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Module 1:The Introduction to Thus, we have studied perceptual

Physiological Psychology processes, control of movement, sleep

and waking, reproductive behaviors,
ingestive behaviors, emotional behaviors,
Module 1 Lesson 1:The Biological Roots of learning, and language. In recent years we
Physiological Psychology have begun to study the physiology of
human pathological conditions, such as
Physiology addiction and mental disorders.

● from the Greek word “Physis”, Biological Roots of Physiological

meaning nature or origin and Psychology
“logia” which means Study of A
branch of biology that deals with Rene Descartes’ speculations about the
the workings of the human body. roles of the mind and brain in the control
of behavior provide a good starting point
in the history of physiological psychology.
What is Physiological Psychology

Physiological psychology, biological To Descartes, animals were mechanical

psychology, or behavioral neuroscience is devices; their behavior was controlled by
a field of psychology that connects environmental stimuli. His view of the
behavior and mental processes to bodily human body was much the same: it was a
processes, and to the functions and machine.
actions of the brain. The brain in turn
affects behavior and mind Reactions like this did not require
participation of the mind; they occurred
The Nature of Physiological Psychology automatically. He called them reflexes.

The modern history of physiological Descartes was a duelist; he believed that

psychology has been written by each person possesses a mind – a unique
psychologists who have combined the human attribute that is not subject to
experimental methods of psychology with the laws of the universe.
those of physiology and have applied them
to the issues that concern all He was the first to suggest that a link
psychologists. exists between the human mind and its
purely physical housing, the brain.
He noted that the brain contains hollow Behavioral Change
chambers (the ventricles) that are filled - Change in mating behavior
with fluid, and he hypothesized that this - Motor movement
fluid is under pressure. - Behavioral deficits
In his theory, when the mind decides to
perform an action, it tilts the pineal body Heavy influence of Psychophysics
in a particular direction like a little
joystick, causing fluid to flow from the ● Weber Weber's law
brain into the appropriate set of nerves. ● Fechner
This flow of fluid causes the same ● Psychology begins in 1879
muscles to inflate and move. ● Wilhelm Wundt
● Willian James championed the role
Galvin found that electrical stimulation of of evolution and biology in
a frog’s nerve causes contraction of the understanding psychological
muscle to which it was attached. processes

Contraction occurred even when the Today's Biopsychology

nerve and muscle were detached from the
rest of the body, so the ability of the Behavioral Neuroscience
muscle to contract and the ability of the
nerve to send a message to the muscle Very eclectic, multidisciplinary field
were characteristics of these tissues should not be rigidly defined many parts
themselves. to neuroscience
Thus, the brain did not inflate muscles by
directing pressurized fluid though the Neuroanatomy
nerve. Neurophysiology
Relating Brain and Behavior Neuropharmacology

1. Somatic Intervention Many areas within Biopsychology

Somatic Intervention Mix of pure and applied research

- Administer a hormone Physiological psychology
- Stimulate brain regions Scientific study of brain/ behavior in
- Lesion brain controlled experimental settings
Generally uses animal subjects
Psychopharmacology study of the effect
of drugs on the brain, behavior, and as Use philosophy as a basis for the
well as interactions. understanding of neuroscience

Neuropsychology Comparative Psychology

Generally studies the effects of brain Study of the role of evolution in brain and
damage in humans behavior

Deals with clinical populations Comparison of behaviors of different

species of animals with attention to the
Gathers information via case-studies phylogenetic and ecological context

Works towards treatment Includes laboratory research as well as

the study of animals in their natural
Cognitive Neuroscience cross between environments (ethology)
cognitive psychology and physiological
psychology Psychoneuroimmunology

Experimental exploration of human is the study of the interactions between

cognition and the physiological processes the brain and the immune system/
involved endocrine system in regulating behavior

E.g., fMRI analysis of attention Examples

● Illness and stress
E.g., Event-related potentials and ● Wound healing is much slower in
dreaming psychologically stressed adults
● Placebo effects
the interdisciplinary study of
neuroscience and philosophy

Works both ways

Use neuroscience results to understand

philosophy E.g., Dennett
Module 1 Lesson 2: The Nerve Cells and Types of neurons
Nerve Impulses
Neurons are the nerve cells, the
Two Kinds of Cells of the Nervous structural and functional units of the
System nervous system.

1. Neurons receive information and They conduct impulses that enable the
transmit it to other cells. body to interact with its internal and
external environments.
The adult human brain contains
approximately 86 billion neurons, on There are various types of neurons. The
average (Herculano-Houzel, Catania, tissues that support the nerve cells are
Manger, & Kaas, 2015). called neuroglia (nur ROH glee ah).

The exact number varies from person to The motor neurons usually have one axon
person. and several dendrites.

2. Glia (or neuroglia), the other The axon is covered with an insulating
components of the nervous system. fatty layer called a myelin sheath, and
transmits signals a long distance from the
The term glia, derived from a Greek word neuron to the area to be activated.
meaning “glue,” reflects early
investigators’ idea that glia were like glue Dendrites are short and unsheathed.
that held the neurons together.
1. Motor neurons cause muscle
Glia outnumber neurons in the cerebral contractions and control secretions from
cortex, but neurons outnumber glia in glands and organs… controlling body
several other brain areas, especially the functions.
cerebellum (Herculano-Houzel et al.,
2015; Khakh & Sofroniew, 2015). Overall, 2. Sensory neurons do not have true
the numbers are almost equal dendrites. They are attached to sensory
receptors and transmit impulses to the
central nervous system, which then
stimulate the interneurons, and then
motor neurons.
A bundle of nerve fibers is simply called

AFFERENT nerves conduct impulses to

SENSORY NEURONS the central nervous system;

EFFERENT nerves conduct impulses to

the muscles, organs, and glands.

Types of glia

3. Interneurons are located entirely

1. The star-shaped astrocytes wrap
within the central nervous system. They
around the synapses of functionally
intercept the impulses from the sensory
related axons.
neurons and transmit the signals to the
motor neurons.
By surrounding a connection between
neurons, an astrocyte shields it from
Nerve fibers
chemicals circulating in the surrounding
(Nedergaard & Verkhatsky, 2012).
Schwann cells, only found on peripheral
nerves which can regenerate
Also, by taking up the ions and
transmitters released by axons and then
Myelin sheath, a fatty layer of insulation
releasing them back, an astrocyte helps
on some nerve fibers
synchronize closely related neurons,
enabling their axons to send mes- sages in
The axon that transmits the message
waves (Martín, Bajo-Grañeras, Moratalla,
Perea, & Araque, 2015).

There are no Schwann cells on nerve

Astrocytes are therefore important for
fibers in the central nervous system,
generating rhythms, such as your rhythm
therefore damage to those nerve fibers
of breathing (Morquette et al., 2015).
is not reversible.
Astrocytes dilate the blood vessels to
bring more nutrients into brain areas that They proliferate after brain damage,
have heightened activity (Filosa et al., removing dead or damaged neurons
2006; Takano et al., 2006). (Brown & Neher, 2014).

