COT - Health 6 - Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III- Central Luzon

Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Moncada South District
Camangaan East, Moncada, Tarlac|

Lesson Plan in Health 6


A. Content Standards

 Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and concerns and the importance of health appraisal procedures and
community resources in preventing or managing them

B. Performance Standards

 Practice self-management skills to prevent and control personal health issues and concerns

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
 Identifies community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a variety of personal health issues and
concerns (H6PH-Id-f-22)


Community Health Resources and Facilities


A. References
MELCs, Self-Learning Module
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 54 – 55
2. Additional Materials from Learning Resource portal

B. Other Learning Materials

pictures, powerpoint presentation

A. Review
Health Appraisal Procedures

1. Match the name of the health/medical test to its picture.


a. Breast Self Examinatiom

1. _________
b. Hearing Test

2. _________ c. Scoliosis Test

3. _________ d. Dental Test

4. _________ e. Height and Weight

5. _________
f. Vision Screening

6. _________

2. Sing the Health Appraisal Procedure song. (tune: “If you’re happy and you know”)

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask: Pupils’ experiences when they undergo health check-ups.

C. Presentation
Community Human Resources
Discuss the role of the human health resources in the community.

1. Dentist – gives dental care by checking the over-all status of teeth and gums in the mouth.

2. Doctor – does physical and medical examination to diagnose or know your diseases or ailments.

3. Nurse - assists the doctor in giving health care.

4. Pediatrician – a specialist in children’s health and diseases.

5. Midwife – offers health services to women during pregnancy and childbirth.

6. Ophthalmologist or eye doctor – treats person with poor eye conditions and diseases.

7. Dermatologist – specializes on skin problems and diseases.

8. Physical therapist – a specialist in muscular disorders.

9. Cardiologist – a specialist in heart diseases.

10. Surgeons – perform operations and other surgical related cases.

Guessing Game: Identify the health facility that is being described then show the picture on the board to know if the answer is right!

1. Hospital - facility for consultation, treatment, surgery and hospitalization needs of patients.

2. Pharmacy - medicines are sold in this store or facility.

3. Dental Clinic - Oral or dental care is being offered in this facility.

4. Birthing Center - This facility provides care to women’s health during pregnancy childbirth and
postpartum (after birth).

5. Laboratory Clinic - tests in blood, urine, stool and saliva as well as x-ray and ultrasound are offered here.

6. Barangay Health Station - Health assessment for the people in barangays or rural areas are being offered
in this facility.

7. School Clinic - This facility offers health care needs to children, teachers, and other personnel in school.

D. Group Activity

Identify five community health issues or problems and concerns in Column A and give the appropriate health resources and
facilities in Columns B and C.


Community Human Resources Facilities

Health Problems
E. Generalization

Community human resources are health care specialists and providers who give needed health services to people.
They are very important because they do check-ups and give advice or counselling to make the patients aware of their health
Community Health facilities are buildings available in a community where human resources perform their duties.


Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is not.

1. Pharmacy is a community facility where medicines are being sold for people’s wellness or medication. _____

2. Surgeon is a specialist in skin problems or diseases. _____

3. School clinic is a facility in the school that gives health care services to pupils, teachers and other personnel in school. _____

4. Dentist is a specialist that treats gums and teeth problems. _____

5. Laboratory tests in blood, urine, stool, saliva, x-ray and ultrasound are offered in barangay health centers or stations. _____

6. Pediatrician is a specialist in children’s health and diseases. _____

7. A midwife offers health services to women during pregnancy and childbirth. _____

8. Hospital is a facility for consultation, treatment, surgery and hospitalization needs of patients. _____

9. A physical therapist is a specialist in muscular disorders who gives hands-on care and prescribed exercises to persons with injuries,
disabilities and other health conditions that need treatment. _____

10. A cardiologist is a specialist in eye conditions and diseases. _____


Conduct an interview with one of your baranggay health workers and ask about his/her unforgettable experience in his/her job.
You don’t have to ask all the personal information of the people involved just include pictorials of your interview. Prepare to share it
in the class.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation _____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation _____
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson _____
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation_____
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted:


Subject Teacher OIC -School Head

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