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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e

Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

GALLETAS DE LA FORTUNA: THE TEACHING has a double antagonistic tension on the threshold of
OF HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA AMONG remembrance and oblivion. Thus, we remember what tells us
MEMORIES, FORGETTING AND CULTURAL something, which provides us with a reference of identification,
acceptance, a subjective process of approximation that molds
itself in our minds and affections. We forget what does not
DRA. JANAINA CARDOSO DE MELLO (DHI-UFS) communicate a sense of belonging, which displeases us,
LUAN FELIPE SILVA DOS SANTOS (DHI-UFS) traumatizes us or is indifferent to us (RICOEUR, 2003).
This double memory/forgetting is also an element that
configures power relations (what should be kept, what should be
Abstract: The Teaching of American History in Basic Education, by breaking
with the paradigms that outline some knowledge far from the reality of
passed on to the next generations as a cultural heritage)
students, centered on economics, politics, and society, disconnected from according to the interests of groups and individuals where
culture, opens new doors for decolonial theories in the use of gastronomy and
games of board to develop a critical knowledge of societies in time in their culture is correlated with socioeconomic and political dictates. In
relations with memory, oblivion, and cultural heritage.
this area, the school is also a space for this double
Keywords: History Teaching; Transdisciplinary; Game.
memory/forgetting as knowledge to be taught/learned and
knowledge that does not even permeate textbooks, classes, and
Introduction pedagogical projects.
Studies on memory and cultural heritage invariably Historical teaching approaches, in their didactics, are
interfere in the research of local history since what is closest to us intrinsic to the traditional epistemologies that center, in Brazil,

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

knowledge in a Eurocentric relationship based on colonization, We raise the following questions: What is meant by
enslavement, political emancipation and our trajectory between historical heritage, in its converging and distant apprehensions,
dictatorships and democracies to constitute ourselves as a in Brazil and Peru? What heritage from the past and what
population amidst the conflicts of a plural, multifaceted and meanings do their peoples add to them? What political, economic
largely negating identity of our Latin American insertion. Thus, and recreational uses of this cultural heritage, in both countries,
building another epistemology in which Latin America is part of are they produced?, How to develop an evaluative but also
us and vice versa, with cultural heritage being a fundamental critical perception based on the historical context and the tourist
presence in this re-encounter with ourselves. That is because, dynamics that inhabit these two spaces?, How can American
the preservation of historical heritage is seen today History Teaching incorporate this knowledge into its contents
as a matter of citizenship and, as such, is of interest
to everyone as it constitutes a fundamental right of taught for Elementary Education?
the citizen and a support for the construction of
cultural identity (ORIÁ, 2004, p.137). Based on the qualitative methodological preliminary
studies of Marc Bloch (1928) in the context of Comparative
Therefore, the work carried out from the digital
History, an analytical look at Brazil and Peru was sought as a
documentary research of local history in São Cristóvão
guideline, evidencing the similarity of facts and certain
(Brazil/SE), comparing the investigations of international digital
dissimilarities in the environments in which this similarity
sources about Lima (Peru), sought to think of new ways to teach
occurs. In this perspective, the British historian John Elliott
the contents of the History of America in the Elementary level
(1999) affirms the need to reclaim national, regional and local
History teaching through cultural heritage bias.
history by restoring in the discipline of Comparative History the

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

role of national and local identities in a given process, event or the enslavement of the other and with this built a society based
historical fact, aiming at a deeper understanding of the on structural racism and a profound inequality in access to
peculiarities of each society. Therefore, problematizing the goods, services and decision-making actions. The formation of
similarities and differences between Brazil and Peru in dealing territorial and symbolic power niches whose idea of civilization
with their Cultural Heritage is a challenge and a method applied was guided by the mirroring of the Iberian European culture, the
to the reading of information collected in the relevant literature, State's violence against protests and the restriction of freedoms
articles, monographs, dissertations, PhD’s thesis, and image for long periods, bring us closer together, although each space
documents (photographs and videos). and people also have its singularities and distinctions.
The article presented brings part of the reflections of the As stated by Eduardo Galeano (1994, p.14) “it is Latin
PIBIC research project (2020-2021) entitled “Galletas de la America, the region of open veins. Since the discovery until our
Fortuna: History, Gastronomy and Cultural Heritage (Peru- days, everything has become European capital or, later, North
Brazil)” with Copes and CNPq research assistance. American, and as such it has accumulated and accumulates until
today in distant centers of power”.
At the flavor of memory and culture: A comparative In this regard, to subvert this perspective, which is also
Latin American history of local histories
epistemological, the local history that dates to native and Afro-
descendant peoples provides opportunities to reflect on the
Brazilian and Peruvian histories, in socioeconomic and
encounters and disagreements with European culture, contesting
political terms, have many similarities, since the process of
the patterns of hierarchy, still looking for similarities and
European conquest that subjugated original cultures, promoted
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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

