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Canina, L. and Figlewski, S. (1993). The Informational Content of Implied Volatility. The. Ajayi and
Mougoue (1996) investigate the short-and long- run relationship between stock prices and. The
present study will provide answers to the above questions. Empirical analysis of the relationship
between stock market returns and macro. The Wooldridge test was employed to account for serial
correlation problems and the results show that we failed to reject the null hypothesis that states no
serial correlation at 1% level of significance. Hedge Fund Predictability Under the Magnifying
Glass:The Economic Value of Fo. Economics, and the 2001 meetings of the European Economic
Association, as. They also studied the factors which inspire the investors to make investment
decisions. According to him, if aggregate demand is large enough, expansionary monetary or
contractionary fiscal. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). International
Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). The real exchange rate integrates the price levels of the
exporting and importing countries; it also measures the volatility in the price level. However, the
effect for import sectors is both positive and negative in the long run. The quoted rates will
incorporate an allowance for a dealer’s margin (or profit) in trading or else the margin may be
recovered in the form of a “commission” or in some other way. (Esezobor, 2009). For instance,
Kyereboah-Coleman and Agyire-Tettey ( 2008 ); Durairaj and Nirmala ( 2012 ); Susan Pozo ( 2001 )
found a significant negative effect of exchange rate volatility on FDI. If the nominal exchange rate
between the dollar and the Naira is 370, then for one dollar one may purchase 370 Naira.
International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 5(6), 38-47. Crossref. It
could either hurt or boost the trade flows in countries. Shocks are the main source of unpredictable
changes that can affect the price of goods, inflation, interest rates, portfolio investment, savings and
loans ( Clarida and Gali 1994 ). Under the assumption of linearity, the model that we estimate for the
exports from. However, recent researches investigated the possibility of improving accuracy of and
reducing biasness. The macroeconomic view is one of the five schools of thought having bearing on
the stock price behaviour. However, obtaining these is not so straightforward, but. The Chinese
government considers these countries as the effective outlets for promoting investment and trading
activities. GARCH (p,q) model or any Moving Average (MA) predictor. In national accounts any
direct purchases by non-residents in the country’s economic territory are recorded as service exports;
therefore all expenditures by foreign tourists in the country’s economic region are considered part of
the exports services of that country. A1.3 Diagrammatical plot of call prices against options delta
values:. 38. As diagram presents, the horizontal axis corresponds to delta values, while strike prices
are plotted on. In the retail currency exchange market, a different buying rate and selling rate will be
quoted by money dealers. The findings of the study show that exchange rate volatility impacts on
Gross Domestic Product, Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Openness, but with negative
influence on the inflationary rate in the country.
The decrease in investment has a negative impact on economic performance. Equilibrium in the
domestic export market equates supply and demand, with the. Macroeconomics examines economies
at the aggregate (international, national, regional) level. However, much better volatility forecasting
alternative has been identified in. As for any other case, in financial world, every future outcome.
FDI and Exchange Rate Volatility: Fixed Effect Model Estimations without the Maldives. Nigerian
economy. The choice of the variables is familiar with the works of Abdelaziz et. al. (2008) and. The
estimated impact is unmistakably negative, indicating that exchange rate volatility affects bilateral
trade flows. Covered interest rate parity Aaron Smallwood Ph.D. Non-deliverable yuan forward
contracts reviewed. The fourth section provides results and discussion about the study. In some
previous decades, the exchange rate volatility badly affected the investment decisions and profits of
firms. Exchange rate volatility can affect the FDI in different forms, subject to the place where
goods are produced. Department of Finance, Tunghai University, Taiwan, and Department of. Sum
squared resid 108.8082 Schwarz criterion 3.141401. The test procedure as described by Granger
(1969) is. Chapter 4 Measuring Output of the Macroeconomy. Chapter 4. Measuring the
Macroeconomy. 1. Measuring Total Output 2. Final step in forecasting volatility by GARCH (1, 1)
involves computation of out-of-sample conditional. Section 3 outlines the methodology and
description of the data. Our analysis reveals that the relationship between exchange rate volatility
and bilateral. Estimation for each directed country pair that is, the exports of country to country. The
remaining part of this study is structured as follows. In order to be human-readable, please install an
RSS reader. Microeconomics examines the behavior of individual decision-making units—business
firms and households. The monthly data includes fourteen CEE countries from January 2002 to
December 2018. Analysis of the Relationship between Stock prices and Exchange Rates: Evidenc.