A possible role in information processing They also contribute to learning by

is also likely but less certain. removing the weakest synapses (Zhan et
al., 2014).
According to a popular hypothesis known
as the tripartite synapse, 3. Oligodendrocytes

● The tip of an axon releases (OL-i-go-DEN-druh-sites) in the brain

chemicals that cause the and spinal cord and Schwann cells in the
neighboring astrocyte to release periphery of the body build the myelin
chemicals of its own, thus sheaths that surround and insulate
magnifying or modifying the certain vertebrate axons.
message to the next neuron (Ben
Achour & Pascual, 2012). They also supply an axon with nutrients
necessary for proper functioning (Y. Lee
This process is a possible contributor to et al., 2012).
learning and memory (De Pitta, Brunel, &
Volterra, 2016). 4. Radial glia guide the migration of
neurons and their axons and dendrites
In some brain areas, astrocytes also during embryonic development.
respond to hormones and thereby
influence neurons (Kim et al., 2014). When embryological development
finishes, most radial glia differentiate
In short, astrocytes are active partners into neurons, and a smaller number
of neurons in many ways. differentiate into astrocytes and
oligodendrocytes (Pinto & Götz, 2007).
2. Microglia

Tiny cells called microglia act as part of

the immune system, removing viruses and
fungi from the brain.
The Blood–Brain Barrier
The Blood–Brain Barrier
The brain, like any other organ,
needs to receive nutrients from the However, certain viruses do cross
blood, many chemicals cannot cross from the blood–brain barrier (Kristensson,
the blood to the brain (Hagenbuch, Gao, & 2011).
Meier, 2002).
What happens then? When the rabies
The mechanism that excludes most virus evades the blood–brain barrier, it
chemicals from the vertebrate brain is infects the brain and leads to death.
known as the blood–brain barrier.
The spirochete responsible for syphilis
also penetrates the blood–brain barrier,
Why Do We Need Blood–Brain Barrier? producing long-lasting and potentially
fatal consequences.
When a virus invades a cell,
mechanisms within the cell extrude virus The microglia are more effective
particles through the membrane so that against several other viruses that enter
the immune system can find them. the brain, mounting an inflammatory
response that fights the virus with- out
When the immune system cells discover a killing the neuron (Ousman & Kubes,
virus, they kill it and the cell that 2012).
contains it.
This response may control the
This plan works fine if the virus without eliminating it.
virus-infected cell is a skin cell or a blood
cell, which the body replaces easily. When the chickenpox virus enters spinal
cord cells, virus particles remain there
To minimize the risk of irreparable brain long after they have been exterminated
damage, the body lines the brain’s blood from the rest of the body.
vessels with tightly packed cells that
keep out most viruses, bacteria, and The virus may emerge from the spinal
harmful chemicals. cord decades later, causing a painful
condition called shingles.
Similarly, the virus responsible for genital Those useful chemicals include all fuels
herpes hides in the nervous system, and amino acids, the building blocks for
producing little harm there but proteins.
periodically emerging to cause new genital
infections. For these chemicals to cross the
blood–brain barrier, the brain needs
Most large molecules and electrically special mechanisms not found in the rest
charged molecules cannot cross from the of the body.
blood to the brain.
No special mechanism is required for
A few small, uncharged molecules such as small, uncharged molecules such as
O2 and CO2 cross easily, as can certain oxygen and carbon dioxide that cross
fat-soluble molecules. Active transport through cell walls freely. Also, molecules
systems pump glucose and amino acids that dissolve in the fats of the membrane
across the membrane. cross easily.

How the Blood–Brain Barrier Works Examples include vitamins A and D and all
the drugs that affect the brain—from
The blood–brain barrier depends on the antidepressants and other psychiatric
endothelial cells that form the walls of drugs to illegal drugs such as heroin.
the capillaries (Bundgaard, 1986;
Rapoport & Robinson, 1986). How fast a drug takes effect depends
largely on how readily it dissolves in fats
Outside the brain, such cells are and therefore crosses the blood– brain
separated by small gaps, but in the brain, barrier.
they are joined so tightly that they block
viruses, bacteria, and other harmful For certain other chemicals, the brain
chemicals from passage. uses active transport, a protein-mediated
process that expends energy to pump
“If the blood–brain barrier is such a good chemicals from the blood into the brain.
defense,” you might ask, “why don’t we
have similar walls around all our other Chemicals that are actively transported
organs?” into the brain include glucose (the brain’s
main fuel), amino acids (the building
The answer is that the barrier keeps out blocks of proteins), purines, choline, a
useful chemicals as well as harmful ones.
few vitamins, and iron (Abbott, Rönnback, Because metabolizing glucose requires
& Hansson, 2006; Jones & Shusta, 2007). oxygen, neurons need a steady supply of
Insulin and probably certain other
hormones also cross the blood–brain Although the human brain constitutes
barrier, at least in small amounts, only about 2 percent of the body’s
although the mechanism is not yet known weight, it uses about 20 percent of its
(Gray, Meijer, & Barrett, 2014; McNay, oxygen and 25 percent of its glucose
2014). (Bélanger, Allaman, & Magistretti, 2011).

The blood–brain barrier is essential to Why do neurons depend so heavily on

health. In people with Alzheimer’s disease glucose?
or similar conditions, the endothelial cells
lining the brain’s blood vessels shrink, and They can and sometimes do use ketones
harmful chemicals enter the brain (Zipser (a kind of fat) and lactate for fuel.
et al., 2007). However, glucose is the only nutrient that
crosses the blood–brain barrier in large
However, the barrier poses a difficulty quantities.
for treating brain cancers, because nearly
all the drugs used for chemotherapy fail Although neurons require glucose, glucose
to cross the blood–brain barrier. shortage is rarely a problem, except
during starvation.
Nourishment of Vertebrate Neurons
The liver makes glucose from many kinds
Most cells use a variety of carbohydrates of carbohydrates and amino acids, as well
and fats for nutrition, but vertebrate as from glycerol, a breakdown product
neurons depend almost entirely on from fats.
glucose, a sugar.
A more likely problem is an inability to
(Cancer cells and the testis cells that use glucose. To use glucose, the body
make sperm also rely overwhelmingly on needs vitamin B1, thiamine. Prolonged
glucose.) thiamine deficiency, common in chronic
alcoholism, leads to death of neurons and
a condition called Korsakoff’s syndrome,
marked by severe memory impairments.
The all-or-none law: For any stimulus
Nerve Impulses greater than the threshold, the
amplitude and velocity of the action
The action potential transmits potential are independent of the size of
information without loss of intensity over the stimulus that initiated it.
distance. The cost is a delay between the
stimulus and its arrival in the brain. When the membrane is sufficiently
depolarized to reach the cell’s threshold,
The inside of a resting neuron has a sodium and potassium channels open.
negative charge with respect to the Sodium ions enter rapidly, reducing and
outside, mainly because of negatively reversing the charge across the
charged proteins inside the neuron. membrane.

