products because of its higher quality or better brand image
(e.g. Prada, Ferrari, Louis Vuitton, etc.)
4) A marketing strategy is a detailed plan that determines how the company
will advertise and promote its product or service.
5) The market share that a company has is the percentage of the total sales it
makes for a particular product or service. If, for example, company X sells 22%
of all shampooing products, then that company has a 22% market share.
6) Brand loyalty refers to customers always buying from the same company
because they prefer it to its rivals.
7) Product placement or product embedding is deliberately putting/placing
your product in movies, TV shows or other media to show it or make it visible
and promote it to the viewers of that show or movie.
8) A consumer is a person who buys a product or service for personal use.
9) Market research involves carrying out surveys or using other research
methods to probe the opinions and preferences of your target market or target
consumers. Market research allows the company’s managers to make informed
decisions regarding product design and marketing strategy.
10) The market leader is the company whose product or service outsells the
products or services of its competitors (e.g. Starbucks is the market leader in the
hot drinks industry.)
Adapted from

The vocabulary listed above are centered around the themes of ‘Marketing’. The teacher may,
at first, show the students the target vocabulary items without providing them wih the
definitions, check whether they are familar with some of the words and then have them take a
guess at their meaning. The teacher may discuss the meaning of each word by formulating a
simple, brief definition for each item, and have the students take notes and contribute to the
discussion. The students can then be shown the definitions without the target items and be
asked to provide the corresponding word for each definition. Teachers can reinforce the
students’ understanding of the target items using the task given below.
Exercise 1 : Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Market leader; market share; consumer ; brand loyalty; target market ;

marketing strategies ; premium brand ; endorsement (2) ; Placement

1. The company conducted extensive ________________ to identify the

preferences and needs of its customers.
2. Successful _________________ often involve understanding and appealing
to the desires of the specific ___________________ .
3. The new advertisement featuring a celebrity _____________ has
significantly boosted sales.
4. Product __________________ involves strategically integrating branded
items into movies, television shows, and other forms of media.
5. Building strong _________________ is crucial for maintaining a loyal
customer base and sustaining long-term success.
6. Coca-cola is often regarded as a _______________ in the beverage industry
due to its dominant position in terms of _______________________
7. Understanding the behavior and preferences of the _____________________
is essential for creating effective marketing campaigns.
8. Nike’s use of famous athletes for______________ has helped establish the
brand as a symbol of athletic excellence.
Key :1.Market research ; 2.Marketing strategies/ target market ; 3.
endorsement ; 4. Placement ; 5. Brand loyalty ; 6. Market
leader/market share;7.consumer;8.Endorsement

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