Applying the inverse function of the estimated value, ?1 parameter of Black-Scholes formula for
option. Thus, the entire effect of the exchange rate volatility at the mean value of interest rate
(0.0465) is positive and statistically significant meaning that the positive effect of volatility on
economic growth is adversely influenced by interest rate. The paper will examine the seeming
mismatch between fluctuating exchange rates and enhanced international trading transactions
between Nigeria and her trading partners. We focus now on the estimated e?ects of volatility in the
real exchange rate and foreign. According to the US Heritage Foundation, there is a strict business
environment in the Maldives. A brief explanation of the control variables is given below:
Government expenditure (GEXP) is measured as a percentage of government final consumption
expenditure to GDP.
Egelkraut, T. M. and Garcia, P. (2006). Intermediate Volatility Forecasts Using Implied. The volatility
of the exchange rate improves or worsens exports and imports, but in the short run, the effect is more
prevalent ( Senadza and Diaba 2018 ). In general, Diebold and Lopez (1996) suggest that the
common characteristic for all of these forecast. Exchange rate volatility could have a negative or
positive relationship with economic growth and investments depending on the quantum of trade
between Nigeria and her trading partners. Continuing our focus on UK exports to the US, France,
Japan and Spain, we now. The empirical findings using the fixed effects estimation for panel data
reveal that the volatility of the exchange rate has a significant negative effect on real economic
growth. Malz, A. M., (1997). Option implied probability distributions and currency excess returns.
Besides comparisons between realized and implied volatility based on an informational content,
there. This is as a result of the increasing availability of financial instruments to fence against
exchange rate dangers and to the increasing portion of intra-industry trade. The Effect of Exchange
Rate Volatility on International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Developing Countries
along “One Belt and One Road”. The other measure of volatility-TGARCH highlights that
Bangladesh had experienced with high volatility during 1995, 1999, 2014, and 2016, and low
volatility during the years of 1998 and 2012. If the investor desires to invest in a local market, trade
and FDI could be used as substitutes. Also, the macroeconomic stability influences the effect of
volatility on growth. The estimates of for each of these subsets and the full set of models are
presented in. The research is financed by Asian Development Bank. No. 2006-A171. Conflict over
currencies occurs in larger context Important to understand dynamics of trade Currencies are, in part,
the pricing mechanism for trade. In order to provide a visual interpretation of these volatility
measures, Figure 1. Morina, Fatbardha, Eglantina Hysa, Ugur Ergun, Mirela Panait, and Marian
Catalin Voica. As Goldstein and Khan (1985) argue, the time lag between the period in which trade
decisions are made and the. The exchange rate volatility can arise from three different factors:
Variations in basic issues (e.g., buying power of consumers), variations in the basic characteristics of
foreign exchange market (e.g., noise traders, portfolio changes, excess rumors, and cause effects),
and the noisy signal of expected fluctuations in future policy (e.g., interest rate, money supply,
inflation rate and output growth) ( Tadesse 2009 ). Comparing model-free volatility to historical
volatility, estimated by high-frequency. We collected panel data for the period 1995 to 2016 from the
U.S. Heritage Foundation, International Financial Statistics (IFS) (a database developed by the
International Monetary Fund), and World Development Indicators (WDI) (a database developed by
the World Bank). In some studies, the exchange rate volatility creates uncertainty in the economic
environment and decreases investment. For the Maldives, the year 2005 is taken as the switch point.