The sodium–potassium pump moves sodium This event is known as the action
ions out of the neuron, and potassium ions potential.
After the peak of the action potential,
When the membrane is at rest, both the the membrane returns toward its original
electrical gradient and the concentration level of polarization because of the
gradient would act to move sodium ions outflow of potassium ions.
into the cell, except that its gates are
closed. The action potential is regenerated at
successive points along the axon as
The electrical gradient tends to move sodium ions flow through the core of the
potassium ions into the cell, but the axon and stimulate the next point along
concentration gradient tends to move it the axon to its threshold.
The action potential maintains a constant
The two forces almost balance out, but magnitude as it passes along the axon.
not quite, leaving a net tendency for
potassium to exit the cell. In axons that are covered with myelin,
action potentials form only in the nodes
that separate myelinated segments.
Transmission in myelinated axons is Module 1 Lesson 3: The Synapses
faster than in unmyelinated axons.
Historical Background:
Immediately after an action potential,
the membrane enters a refractory period Ramón y Cajal (1800)
during which it is resistant to starting ● Anatomically demonstrated
another action potential. a narrow gap separating one
neuron from another.
Local neurons are small, with no axon.
They convey information over short Charles Scott Sherrington (1906)
distances. ● Physiologically
demonstrated that
Contrary to a popular belief, people use communication between one
all of their brain, not some smaller neuron and the next differs
percentage. from communication along a
single axon.
Propagation of an action potential
● He inferred a specialized
As an action potential occurs at one point gap between neurons and
on the axon, enough sodium enters to introduced the term
depolarize the next point to its synapse to describe it.
threshold, producing an action potential
at that point. Cajal and Sherrington
● are regarded as the great
In this manner the action potential flows pioneers of modern
along the axon, remaining at equal neuroscience, and their
strength throughout. nearly simultaneous
discoveries supported each
Behind each area of sodium entry, other: If communication
potassium ions exit, restoring the resting between neurons is special
potential. in some way, then there can
be no doubt that neurons
are anatomically separate
from one another.
● Sherrington’s discovery was an of the earliest, most primitive animals,
amazing feat of scientific apparently have only one
reasoning, as he used behavioral neurotransmitter, glutamate (Moroz et
observations to infer the major al., 2014).
properties of synapses half a
century before researchers had Most of the rest of the animal kingdom
the technology to measure those has all or nearly all of the same
properties directly. transmitters that humans have.

The oddest transmitter is nitric oxide

Types of Neurotransmitters (chemical formula NO), a gas released by
many small local neurons. (Do not con-
● Amino Acids fuse nitric oxide, NO, with nitrous oxide,
○ glutamate, GABA, glycine, N2O, sometimes known as “laughing gas.”)
aspartate, maybe others Nitric oxide is poisonous in large
A Modified Amino Acid quantities and difficult to make in a
laboratory. Yet, many neurons contain an
Acetylcholine Monoamines (also modified enzyme that enables them to make it
from amino acids) indoleamines: serotonin efficiently.
catecholamines: dopamine,
norepinephrine, epinephrine Many neurons release nitric oxide when
they are stimulated. In addition to
Neuropeptides (chains of amino acids) influencing other neurons, nitric oxide
endorphins, substance P, neuropeptide Y, dilates the nearby blood vessels, thereby
many others Purines ATP, adenosine, increasing blood flow to that brain area
maybe others Gases NO (nitric oxide), (Dawson, Gonzalez-Zulueta, Kusel, &
maybe others Dawson, 1998).

At a synapse, a neuron releases chemicals

that affect another neuron. Those Synthesis of Transmitters
chemicals are known as
neurotransmitters. A hundred or so Neurons synthesize nearly all
chemicals are known or suspected to be neurotransmitters from amino acids,
neu- rotransmitters, as shown in Table 2.1 which the body obtains from proteins in
(Borodinsky et al., 2004). Ctenophores the diet. Examples are;
(see Figure 2.12), possibly representative
The Acetylcholine, is synthesized from inactive chemicals, thereby preventing
choline, which is abundant in milk, eggs, the transmit- ters to accumulating to
and peanuts. harmful levels. The first antidepressant
drugs that psychiatrists discovered were
The amino acids phenylalanine and MAO inhibitors. By blocking MAO, they
tyrosine, present in proteins, are increase the brain’s supply of serotonin,
precursors of dopamine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
and epinephrine.
However, MAO inhibitors also have other
People with phenylketonuria lack the effects, and exactly how they help
enzyme that converts phenylalanine to relieve depression is still not certain.
tyrosine. They can get tyrosine from
their diet, but they need to minimize Release and Diffusion of Transmitters
intake of phenylalanine, because
excessive phenylalanine would accumulate At the end of an axon, an action potential
and damage the brain. itself does not release the
neurotransmitter. Rather, depolarization
Storage of Neurotransmitter opens voltage- dependent calcium gates in
the presynaptic terminal.
Most neurotransmitters are synthesized
in the presynaptic terminal, near the Within 1 or 2 milliseconds (ms) after
point of release. calcium enters the terminal, it causes
exocytosis—bursts of release of
The presynaptic terminal stores high neurotransmitter from the presynaptic
concentrations of neurotransmitter neuron.
molecules in vesicles, tiny nearly spherical
packets. An action potential often fails to release
any transmitters, and even when it does,
The presynaptic terminal also maintains the amount varies(Craig & Boudin, 2001.
much neurotransmitter outside the
After its release from the presynaptic
Neurons that release serotonin, cell, the neurotrans- mitter diffuses
dopamine, or norepinephrine contain an across the synaptic cleft to the
enzyme, MAO (monoamine oxidase), that postsynaptic membrane, where it
breaks down these transmitters into attaches to a receptor.
Stimulation at a synapse produces a brief
The neurotransmitter takes no more than graded potential in the postsynaptic cell.
0.01 ms to diffuse across the cleft, which An excitatory graded potential
is only 20 to 30 nanometers (nm) wide. (depolarization) is an EPSP.
An inhibitory graded potential
The synapse is the point of (hyperpolarization) is an IPSP.
communication between two neurons.
An EPSP occurs when gates open to allow
Charles S. Sherrington’s observations of sodium to enter the neuron’s mem- brane.
reflexes enabled him to infer the
existence of synapses and many of their An IPSP occurs when gates open to allow
properties. potassium to leave or chloride to enter.

Because transmission through a reflex The EPSPs on a neuron compete with the
arc is slower than transmission through IPSPs; the balance between the two
an equivalent length of axon, Sherrington increases or decreases the neuron’s
concluded that some process at the frequency of action potentials.
synapses delays transmission.

Graded potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs)

summate their effects.

The summation of graded potentials from

stimuli at different times is temporal

The summation of potentials from

different locations is spatial summation.