similarities in the History of Latin America. respect for alterities apprehensions, in Brazil and Peru? What heritage from the past
for the constitution of solidarity networks and knowledge and what meanings do your peoples add to them?
sharing. Thus, When dealing with the different categorizations of
Local History is not opposed to global history or "cultural heritage", as a concept with limitations and
“macro history”, its cut only designates a thematic
delimitation marked by historical, cultural, political, possibilities, the anthropologist José Reginaldo Gonçalves
etc. particularities, almost always hidden by larger
generalizations. The great value of local history is, (2009) pointed out the complexity of its use, so every day and
above all, in its fruitful dialogue with global history
(FERREIRA, 2017, p.94). essential in our lives and at the same time so imprecise in his
disputes about thought and attribution to the tangible and the
In this dialogue with a global that does not make the intangible, to ethnic plurality, to governmental institutions
particularities invisible, the flavors of Latin American memory and/or intellectuals for safeguarding. He thought of it as a “total
and culture are manifested in the convent sweets of São social fact”, adopting as a reference Marcel Mauss (1974 apud
Cristóvão (Sergipe) and Lima (Peru). Through them, it is possible GONÇALVES, 2009), since
to revisit the concepts of cultural heritage, social protagonists Such goods are, simultaneously, economic, moral,
religious, magical, political, legal, aesthetic,
and affirm new possibilities for a historiographical writing that
psychological and physiological in nature. They are,
enables other ways of teaching American History in schools in a way, moral extensions of their owners, and
these, in turn, are inseparable parts of social and
based on their micro-history. cosmic totalities that transcend their condition as
individuals (GONÇALVES, 2009, p.27).
But how to answer the first two questions: what is
meant by historical heritage, in its converging and distant

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

By historicizing the practices of studies, definitions and curators, among others, as in Brazil, is beneficial for the
safeguarding of cultural heritage in its potentialities and development and expansion of perceptions of the world to which
conflicts, advances and setbacks, institutions and popular groups the concepts of cultural heritage (in continuous transformation
that produce and maintain culture in Brazil, historian Márcia in keeping with the dynamics of culture) are applied.
Chuva (2012) highlighted the change in the bond of the notion of Lima, the Peruvian capital, was founded in 1535 under
“national heritage” (homogeneous) to “cultural diversity” the auspices of the Spaniard Francisco Pizzarro “on the
(heterogeneous), the result of “democratic construction, through preexisting agricultural area and the urban complex
new networks, social movements and redirecting global tensions” administered by the chief Taulichusco”. The historical heritage of
(CHUVA, 2012, p.73). The own action of to “recognize as cultural the Center of Lima, except for urban archaeological sites, is
heritage” needed to be guided by the expansion of new and predominantly colonial (from the 16th century to the year 1821)
different theoretical-methodological references, thus reaching and from the beginning of the republican period (nineteenth
the understanding that century to the first half of the twentieth century) (ANDRADE;
Heritage is to select a cultural asset (objects and SOARES, 2013, pp. 28-29). Wars, invasions, earthquakes,
practices) by assigning a cultural reference value to
an identity group. Patrimonialized property has as dictatorships, as well as neoliberal public policies contributed to
an attribute the ability to amalgamate identity
groups (CHUVA, 2021, p.73-74). this scenario.
In Peru today, there is an intense search for
For the Peruvian case, debates are also recurrent and the
understanding and reversing “the processes of acculturation”
multidisciplinary contribution of anthropologists, historians,
arising from colonization, especially in the capital Lima, which
archaeologists, architects, literati, communicators, museum
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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