The study covers the impact of exchange rate volatility on international trade in Nigeria for the
period 1996 to 2018. How to manage Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book considering the
monetary. Abnormalities of hormones and inflammatory cytokines in women affected with p.
Diebold, F. X. and Lopez, J. A. (1995). Forecast Evaluation and Combination. The correlation
between exchange rate volatility and economic growth seems negative. 4.2. Regression Results
Before running the regression, the test of Levin, Levin et al. ( 2002 ) was used to check for
stationarity of the variables. For instance, Kyereboah-Coleman and Agyire-Tettey ( 2008 ); Durairaj
and Nirmala ( 2012 ); Susan Pozo ( 2001 ) found a significant negative effect of exchange rate
volatility on FDI.
Our primary empirical investigation is carried out with monthly data on bilateral aggre-. Hypothesis 3
(H3). There is a statistically significant negative relationship between the interaction term of
exchange rate volatility and real interest rate with economic growth. 3.2. Definition of Variables and
Measurement 3.2.1. Economic Growth Economic growth refers to steady increases in real gross
domestic product or national product over time. Poisson lag, as described below, for it would appear
that the advantages of this exible lag. All Share Index (ALS) was used as proxy for stock market
performance while the. The main empirical finding from Alper ( 2017 ) is that exchange rate
volatility reduces export flows in the short-run. Taylor, S. J., Zhang, Y. and Wang, L. (2010).
Investigating the Information Content of the. In general, the literature highlights that investment has
a negative relationship with exchange rate volatility and with the appreciation of the domestic
currency, although industry and firm-specific features are significant determinants as well (
Kyereboah-Coleman and Agyire-Tettey 2008 ). It will also provide a basis for further comparative
studies, in both the developed and less developed economies. Derman, E. and Kani, I. (1994).
Riding on a smile. Risk, 7, 32-39. The empirical and theoretical studies about the relationship
between exchange rate volatility and FDI can be divided into two categories: (1) Studies which
showed negative results, and (2) studies which showed mixed results. Journal of Business and
Economic statistics(1), 10-17. Crossref. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and
Education (EJIHPE). Once this is done, the two implied models BS and MF will be evaluated based.
It was found that the null hypothesis which states that the difference between the. The theoretical
and empirical studies made on both developed and developing countries show mixed results between
exchange rate fluctuation and economic growth. The appreciation of currency happens by an upward
movement while a downward movement indicates a loss in value (depreciation) against foreign
currency ( Anyanwu et al. 2017 ). Theories that explain this up and down movement in the exchange
rate are the real option theory, the interest rate parity theory, purchasing power parity, traditional
flow theory etc. Pong, S., Shackleton, M. B., Taylor, S. J., and Xu, X. (2004). Forecasting currency
volatility: a. Exchange rate volatility is a major issue in determining the country’s equalization of
payments position. The studies that fall in the second category by showing mixed evidence about the
relationship between exchange rate volatility and FDI include Chowdhury and Wheeler ( 2015 );
Crowley and Lee ( 2003 ); Kosteletou and Liargovas ( 2000 ). Udeh (2010), asserted that Nigeria’s
economy is import-dependent and operates on a system of float managed exchange rate. Papapetrou,
E, (2001), Oil price shocks, stock market, economic activity and employment in Greece. Does
Devaluation of Turkish Lira Improve Merchandise Trade Deficit. ERM member countries are taken
as those six who were ERM members at any time during our estimation sample. Research on the
Trading Strategy Based On Interest Rate Term Structure Change. Thus, in economics, an export
refers to any good or commodity transported from one country to another in a legitimate fashion,
typically for use in trade. The IISTE, a U.S. publisher, is currently hosting the academic journals
listed below. First to investigate the empirical relationship persisting. A Paper Presented at the
International Summit on Globalization as problem of development in Harana Cuba. Jan.18-22.