Inhibition is more than just the absence

of excitation. It is an active brake that
suppresses excitation. For effective
functioning of the nervous system,
inhibition is just as important as
From ppt: Correlation

Study of Biological Bases of Behavior Brain size Learning Score

Hormone Levels Mating Behavior

● Brain and behavior are two of the
most interesting subjects of
scientific research; Enlarged cerebral ventricles
Schizophrenic symptoms

● Biopsychology focuses on the

relation between them.
Characterized by an Eclectic Approach

Somatic Intervention
Biopsychology uses an eclectic
combination of theories and research
Administer Hormone Change in
from many different areas (psychology,
mating behavior
biology, physiology, pharmacology, and
anatomy) to better describe, understand
Stimulate brain regions Motor and predict behavior.

What is Neuroscience?
Lesion Brain Behavioral deficits
● Until the middle of the last
century, the brain was studied
Behavior Intervention primarily by philosophers;

Change in Brain Hormone Put male ● Since then, it has been subjected

with a female rat more and more to scientific study.

● Neuroscience is the study of the

Neurons Fire Presents a visual
nervous system;

● It includes many different

Brain morphology changes Training approaches such as:
Neuroanatomy, neurophysiology,
neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology,
neuropharmacology, and neuropathology.

The study of the structure of the

nervous system.


The study of the chemical bases of neural



The study of interactions between the

nervous system and endocrine system.


The study of nervous system disorders.


The study of the effects of drugs on

neural activity.


The study of the functions and activities

of the nervous system.
(From PPT) ● This barrier is a consequence of
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) the special structure of cerebral
blood vessels; however, it does not
The colorless fluid that fills the impede the passage of all large
subarachnoid space, the central canal and molecules since some of them are
the cerebral ventricles of the brain. critical for normal brain
functioning like glucose.
- Central canal - small central ● Many CNS disorders are
channel which runs the length of associated with impairment of the
the spinal cord. blood-brain barrier.
- Cerebral ventricles - four large
internal chambers of the brain: Cells of the Nervous System
two lateral ventricles, third ● Neurons - cells that are
ventricle and fourth ventricle. specialized for the reception,
conduction and transmission of
electrochemical signals.
● Supportive cells - cells that hold
neural circuits together and
absorb dead cells and other

- Glial cells or neuroglia - cells which

provide physical and functional
support to the CNS.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

- Satellite cells - cells which provide
● Hydrocephalus (water head) -
physical and functional support to
build up of CSF in the ventricles
the PNS.
thereby causing the walls of the
ventricles and the brain to expand.
Types of Glial/ Satellite Cells

Blood-Brain Barrier
● Oligodendroglia/ Oligodendrocytes
● It is the mechanism that impedes
- are glial cells with extensions
the passage of many toxic
that wrap around the axons of
substances from the blood into
some neurons of the CNS;
the brain;
● These extensions are rich in course through the brain; they
myelin (a fatty insulating also make contact with neuron cell
substance) bodies;
○ They play a role in allowing
● Schwann cells - performs similar the passage of some
function as oligodendrocytes in chemicals from the blood
the PNS; into CNS neurons and in
blocking other chemicals.
● Each Schwann cell constitutes one
myelin segment and can guide ● Ependymal cells or ependymocytes
axonal regeneration (regrowth) - line the cavities of the CNS and
make up the wall of the ventricles.
● Microglia - the third class of the They also secrete CSF and beat
glial cells; are smaller than other their cilia for its circulation;
glia - thus their name; ● Are the glial cells that make up
the ependyma, the membrane that
● They respond to injury or disease lines the ventricles of the brain
by multiplying, engulfing cellular and the central canal of the spinal
debris, and triggering cord.
inflammatory responses;

● Microglia travel independently, not Different Types of Neuron

attached to any structure,
constantly circling a territory with ● Afferent or sensory neurons
extended arms repeatedly tapping (unipolar) - These nerve cells
all axons, dendrites and synapses convey messages from the sense
looking to detect any suboptimal organs of the brain.
● Efferent or motor neurons
● Astroglia/ Astrocytes - a fourth (multipolar) - These nerve cells
class of glial cells; they are the convey messages from the brain to
largest glial cells and they are so the glands and muscles.
named because they are
star-shaped (astron means star); ● Interneurons (bipolar) - These
its extension cover the outer nerve cells carry impulses from
surfaces of blood vessels that one neuron to another.
Components of a Neuron Anatomical Directions

● Axon - the long, narrow process ● Dorsal = top/ superior

that projects from the cell body. ● Ventral = bottom/ inferior

● Axon hillock - the cone-shaped ● Anterior = front/ rostral

region at the junction between the ● Posterior = back
axon and the cell body.
● Medial = middle
● Myelin sheath - the fatty ● Lateral = sides
insulation around many axons which
speeds up the transmission of

● Nodes of Ranvier - the gaps

between sections of myelin.

● Terminal buttons - the button-like

endings of the axon branches
which release chemicals into

● Synapses - the gaps between

adjacent neurons across which
chemical signals are transmitted.
Anatomical Planes ○ White Matter - glossy
white area surrounding the
● Horizontal Plane gray matter which is largely
○ Divides the brain to dorsal composed of myelinated
and ventral sections. motor and sensory neurons.

● Coronal Plane
○ Divides the brain to
anterior and posterior

● Sagittal Plane
○ Divides the brain to the
left and right hemisphere.

Spinal Cord
● It is a long, thin, tubular bundle of
● The human spinal cord is divided
nervous tissue and support cells
into 31 different segments:
that extends from the brain.
- Cervical (8 pairs)
● It is comprised of two different
- Thoracic (12 pairs)
- Lumbar (5 pairs)
○ Gray Matter - an inner
- Sacral (5 pairs)
H-shaped core that is
- Coccygeal (1 pair)
largely composed of cell
bodies and unmyelinated
motor neurons and
Cranial Nerves Mnemonics

● Cranial Nerves
- Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And
Feel A Vintage Green
Velvet, Simply Heaven

- Olfactory
- Optic
- Oculomotor
- Trochlear
- Trigeminal
- Abducens
- Facial
- Auditory-Vestibulocochlear
- Glossopharyngeal
- Vagus
- Spinal
Cranial Nerves - Hypoglossal

● The cranial nerves are 12 pairs of

nerves that can be seen on the ● Cranial Nerve Functions
ventral surface of the brain. - Some Says Marry Money But My
Brother Says Big Brains Matter
● Some of these nerves bring Most
information from the sense organs
to the brain; other cranial nerves ● S = Sensory
are connected to glands or internal ● M = Motor
organs such as the heart and lungs. ● B = Both Sensory & Motor
Major Divisions of the Brain

● It is also known as the medulla
oblongata which is the most
posterior division of the brain.
● Reticular formation is also
referred to as reticular activating
system because part of it play a
role in arousal;