for a long time represented the signs of the Spanish conquest. of knowledge of cultural heritage issues on the part of authorities
Thus, through the pre-Hispanic memories reassembled from the and citizens; of the 385 urban archaeological sites as of 2013,
shared experiences of riverside communities through their only 17 of them had received government protection; real estate
orality and handling of ancestral fishing techniques, the study, speculation accentuated the conflict between economic
excavation and safeguarding of urban archaeological sites and development and the protection of cultural heritage, causing the
museums in situ, correlated to the actions of historical and destruction of many (LIZARZABURU, 2014, p.116-117).
natural heritage concepts are rethought and their practice in Having raised this situation of concern, the Ministry of
territories and communities (BONNET; SOULAGES; ZEVALLOS Culture of Peru, municipal authorities in partnership with the
TAZZA, 2014, p.13). local press and universities, started the “Millenary Lima”
With approximately eleven million inhabitants, the campaign with the objective of returning to the 2,000-year-old
capital Lima, facing a 21st century permeated by scarcity of roots of the different pre-Hispanic peoples through a memory
resources, climate change and profound social inequalities, that integrates them to the collective imagination and the official
brings together challenges in the face of memory, history, and the historical narrative, showing the impact of their presence on
safeguarding of heritage. One of the major problems identified in constructions, development, transformations, cultures and their
the diagnosis of local heritage development agencies was the continuities today (LIZARZABURU, 2014, p.117).
“inexistence of cultural and educational policies linking citizens The concept of “cultural heritage”, therefore, seeks these
with the city's history for a longer period, since the official ancient roots in Lima's memories, but also a social inclusion that
historical narrative begins in 1535; there is still a profound lack combats racial and social prejudice against native peoples,

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

blacks, and peasants. The “people's creativity” must be the exceptional monumental complex and homogeneous, composed
sediment of union, where Spanish citizenship gives way to a of public and private buildings that represent the unique
historical identity based on the ancestry of Pacha mama (“mother testimony of the period during which the crowns of Portugal and
earth” in Andean cosmology). Citizenship management as a Spain were united, between 1580 and 1640” (IPHAN, 2021).
process of belonging should guide information about cultural Actions to safeguard cultural heritage in the city of
heritage to all people. Lima must position itself and project its Sergipe were boosted by the holding of the 1st National Heritage
image, its concept with a plural historical identity, based on Education Meeting (ENEP), at the initiative of the National
diversity, millenary roots, and its continuity over time. This “city Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN), in 2005,
brand” should give Lima pride and a defined personality followed by the “Education Meeting Heritage”, organized by
(LIZARZABURU, 2014, p.117-118). Thus, professors and students from the Department of History of the
Along with the recognition of the millennium, the Federal University of Sergipe (DHI-UFS) in two editions (2009
concept of City of Cultures appears. This is a way of
recognizing the different developments that took and 2011), in addition to Heritage Education workshops
place on this territory before 1535. It begins with the
people of the so-called U-shaped Temple Culture, conducted by Casa do IPHAN since 2012 and the resumption of
and is followed by the Lima, Wari, Ichma and Inca
cultures (LIZARZABURU, 2014, p.118). São Cristóvão Art Festival – FASC, in 2017 (ARAGÃO; SANTOS;
SILVA, 2019, p.159).
São Cristóvão, the fourth oldest Brazilian city,
Although the actions, in large part, still orbit around a
founded in 1590, was the first capital of Sergipe and since 3
local historiography tributary to European theories regarding the
August 2010 it has preserved the title of “heritage of humanity”
concepts of cultural heritage and memory, related to the works of
granted by UNESCO to São Francisco Square for holding “an
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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