Causes of inflation. 1. Inflation and Deflation Definitions. Inflation. As with the previous measures
of accuracy, GARCH (1, 1) still.
The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Economic Growth: Case of the CEE Countries. J. Risk
Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 177. Table 4 reports the results from the panel data regressions of four
different specifications of the effect of exchange rate volatility on economic growth. Log likelihood
-143.2085 Durbin-Watson stat 2.173022. This refers to the exchange rate of one currency note to the
other. According to the results obtained through the GARCH model, India ranks second with 5.86%,
as compared to other countries, in terms of the high long-run exchange rate volatility. Exchange rate
volatility is calculated in two different ways as a standard deviation and z-score and results show
that both measures of exchange rate volatility (standard deviation and z-score measure) have a
significant negative effect on economic growth. While some of the tests did not provide adequate
and predictive information on the relationship between exports, imports and real effective exchange
rate, others did. Forecasting volatility is a valuable practice to all market participants as well as to all
financial. Consider we want to determine the real exchange rate for crude oil between the US and
Nigeria. The VAR model estimates indicate an inverse relationship between Export, Import and
REER in current periods. Again the T and F-statistics (6.9, 3.05) are quite significant. Sum squared
resid 108.8082 Schwarz criterion 3.141401. Applying the inverse function of the estimated value, ?1
parameter of Black-Scholes formula for option. A paper presented at the WIDER Conference on
sharing global prosperity, Helsinki, Finland. This is evident since the adoption of the Euro as home
currency during the period of study has been negative for economic growth. As an alternative, we
apply the proportional Denton. In general, countries compete with each other to attract FDI. The
OBOR initiative of the Chinese government can play an important role to promote trading and
investment activities in the participating countries of this project. From this time there has been an
increase in the usage of floating exchange rates, but rather most countries have adopted flexible
intermediate regimes including conventional pegs. As means of ?2statistics which measures the
informational. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI). This suggest that volatility
has an adverse effect on economic growth through interest rate. The simplest forms of the GARCH
model and TGARCH model are GARCH (1,1) and TGARCH (1,1), which can be shown as follows.
In line with the above view, exchange rate volatility measured with GARCH showed the significant
positive impact on FDI for India and Pakistan. This definition implies that countries tend to
specialize in the production and export of those goods and services which they can produce
relatively cheaply and import things that are produced more efficiently elsewhere. Middle-East Oil
exporting countries- unpublished manuscript. Experience Between 1980 and 1986.’Akron Business
and Economic Review, 19: 71-76. However, recent researches investigated the possibility of
improving accuracy of and reducing biasness. For Pakistan, the year 1998 is taken as the switch
point. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA).
Macroeconomics is the study of the structure and performance of national economies and of the
policies that governments use to try to affect economic performance of a country. Basically, the
volume of exports in Nigeria hovers around a mono-product, i.e. crude oil. In 1996, there was a
gradual but progressive increase in the volume of Nigeria’s export. We selected seven developing
countries which are part of this project, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This paper applies the Johansen cointegration technique and error correction
mechanism to investigate. FDI yields a return, which may translate into the flow of profit or loss (
Crowley and Lee 2003 ). Chapter 20 Optimum Currency Areas and the European Experience.
Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). This article is an open
access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC
BY) license ( ). Nigeria failed to exploit the full potentials of international trade for high productivity
and rapid economic transformation. Research Leap is where business practice meets research. The
stock market plays a major role in financial intermediation in both developed and developing
countries. Chowdhury (2007) explored real and nominal foreign exchange volatility effects on
exports. There are conflicting arguments in previous studies about the relationship of exchange rate
volatility with international trade. Ritter, J. R. (2003). Behavioral Finance. Pacific-Basin Finance
Journal, 11, 429-437. This approach allows us to parsimoniously capture declining as well as hump-
shaped. The entire effect of the interaction term is negative and statistically significant at 10%. 5.