Forebrain: Metencephalon
Telencephalon, Diencephalon ● Pons - serves as a bridge which
connects the two hemispheres at
Midbrain: the hindbrain level. It holds the
Mesencephalon pneumotaxic center, a nuclei which
regulates the change from
Hindbrain: Metencephalon, inspiration to expiration.
● Cerebellum - a large, convoluted motor signals before they go to
structure on the brain stem’s the cerebral cortex.
dorsal surface.
It also has a role in the regulation
It is an important sensorimotor of sleep, consciousness and
structure responsible for motor alertness.
control, coordination, precision and
accurate timing and some cognitive ● Subthalamus - a small lens-shaped
functions such as language and nucleus in the forebrain which acts
memory. as a pacemaker for the basal
● Tectum or corpora quadrigemina
○ Inferior colliculi ● Hypothalamus - an almond-sized
○ Superior colliculi structure in the forebrain which
plays an important role in the
● Tegmentum regulation of emotions and
○ Periaqueductal gray (for motivated behaviors.
pain and defensive
behavior) ● Epithalamus - acts as a connector
between the limbic system and the
○ Substantia nigra (for other parts of the brain.
reward, addiction and
movement), ● Pituitary gland - a pea-sized
structure in the brain which
○ Red nucleus (for motor regulates homeostasis.
*Homeostasis is defined as a
Diencephalon self-regulating process by which a living
● It is made of five distinct areas; organism can maintain internal stability
the thalamus, subthalamus, while adjusting to changing external
hypothalamus, epithalamus and conditions.
pituitary gland.

● Thalamus - large two-lobed

structure which acts as the last
relay center for sensory and
● Parts of the Limbic System:
● Cerebrum or Cerebral cortex - a - Amygdala - almond-shaped
layer of convoluted tissue which nucleus that is responsible
covers the cerebral hemispheres. for emotional associations.

● Four lobes of the cerebral cortex: - Hippocampus - responsible

- Frontal - mainly responsible for formation of long-term
for the executive functions memories and maintenance
of the brain. of cognitive maps.

- Parietal - responsible for - Cingulate cortex - has

visuospatial processing, autonomic functions such as
manipulation of objects and regulating heart rate, blood
integration of sensory pressure and cognitive and
information from different attentional processing.
parts of the body.
- Mamillary body - involved in
- Temporal - responsible for formation of memory
auditory perception and
processing of semantics in
both speech and vision.

- Occipital - visual processing

center of the brain.

● Limbic System - a circuit of

midline structures that circle the
thalamus and is responsible for
the regulation of motivated
(From PPT) ○ Glycine (proteins)
Neurotransmitter deactivation ○ GABA
■ Gamma Amino
● If nothing intervened, a Butyric Acid
neurotransmitter molecule would ● Inhibitory
remain active in the synapse. neurotransmi
tter of the
● There are two mechanisms which brain
can terminate synaptic messages
and keep that from happening - ● Binds to
reuptake and enzymatic either GABA
degradation. (A) or GABA


● Small molecule neurotransmitters
○ Released in a pulse each NOREPINEPHRINE
time an action potential ● Energy
triggers a momentary influx ● Alertness
of Ca2+ ions (presynaptic ● Concentration
● Neuropeptides ● Memory
○ Released gradually in ● Obsession
response to general ● Compulsion
increases in the level of
intracellular. DOPAMINE
● Pleasure
● Reward
Amino Acids N ● Motivation
● Drive
● Directed synapses in the CNS
○ Glutamate (proteins) ● Impulse
■ Excitatory N ● Anxiety
○ Aspartate (proteins) ● Irritability
NOREPINEPHRINE + DOPAMINE Soluble - gas neurotransmitters
● Attention These are also called unconventional
● Sex ● Nitric Oxide (NO) - a signaling
● Appetite molecule which can inhibit smooth
● Aggression muscle contraction and promote
adaptive relaxation and localized
vasodilation. It is also critical for
The Monoamines penile erection.
● Metabolized by MAO enzymes ● Carbon monoxide (CO) - a
● NOREPINEPHRINE (NE) neurotransmitter involved in
○ Excitatory transmitter of memory and learning. It also
the brain and smooth appears to mediate ejaculation.
(High Energy = Adrenaline Rush!!!)
● DOPAMINE (DOPA) ● It is a neurotransmitter
○ Receptors are D(1) ad D(2) responsible for neuromuscular
(brain) junctions and also plays a role in
(High Dopamine = High Desire 50% in the memory and other cognitive
GIT) functions.
● It is the only neurotransmitter
● SEROTONIN (SE, 5-HT) used in the motor (efferent)
○ Released from inhibitory division of the somatic nervous
neurons system.
○ Stimulates either 5-HT(1),
or 5-HT(2) receptors Neuropeptides
(High 5HT = High Temp. (Hyperthermia) ● Endorphins - an opioid peptide that
or induce sleep, can produce analgesia and feelings
of well-being. It is produced by
Low 5HT = Low Mood (Depression) 90% in the pituitary gland and
the GIT) hypothalamus during exercise,
excitement, pain, consumption of
spicy food, love and orgasm.
● Secretin - a neuropeptide which is
● Substance P - associated with pain involved in the regulation of body
perception, regulation of anxiety energy homeostasis. This
and stress, reinforcement and neurochemical also has an
neurogenesis. anorectic effect and has been
proposed as a treatment to autism.
● Neuropeptide Y - associated with
increasing food intake, storage of ● Prolactin - a hormone and a
fat as energy, reducing anxiety neurotransmitter which facilitates
and stress, reducing pain the production of milk in the
perception and affecting circadian mammary glands. This is also
rhythm. involved in the care of one's
● Corticotropin - a neuropeptide
which directs the body’s response ● Neurotensin - a neuropeptide
to many forms of stress. This which induces a variety of effects
neurotransmitter can suppress like analgesia, hypothermia and
appetite, increase subjective increased locomotor activity. This
feelings of anxiety and boost is also involved in the regulation of
affection. dopamine pathways.