Pierre Norá, Roger Chartier and Françoise Choay, other Unesco, "activating the economy of cities through occupation and
interpretative possibilities that evoke black protagonists in income generation for the population" (IPAC, 2021).
Sancristovense culture, constituting field research and Dated January 1, 2019, after the administrative reform
elaboration of booklets on black heritage in the city, highlighting carried out by the newly inaugurated government, the extinction
the Queijada’s House by Dona Marieta Santos (descendant of the of the MinC by Provisional Measure No. 870, published in a
enslaved and matriarch of the sweet shop tradition), Twines and special edition of the Official Gazette of the Union. This action
Woodcuts, Graffiti, by black artists such as Nivaldo Oliveira, has generated a lack of coordination of policy actions cultural
among others, using readings by the black historian from Sergipe public and directly affected projects and promotions for the
Beatriz Nascimento (SILVA; SANTOS SOBRINHA, 2019). safeguarding of the Brazilian cultural heritage. Without federal
These movements to revitalize the decolonial public notices and with low budget allocation, especially in the
epistemological view, although embryonic, were preceded by context of economic retraction of the Covid19 epidemic, states
actions to restore houses in historic cities, starting in the 2000s and municipalities have seen themselves orphans of federal
and lasting ten years, by the Program for the Preservation of support. Universities have sought, through research and
Urban Historic Heritage, the Monumenta, governed by federal extension projects, not to let the blanket of oblivion fall on
government through the Ministry of Culture (MinC) in cultural assets and their population. However, higher education
partnership with Brazilian city halls, with financing from the institutions have also faced several cuts in funding and grants
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the support of from projects with immense losses, especially in the humanities.

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

Seeking other solutions, given the national context, the Image 1. Ogãs Circle at São Francisco Square and Artes da Terra Shop
(São Cristóvão, SE)
City of São Cristóvão and the João Bebe Água Culture and
Tourism Foundation have articulated a network of handicrafts
with the objective of valuing culture, local production, and
income generation in the city (PROGRAMME SUSTAINABLE
CITIES, 2020). The investment in entrepreneurship through the
creative economy and the strengthening of small businesses has
allowed the continuity of the commercialization of traditional
ways of knowledge in the candy store, handcrafted rag dolls,
twine and Sanchristovense woodcuts (image 2).

Source: Sergipe Historical Museum Blog (MHS). Available at:, accessed on: 20/06/2021.

In Peru, the presence of the Ministry of Culture has acted

on issues related to the regulation of archaeological sites,
supporting projects to digitize these spaces and museums – in

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

partnership with universities and technology companies – for Image 2. Actions by the Ministry of Culture of Peru
virtual access to the public during the extended period of social
isolation caused by the pandemic. It has expanded its
communication to social networks, where the Peruvian Ministry
of Culture's Facebook page is continuously updated with actions
of different natures.

Source: Social Network - Facebook page of the Ministry of Culture of Peru,

Available at:,
accessed on: 20/06/2021.

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

Among the actions publicized in the media are (image 2): Image 3. Inca Bicentennial Campaigns and International Day against
Racial Discrimination in Peru
[1] the protection of cultural heritage in archeological sites with
Heritage Education actions; [2] the “viaje del user” tool
encourages digital entrepreneurship with a workshop aimed at
teaching “How to create a cultural activity integrating the needs
of the virtual community” and [3] awareness campaign for the
use of masks and adherence to the vaccine against to Covid19 in
Peruvian archaeological sites and museums.

Source: Social Network - Facebook page of the Ministry of Culture of Peru,

Available at:,
accessed on: 20/06/2021.

Although in Peru there is an intense campaign against

racism and the promotion of the culture of Andean and Afro-
Peruvian indigenous peoples, taken over by the Ministry of
Culture (image 3), in Brazil, and specifically in Sergipe, the issue
of structural racism is not treated as a direct commitment of
public cultural bodies. Therefore, the protagonist of an anti-
racist education is the responsibility of social agents, teachers
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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

and researchers who organize moments of occupation of spaces Image 4. Traditional São Cristóvão sweets (Queijadas and Bricelets)
such as the Ogãs circle in São Francisco Square (SE) (image 1) or
the African dances in the performances of the activities of the
Historical Museum of Sergipe in 2013.
Another similarity between the cities of São Cristóvão
and Lima is in the traditional and artisanal knowledge of convent
sweets or of African ancestry. Thus, Dona Marieta’s queijadas
cooked in a wood stove, made manually, one by one, and the
bricelets that originated with the Sisters of the Congregation of
Immaculate Conception, bring the flavor of memories and
stories, of affections and experiences, as well as to foster the local
creative economy.

