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Adventure Story an event or series of events
that happens outside the course
of the protagonist's ordinary
life, usually accompanied by
danger, often by physical action.
Autobiography The story of a person's life as
written by that person
Biography The story of the life of a person
written by someone else
Classic novel A classic is a novel that
represents a genre or a writing
style, or it can be a novel that
makes a contribution to
Crime novel It describes narratives that center
on criminal acts, especially, on the
Fantasy novel It is a genre of speculative fiction
involving magical elements, typically
set in a fictional universe and
sometimes inspired by mythology.
Graphic novel A graphic novel is a book made up of
comics content.
Historical novel a novel that has as its setting a
period of history and that attempts
to convey the spirit, manners, and
social conditions of a past age.
Horror story Horror is a genre of speculative fiction
which is intended to frighten, scare, or
Non-fiction book is one that tells you facts and
information about the world around you.
Romance A romance novel is a book that centers
on love and relationships as its primary
plot element.
Science fiction story It is a genre of speculative fiction
(sci-fi) which typically deals with imaginative
and futuristic concepts such as
advanced science and technology, space
exploration, time travel, and
extraterrestrial life.
TERRY PROSSER. (2021). Achievers B1+. Richmond.

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