● Oxytocin - a hormone and

neurotransmitter which plays a Research Methods in Biopsychology
huge role in pair bonding. This is
also associated with social Methods to study the Nervous System
recognition and maternal ● Brain Imaging & Brain Stimulation
behaviors. Techniques in Living Humans
● Psychophysiological Techniques
● Vasopressin - a neuropeptide which ● Invasive Physiological Methods
plays a big role in social behavior, ● Neuropharmacological Methods
sexual motivation, bonding, and ● Genetic Engineering
maternal response to stress.
Behavioral Methods in Biopsychology Computed Tomography
● Neuropsychological Testing ● A computer assisted x-ray
● Behavioral Methods in Cognitive procedure that can be used to
Neuroscience visualize the brain and other
● Animal Behavior Paradigms internal structures of the living
● An x-ray scanner is rotated 1
Imaging & Stimulating the living brain degree at a time over 180 degrees.
● Contrast X-rays ● Horizontal sections
○ Cerebral angiography ● Reveal structural abnormalities,
● Computed tomography (CT) such as cortical atrophy or lesions
● Magnetic Resonance Imaging caused by a store or trauma.
● Positron Emission Tomography Radioactivity Based Technique
● Functional MRI (fMRI) Positron Emission Tomography
● Magnetoencephalography (MEG) ● Was the first brain-imaging
● Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation technique to provide images of
(TMS) brain activity (functional brain
images) rather than images of
brain structure (structural brain
X-ray Based Techniques images).
● Radioactive fluorodeoxyglucose
Contrast X-ray (FDg) is infected into the
● Involve injecting into one patient’s carotid artery (an artery
compartment of the body a off the neck that feeds the
substance that absorbs x-rays ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere).
either less than or more than the ● Each PET scan is merely a colored
surrounding tissue. map of the amount of radioactivity
● The injected substance then in each of the tiny cubic voxels
heightens the contrast between (volume pixels) that compose the
the compartment and the scan.
surrounding during x-ray
● MRI provides clearer images of
the brain than does CT.


● Advantages of MRI
○ No ionizing radiation
○ Better spatial resolution
○ Horizontal, Frontal or
Sagittal planes

● Disadvantages
○ Cost
○ Non ferrous metal!

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans

● A strong magnetic field causes
hydrogen atoms to align in the
same orientation.
● The MRI scanner is tuned to
detect radiation emitted from
the hydrogen molecules.
● Computer reconstructs image
○ It can be used to produce
Functional MRI three-dimensional images
● Produces images representing the of activity over the entire
increase in oxygen flow in the brain.
blood to active areas of the brain.
● Functional MRI is possible because ● PET and fMRI have allowed
of two attributes of oxygenated cognitive neuroscientists to create
blood: images of brain activity while
○ Active areas of the brain volunteers are engaging in
take up more oxygenated particular cognitive activities.
blood than they need for ● These kinds of studies of brain
their energy requirements, activity and cognition all have the
and thus oxygenated blood same shortcoming; they can be
accumulates in active areas used to show a correlation
of the brain. between brain activity and
○ Second, oxygenated blood cognitive activity, but they can’t
has magnetic properties prove that the brain activity
that influence the caused the cognitive activity
radio-frequency waves (Sack, 2006).
emitted by hydrogen atoms
in an MRI. Transcranial Stimulation
● The signal recorded by fMRI is
called the BOLD signal (the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
blood-oxygen-level-dependent ● Is a technique that can be used to
signal). turn off an area of human cortex
by creating a magnetic field under
a coil positioned next to the skull;
● Advantages over PET: ● The magnetic stimulation
○ Nothing has to be injected temporarily turns off part of the
into the volunteer; brain while the effects of the
○ It provides both structural disruption on cognition and
and functional information behavior are assessed.
in the same age; ● TMS is often employed to
○ Its spatial resolution is circumvent the difficulty that
better; and brain imaging determining
causation studies have in
● A technique that can be used to Lesion methods - a part of the brain is
stimulate (“turn on”) an area of damaged, destroyed, or inactivated; then
the cortex by applying an the behavior of the subject is carefully
electrical current through two assessed in an effort to determine the
electrodes placed directly on the functions of lesioned structure.
scalp. ● Four types of lesions: aspiration
● The electrical stimulation lesions, radiofrequency lesions,
temporarily increases activity in knife cuts, and reversible lesions.
part of the brain while the effects
of the stimulation on cognition and Electrical stimulation - is usually
behavior are assessed. delivered across the two tips of a bipolar
electrode - two insulated wires wound
tightly together and cut at the end.
Psychophysiological Measures
● Measures of brain activity Invasive electrophysiological recording
○ Scalp EEG and methods - an intracellular unit recording,
magnetoencephalography extracellular unit recording, multiple-unit
recording, and invasive EEG recording.
● Measures of somatic nervous
system activity
○ Muscle tension and eye Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
This test uses new recall procedures to
● Measures of autonomic nervous assess visual-motor memory and provide a
system activity more comprehensive assessment of
○ Skin conductance and visual-motor skills.
cardiovascular activity.
The Bender-Gestalt II includes
supplemental tests of simple motor and
Invasive Physiological Methods in Non perceptual ability that helps identify
humans specific visual-motor deficits.

Stereotaxic Surgery - is the means by This test can also be used to assess
which experimental devices are precisely neurological damage and emotional
positioned in the depths of the brain. disorders.
This assessment is suitable for individuals ● This approach proved
three and older. unsuccessful, in large part because
no single test could be developed
that would be sensitive to all the
Neurological Testing varied and complex psychological
The results of neuropsychological testing symptoms that could potentially
can help brain-damaged patients in three occur in a brain-damaged patient.
important ways:
Standardized-test-Battery Approach
1. By assisting in the diagnosis of ● Grew out of the failures of the
neural disorders, particularly in single-test approach, and by the
cases in which brain imaging, EEG, 1960s, it was predominant.
and neurological testing have
proved equivocal; ● The objective stayed the same -
2. By serving as a basis for to identify brain-damaged patients
counseling and caring for the - but testing involved standardized
patients; and batteries (sets) of tests rather
3. By providing a basis for than a single test.
objectively evaluating the ○ Halstead-Reitan
effectiveness of a treatment or Neuropsychological Test
the seriousness of its side Battery - most widely used
effects. standardized test battery.

Modern Approaches Neuropsychological Customized-test-Battery Approach

Testing ● Began to be used routinely in a few
elite neuropsychological research
Single-test Approach institutions in the 1960s.
● Goal: to discriminate between ● It now predominates in both the
patients with psychological research laboratory and the
problems resulting from structural neurological ward.
brain damage and those with ● The objective of current
psychological problems resulting neuropsychological testing is not
from functional, rather than merely to identify patients with
structural, changes to the brain. brain damage, but to characterize
the nature of the psychological
deficits of each brain-damaged Inhibitory neurotransmitters
patient. = block or prevent the chemical message
from being passed along any farther.

= Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),

glycine and serotonin are examples of
The 10 tests in HRB inhibitory neurotransmitters
● Category test
● Tactual performance test
● Rhythm test B.F. Skinner
● Finger-oscillation test ● Operant conditioning, or
● Speech sounds perception test instrumental conditioning, is a
● Trail making test theory of learning where behavior
● Critical flicker frequency is influenced by its consequences.
● Aphasia screening test
● Time sense test ● Behavior that is reinforced
● Sensory-perceptual test (rewarded) will likely be repeated,
and behavior that is punished will
Common Neuropsychological Test occur less frequently.
● Intelligence
● Memory Ivan Pavlov (Physiologist)
● Language
● Language Lateralization, etc. ● Classical conditioning (also known
as Pavlovian or respondent
conditioning) is learned through
association and was discovered by
Pavlov, a Russian physiologist.