Source: Sergipe Historical Museum Blog (MHS). Available at:, accessed on:

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

Sancristovense sweets and Lima sweets represent an Image 5. Peruvian convent sweets (Lima)
exercise in cultural creativity, since their recipes need to be re-
elaborated with fruits and other spices from the Latin American
territory, thus modifying the original recipe and creating
pleasant sensibilities to the taste. A large laboratory for new
experiences, Latin America becomes a space for gastronomic
innovation and writes its story of sweet and bitter mishaps.
The same happens with the Galletas de Vainilla of the
Monastery of Las Concepcionistas Descalzas de San José, which
bring “criollas” adaptations of the classic “mazapanes
castellanos”, the Niditos made at the Monasterio de La
Concepción that evoke feminine knowledge and the famous
Alfajores from the Monasterio de las Trinitarias (image 5),
located in Lima (PLEVISANI; MUÑOZ-NAJAR, 2018).
We emphasize that “In Peru, food practices are framed
within a complex and dynamic symbolic, expressive and sensory
system, also becoming benchmarks of regional and national Source: PLEVISANI; MUÑOZ-NAJAR, 2018, p. 26, 37, 70.
identity” (KOCH et al., 2011, p.18).

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

In this way, the History of America can reinvent its by UNESCO, in the example of Mexican food, the Mediterranean
teaching practice, leaving the usual political and economic orbits diet, French and Japanese cuisine. In 2011, the Organization of
centered on the European colonization process to the culture of American States (OAS) distinguished Peruvian gastronomy as a
traditional knowledge, sweets, inventiveness, and the World Heritage Site of the Americas, in a special ceremony to
relationship of memory in its sensory subjectivity of " well eat” celebrate the Inter-American Year of Culture. The success of
and thus feel “welcomed”. Peruvian cuisine was repeated in 2019 at the World Travel
In 2007, the National Institute of Culture (which would Awards, where for the eighth year Peru was elected as the
be replaced by the Ministry of Culture in 2010), declared country with the best cuisine in the world. As Matta highlighted
Peruvian cuisine “the cultural heritage of the Nation”. If before, (2021, p.2), the search for the heritage of Peruvian cuisine
cultural diversity was used as a pattern of hierarchization (“food reflects the close relationship between culture and flavor, tasting
for the wealthy classes; food for the poor”), now it is seen as an memories and sensory identity.
advantage. Thus, From the kitchen, food, themes such as work, economics,
The diversity in the kitchen, the fusion, and the miscegenation of social hierarchies, politics, solidarity, food security, public
various culinary configurations, such as Chinese, Japanese,
African, indigenous and jungle, are considered advantageous and policies, transformation of customs, sustainability, culinary
positive for the differentiation of Peruvian cuisine with respect to
others (ZERGA, 2015, p.198). geographies, can be worked on in the classroom in History
Teaching. This is because “food as a cultural element helps to
Since 2010, there has been a strong campaign by the
demarcate multiple traits of different identities in societies over
Peruvian government to obtain recognition of traditional
Peruvian cuisine as an “intangible cultural heritage of humanity”
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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

time and in different historical contexts” (PEIXOTO, 2020, Image 6. Board Games Peruvian Cultural History (Chess and Ludo)
Another playful way of approaching Peruvian history
occurs in the chess board games, where the pieces are composed
by Incas x Spaniards and in Ludo, which brings the symbology of
the culture of the native peoples of the Andes (image 6). This use
of games, in addition to being a good cultural extroversion tool,
is also an interesting pedagogical tool to be used in the
elementary school classroom, since:
With games and games, children can create an identity
and develop their autonomy, logical reasoning, and language.
Because games encourage children to use their mind a lot to
formulate strategies for each move (LAMBLEM; JESUS, 2018).
Source: SANTOS, 2015.

