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Source Analysis: Origin, Purpose, Value and Limitations (OPVL)

Write one paragraph on the value of the source and a second paragraph on the limitations of the source using the origin, purpose and content for support.
Make sure that you use the words "origin", "purpose" or "content" in each of your sentences to ensure that you are focused on what the question needs.
Rough Work
For origin:
 Who wrote it/said it/drew it?
 When did the person write it/say it/draw it?
 Where did the person write it/say it/draw it?
 What is the source- a speech/cartoon/textbook, etc.?
Encyclopaedia Britannica scratched from Niccolò Machiavelli’s “The Prince”.
Niccolò Machiavelli wrote this book which called “The Prince” in 1513.
Niccolò Machiavelli wrote it in Florence, Italy.
This type of source is textbook.
For purpose:
 Why did the person write it/say it/draw it?
 Who did the person write it/say it/draw it for?
He wrote the “The Prince”. Because The Prince was startling to readers for its frank rejection of morality. Some scholars suggest that the
work was an attempt to satirize the conduct of the princely rulers of Renaissance Italy

“The Prince” is mostly concerned with princes and is short and easy to read. It examines political power, both how to obtain it and how
to keep it.
For content:
 Is the language objective or does it sound exaggerated or one-sided?
 What is the tone of the source?
 What information and examples do they select or focus on to support their point?
The language is objective. Because this book is short and easy to read.
It seems like very dissatisfied, and he try to lampoon the Italy’s Ruler. It seems like synonymous with political cynicism and deviousness.

Paragraph 1: Value
With reference to their origin, purpose and content assess the value of the source for you studying <insert topic or research question>.
 A value of the source is that its author ...
 A value of the purpose is that it ...
 The language of the content of this source indicates that ...
 The content also seems to focus on, or use, examples which are ...
Paragraph 1 Value:
This is of low value to investigators. Because researchers are looking for something relevant to their research question, this
source only mentions Niccolò Machiavelli. But investigators can get some information from The Prince, a book by Niccolò

Paragraph 2: Limitations
With reference to their origin, purpose, and content assess the limitations of the source for you studying <insert topic or research question>.
 On the other hand, there are also limitations to using this source for finding out about… This is because [explain here how origin and purpose can
cause problems for you studying or learning about this topic or research question.]
 A limitation of the origin is …
 A limitation of the purpose is ...
 The content of this source makes it less valuable because ...
Paragraph 2 Limitations:
This source may be biased. Because "Some scholars suggest that the work was an attempt to satirize the conduct of the princely rulers of Renaissance
Italy", this sentence explains that the monarchs of Italy were like that, but not all monarchs were like that.

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