● In simple terms, two stimuli are

linked together to produce a new
learned response in a person or
Module 3 Lesson 1.pptx ○ fibers that fuse together
at points
LESSON 1: THE CONTROL AND ○ somewhat between smooth
MECHANISM OF MOVEMENT and skeletal muscles

MUSCLES AND THEIR MOVEMENTS ● Myasthenia Gravis is autoimmune

● Smooth muscles control internal disease
organs ○ immune system anti-bodies
○ long thin cells attack acetylcholine
● Skeletal or striated muscles
control movement of body in ○ weakness and rapid fatigue
relation to the environment of muscles because motor
○ long cylindrical with stripes neurons can’t constantly
produce maximum
○ neuromuscular junction: acetylcholine
synapse of motor neuron
with muscle fiber ○ treated by drugs that
■ axons release inhibit acetylcholinesterase
acetylcholine at to prolong acetylcholine

○ each muscle moves in one VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY

direction and in absence of MOVEMENTS
acetylcholine, it relaxes
● Reflexes such as the stretch
○ movement in two directions reflex or constriction of pupil to
requires antagonistic light are involuntary
muscles: flexor to raise arm ○ infant reflexes include
and extensor to lower arm rooting, grasp, and Babinsk
○ allied reflexes are strong in
infants and still in adults,
e.g., sneezing, closing eyes
in strong sunlight

● Cardiac or heart muscles

● Most movements, e.g., walking, are about them, e.g., typing or
a combination of voluntary and playing piano
involuntary muscle control ○ evolutionary holdover:
chicken still flaps wings
○ involuntarily adjust to when dropped even though
irregularities in road and can’t fly
automatically swing your

● Cerebral cortex important for

SENSITIVITY TO FEEDBACK complex actions such as writing
○ less voluntary movements
● Ballistic movements, e.g., reflexes, e.g., coughing, laughing,
cannot be altered once started crying are controlled by
subcortical areas
● Central pattern generators
○ neural mechanisms in spinal ○ Stimulation of primary
cord and elsewhere that motor cortex elicits certain
generate rhythmic outcome movements in
patterns, e.g., wing flapping corresponding body area
in birds and fin movements
in fish ○ 500 msec stimulation of
arm region of monkey
○ started by stimulus but results in grasping
motor program sets movement and moving hand
frequency of movement, toward head
e.g., cats scratch
themselves 3-4 times/sec ○ also, finger area of cortex
active when pianist hears
● Motor program is a fixed sequence music
of movements
○ Ex: cat washing face,
gymnast with complex
movements, yawn
○ automatic patterns may be
disrupted when thinking
● Prefrontal cortex active when ● Primary somatosensory cortex is
planning and calculating possible main receiving area for touch and
outcomes of a movement other body information
○ damage results in badly
planned movements, ○ responds to shape of
showering with clothes on, object and grasping, lifting
salting tea instead of food, or lowering

○ inactive during dreaming

and dreams are usually

○ Premotor cortex is active

during preparations for a

○ receives information about

target and body location CONNECTIONS FROM BRAIN TO
○ Supplementary motor
cortex active during ● Messages from brain reach the
preparations for a rapid medulla and spinal cord through
series of movements; dorsolateral or ventromedial
typing, dancing, speaking, tracts
playing musical instrument

● Dorsolateral (pyramidal tract)

○ originate from primary
● Posterior parietal cortex keeps motor cortex, surrounding
track of position of body relative areas and red nucleus
to environment
○ if damaged we can describe ○ in pyramids of medulla,
what we see but can’t walk axons cross over to
toward it, pick it up, or step opposite side of spinal cord
over object but contralateral control
develops gradually
○ clumsiness in children with ROLE OF CEREBELLUM
cerebral palsy comes from ● Important for motor control and
competition between has more neurons than rest of
contralateral and ipsilateral brain
paths ● Enhances new motor programs and
○ controls movement in ● Processes information about
hands, fingers, toes guiding movement, not the
movement itself
○ damage here means loss of ● active when weighing objects with
fine movements hands or when objects rub hands

● Damage causes difficulty with:

CONNECTIONS FROM BRAIN TO ○ rapid, ballistic movements,
SPINAL CORD CONT. sequences that require
accurate aiming and timing,
● Ventromedial tract e.g., tapping rhythm,
○ includes axons from the speaking, writing, playing
primary and supplementary musical instrument
motor cortex, midbrain
tectum, reticular formation ○ finger-to-nose task: initial
and vestibular nucleus rapid movement may strike
face or hold segment of
○ do not cross to task may waver, as when
contralateral side because intoxicated
axons control bilateral
movement of the neck, ○ judging differences in delay
shoulders, and trunk in pairs of tones

○ damage here impairs ○ normal shifting of attention

walking, turning, bending, within 100 msec: may take
standing up and sitting up to a second
● Damage does not effect ● globus pallidus sends information
controlling force of movement or to the thalamus where it goes on
judging loudness of tones to the motor and premotor

CELLULAR ORGANIZATION IN ● stores sensory information to

CEREBELLUM guide movements, learn rules and
● Receives input from the spinal organize sequences of movements
cord, sensory systems through the into a smooth, automatic whole
cranial nerve nuclei, and from the
cerebral cortex ● Organize action sequence into
chunks or units like learning to
● Cells are arranged in precise, drive a car (habit learning)
repeating geometrical patterns
Active in selection or inhibition of
● Purkinje cells are very flat and movements, e.g.:
exist in sequential planes ● surgery patients had activity when
they made a movement with finger
● parallel fibers are perpendicular to in response to signal
the planes of the Purkinje cells
● drawing a new line on computer
● parallel fibers excite Purkinje cell
● Linked to obsessive-compulsive
● the more excited, the longer the disorder
duration of the Purkinje output
which may control either a ● OCD is marked by repetitive
movement or a cognitive process thoughts and actions that person
knows is pointless or nonsensical
● Basal ganglia: group of large ● OCD increases activity in caudate
subcortical structures in the nucleus and this may be linked to
forebrain strong habits

● caudate nucleus and putamen

receive input from thalamus and
● Most often water regulation is
accomplished via drinking more
water than we need and excreting
the rest.



● Water constitutes 70% of the HORMONE BECAUSE IT
mammalian body. ENABLES THE KIDNEYS TO
● Water in the body must be REABSORB WATER AND
regulated within narrow limits. EXCRETE HIGHLY
● The concentration of chemicals in CONCENTRATED URINE.
water determines the rate of all
chemical reactions in the body.
Two different kinds of thirst include:
Mechanisms of water regulation vary for ● Osmotic thirst – a thirst resulting
humans. from eating salty foods.
● Water can be conserved by:
- Excreting concentrated urine. ● Hypovolemic thirst – a thirst
- Decreasing sweat and other resulting from loss of fluids due to
autonomic responses. bleeding or sweating.

● Each kind of thirst motivates

different kinds of behaviors.
● To inhibit thirst, the body
Eating salty food causes sodium ions to monitors swallowing and detects
spread through the blood and the water contents of the stomach
extracellular fluid of the cell. and intestines.