The Teaching of American History can incorporate the

knowledge of gastronomic culture, of local history in its
relationship with the material and immaterial heritage,
articulating them to its contents taught for Elementary

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

Education. Images, seminars where students reproduce the Table 1. Comparative History of Culture São Cristóvão (SE, Brazil)
and Lima (Peru).
recipes and can enjoy the culinary delicacies in the classroom, Assumpt Similarities Distinctions
literally "eating the heritage" or through board games where they ion
Territori São Lima São Lima
playfully apprehend knowledge by "playing" and making healthy es Cristóvão Cristóvão
competition, with rules, a collective work action. From these
New New Formulation New
exercises come the attribution of meaning to the world around perspectives appreciation marked by Formulatio
Cultural on Afro- of the UNESCO/IP n Linked to
them. Heritage descendants traditional HAN Pre-
The project “Galletas de la Fortuna: History, Gastronomy Concept and cultures of recognition, Hispanic
Sanchristove native based on Cultural
and Cultural Heritage (Peru-Brazil)” is developing a board game nse culture peoples and European Ancestry
through the the Afro- colonization
with knowledge trails that combine conceptual knowledge of sweets and Peruvian criteria
memory, local history, cultural heritage with the gastronomy cultural population
issues of Peruvian sweets and Sanchristovenians. ns of groups
and artists
In the comparative scheme below, we have the following Concept of Concept of Notion of Notion of
configuration of the two countries: memory memory memory still inclusive
linked to linked to delimited by memory of
Memory cultural cultural French and different
Concept traditions traditions, Portuguese forming
and territory, and studies. Still peoples,
historicity. historicity. with citizenship,
coloniality and
very present. territory.

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

Latin Playfuln theatrical theatrical woodcuts, heritage

American ess presentation presentation handmade board
authors. s, Cultural s, Cultural dolls games
Decoloniali Meetings Meetings
ty. (commemora (commemora
Sweets, Sweets, tive dates), tive dates),
Savory foods, Savory foods, Popular Black Peru Parties Parties
Inherita traditions, traditions, Culture (dance, Gastronomy Gastronomy Iphan House Barranco
nce popular buildings, Groups musical as a heritage as heritage and related neighborho
from the culture museums, (Folguedos) poetry, (bricelets, (Fruititas de actions to od as an
Past groups, memory, theater, cheesecakes Mazapán, enhance expression
buildings, documents songs) Valuatio and fruit Galletas de local of culture,
museums, n sweets varied Vainilla, heritage; gastronom
memory, in jams, Galletas de FASC y; Public
documents liqueurs, Ajonjoli, Bola Markets
Political Political Disarticulati Articulatio jellies, de Oro,
campaigns, campaigns, on Ministry n Ministry biscuits, etc.) Alfajores)
UNESCO Tourism, of Culture, of Culture, Profusion of Profusion of Combating Combating
Political recognition Entrepreneu City Hall of City Hall of historical, historical, the neglect the official
and of São rship. São Lima, Criticalit archeological archeological of built historical
economi Francisco Search for Cristóvão, Local Press y , , heritage and narrative.
c uses Square as a recognition Government and Local architectural, architectural, the lack of Anti-
World of Peruvian of the State Interest anthropologi anthropologi promotion racism
Heritage cuisine by of Sergipe Groups. cal and cal and of advertisem
Site, Unesco. and Local museum museum immaterial ents.
Tourism, Interest curator curator culture.
Entrepreneu Groups research research
rship. Use of Use of Isolated Use of
Outdoor Outdoor Twine, Cultural History Museums, Museums, actions of Games for

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Boletim Eletrônico do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em História, Filosofia e
Patrimônio (NATIMA), Juazeiro do Norte, vol. 3, nº 1, 2021.

ISSN 2675-0201

teaching Pedagogical Pedagogical Heritage Teaching not do without the playful, the fun and the richness of our
Booklets Booklets Education Peruvian
(Iphan, History multicultural roots.
Schools, and
University) Identity
Source: Own elaboration with research data, 2021. References

ANDRADE, Rita de Cássia Gregório de; SOARES, Maria Simone
Between approximations and distances, the cultural
Morais. The historic center of Lima, Peru: new uses of Calle Jirón
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