Conclusions The economic performance of a country depends on the level of international trade. It
was majorly positive for imports for the said period. Hedge Fund Predictability Under the
Magnifying Glass:The Economic Value of Fo. If the option is traded in the market at the same strike
and maturity its market. High productivity growth experienced by some emerging countries in the
sample is the source of a positive correlation between inflation and growth in model 1 and model 2.
The total number of observations for this paper is 154. 4.2. Trends of Exchange Rate Volatility
against International Trade and FDI Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and
Figure 7 depict mixed trends of exchange rate volatility measured with GARCH and TGARCH
models against the contribution of international trade and FDI inflows into the economic growth of
the respective sample countries over the sample period. The International Journal of Business
Management and Technology Final report Final report roshan a Determinants of stock price
movements in nigeria evidence from monetary varia. For countries like Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal,
the exchange rate volatility significantly positively affected international trade, but for countries like
Pakistan, the impact on international trade had significant negative impact While, the exchange rate
volatility measured with TGARCH showed a significant positive impact on international trade for
the countries such as Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal. As it is known, if the sample size is increased, the
final. In this model time dummies are included as a way to mitigate potential cross-sectional
dependency. Derman, E. and Kani, I. (1994). Riding on a smile. Risk, 7, 32-39. Though the
Coefficient of GARCH in a mean term is negative; it produced a singular covariance which by itself
is not unique. Application of taylor principle to lending rate pass through debate in nigeri. Again the
T and F-statistics (6.9,.3.05) are quite substantial. There are several studies focused on the
relationship between exchange rate volatility, international trade and foreign direct investment, taking
into account the connection between trade and capital flows at the international level.
Third, there could be a problem of model misspeci cation, such as inadequate dy-. Journal of
Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). For more information on the journal
statistics, click here. We also estimated a model allowing for separate coe?cients for foreign income,
exchange rate, and the volatility. In the estimation of 149 models Poisson lag distributions for the
time form of foreign income e?ects, only nine. Moreover, international trade also shows a significant
positive effect on FDI as the explanatory variable with both measures of exchange rate volatility. The
authors went further to affirm that exchange rate granger causes average. Aman Vij Effect of dollar
fluctuation on Indian trade. Working with Numbers Marginal Change and Analysis Percentage
Change Elasticity Working with Graphs Relating Two Variables Graphical Representation Graphing
an Equation. The foreign income volatility measures for these four import-. The table above shows
that ECHR including its lagged variable are positively related to ALS in deviation. Susan Pozo (
2001 ) concluded that exchange rate volatility negatively affects FDI by applying GARCH. Journal
of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). International Journal of Management Science
and Business Administration, 6(5), 56-72. How to manage Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
considering the monetary. As a result of this project, trade and investment activities could be
promoted in the host countries. GARCH model has been evaluated as the one with the weakest.
Ajayi and Mougoue (1996) investigate the short-and long- run relationship between stock prices and.
Transfer Pricing of Multinational Corporations and Macroeconomic Volatility. The paper established
a mixed result between the variables under review. CASE Network Studies and Analyses 246 -
Monetary Policy in Transition: Struct. Economic freedom is measured by using the economic
freedom index. Hypothesis 2 (H2). There is a statistically significant negative relationship between
the interaction term of exchange rate volatility and trade openness with economic growth. John
Barkoulas and Franc Klaassen for productive conversations on these issues. On the contrary, it
showed the significant negative impact on FDI for Bhutan and Nepal. Due to liquidity reasons there
was no options data for some Mondays’ that were already included in the. Gross fixed capital
formation (GFCF), Inflation (INF), Trade Openness (OPEN), Domestic credit to the private sector
(DOMCR) Interest rate (INT). Retirement saving with contribution payments and labor income as a
benchmark. An extended gravity model of trade is applied to determine the effect of exchange rate
volatility on bilateral trade flows of EU15 countries. Trade and Foreign Exchange Week 10, Class 1B
Fall 2006 Professor Diamond SCU School of Law.

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