● The higher concentration of ● Hypovolemic thirst is thirst

solutes outside the cell results in associated with low volume of body
osmotic pressure, drawing water fluids.
from the cell to the extracellular
fluid. – Triggered by the release of the
hormones vasopressin and angiotensin II,
● Certain neurons detect the loss of which constrict blood vessels to
water and trigger osmotic thirst compensate for a drop in blood pressure.
to help restore the body to the
normal state. ● Angiotensin II stimulates neurons
in areas adjoining the third

● Neurons in the third ventricle

send axons to the hypothalamus
where angiotensin II is also
released as a neurotransmitter.


● When osmotic thirst is triggered,

water that you drink has to be
absorbed through the digestive
HUNGER ➢ Cholecystokinin (CCK)
➢ The brain regulates eating released by the duodenum
through messages from the regulates hunger by:
mouth, stomach, intestines, - Closing the sphincter muscle
fat cells and elsewhere. between the stomach and
duodenum and causing the stomach
➢ The desire to taste and to hold its contents and fill faster.
other mouth sensations,
such as chewing, are also - Stimulating the vagus nerve to
motivating factors in send a message to the
hunger and satiety. hypothalamus that releases a
chemical similar to CCK.
➢ Sham feeding experiments,
in which everything an ● Glucose, insulin, and glucagon levels
animals eats leaks out of a also influence feelings of hunger.
tube connected to the
stomach or esophagus, do ● Most digested food enters the
not produce satiety. bloodstream as glucose, an
important source of energy for
➢ The duodenum is the part the body and nearly the only fuel
of the small intestine used by the brain.
where the initial absorption
of significant amounts of ● When glucose levels are high, liver
nutrients occurs. cells convert some of the excess
into glycogen and fat cells convert
➢ Distention of the duodenum it into fat.
can also produce feelings of
satiety. ● When low, liver converts glycogen
back into glucose.
➢ The duodenum also releases
the hormone ● Insulin is a pancreatic hormone
cholecystokinin (CCK), that enables glucose to enter the
which helps to regulate cell.
● Insulin levels rise as someone is HUNGER
getting ready for a meal and after ● Glucagon is also a hormone
a meal. released by the pancreas when
glucose levels fall.
● In preparation for the rush of
additional glucose about to enter ● Glucagon stimulates the liver to
the blood, high insulin levels let convert some of its stored
some of the existing glucose in the glycogen to glucose to replenish
blood to enter the cells. low supplies in the blood.

● Consequently, high levels of insulin ● As insulin levels drop, glucose

generally decrease appetite. enters the cell more slowly and
hunger increases.

● If insulin levels constantly stay

high, the body continues rapidly
moving blood glucose into the cells
long after a meal.

– Blood glucose drops and hunger

increases in spite of the high insulin
– Food is rapidly deposited as fat and
– The organism gains weight.
In people with diabetes, insulin levels ● High levels of leptin do not
remain constantly low, but blood glucose necessarily decrease hunger.
levels are high.
- Most people are obese because
– People eat more food than normal, but they are less sensitive to leptin.
excrete the glucose unused and lose
weight. - Some people are obese because of
a genetic inability to produce


● At the age of weaning, most
mammals lose the intestinal
enzyme lactase, which is necessary
for metabolizing lactose.

● Lactose is the sugar found in milk.

● Milk consumption after weaning

can cause gas and stomach cramps.

● Declining levels of lactase may be

Long-term hunger regulation is
an evolutionary mechanism to
accomplished via the monitoring of fat
encourage weaning.
supplies by the body.
● The body’s fat cells produce the
● A carnivore eats meat and
peptide leptin, which signals the
necessary vitamins are found in
brain to increase or decrease
the meat consumed.
○ Herbivores exclusively eat
● Low levels of leptin increase

○ Omnivores eat both meat

and plants.

● Herbivores and omnivores must

distinguish between edible and
inedible substances to find M3Lesson3.pptx
sufficient vitamins and minerals.
Lesson 3:
● Selecting foods to eat is usually The Movement Disorders and Eating
accomplished via imitation of Disorders
Movement Disorders
● Other strategies of selecting food Parkinson’s Disease:
include: ● Gradual progressive death of
- Selecting sweet foods and neurons especially in substantia
avoiding bitter foods. nigra
- Preferring things that taste ○ decrease in dopamine
familiar. results in decreased
- Learning from consequences that excitation of cerebral
happen after a food is consumed. cortex

● A conditioned taste aversion is a ● Symptoms begin when neurons

distaste for decrease 20%-30%
food that develops if the food makes one ○ slow on cognitive tasks
○ some depression and
cognitive deficits but no
emotional outbursts

○ rigidity, muscle tremors,

slow movements and
difficulty initiating physical
and mental activity
■ but patients
function well with
visual cues, e.g.,
follow parade, climb
stairs and step on
lines at fixed
Huntington’s Disease:
● Severe neurological disorder
striking 1 in 10,000

● Extensive damage to caudate

nucleus, putamen, and globus
pallidus, and some in the cerebral

● Symptoms most often appear

Movement Disorders between 30-50 years
○ begin with jerky arm
L-Dopa Treatment movements, then facial
● Most common treatment twitch, later tremors
○ precursor for dopamine spread and develop into
that crosses blood-brain writhing cannot learn new
barrier or improve movements

○ effective in early to ○ includes depression,

intermediate stages but memory impairment,
some patients do not anxiety, hallucination
benefit at all ■ may be misdiagnosed
as schizophrenic
○ does not stop progression
of the disease, may do
harm What is an Eating Disorder?

○ side effects: nausea, ● Eating Disorders include extreme

restlessness, sleep emotions, attitudes, and behaviors
problems, low blood surrounding weight and food
pressure, hallucinations, issues.
and delusions
● They are serious emotional and
physical problems that can have
life- threatening consequences for
females and males.
● Some force vomiting after eating.

● Associated with decreased release

Eating Disorders of CCK, increased release of
Anorexia nervosa: ghrelin, and alterations of several
● is an eating disorder associated other hormones and transmitters.
with an unwillingness to eat as
much as needed. ● May be the result and not the
cause of the disorder.
● Genetic predisposition is likely, but
no clear link has been established. ● Reinforcement areas of the brain
also implicated.
● Associated with a fear of
becoming fat and not a disinterest
in food.
● Biochemical abnormalities in the as COMPULSIVE OVEREATING):
brain and blood are probably not
the cause, but a result of the ● Characterized primarily by periods
weight loss. of uncontrolled eating beyond the
point of feeling comfortably full.

● While there is no purging, there

may be sporadic fasts or
repetitive diets and often feelings
of shame or self-hatred after a

● People who overeat compulsively

may struggle with anxiety,
depression, and loneliness, which
can contribute to their unhealthy
episodes of binge eating.
Bulimia nervosa:
● is an eating disorder in which
people alternate between extreme
dieting and binges of overeating.

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