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Crafting a Ph.D.

thesis on Transformational Leadership is a formidable task that demands a

significant investment of time, effort, and expertise. The intricacies involved in researching,
analyzing, and presenting a comprehensive study on this specialized topic can often overwhelm even
the most seasoned scholars. The process of developing a thesis of this magnitude requires a deep
understanding of the subject matter, a keen analytical mind, and a commitment to scholarly rigor.

The complexities of a Ph.D. thesis on Transformational Leadership go beyond mere literature review
and theoretical exploration. It involves delving into real-world scenarios, conducting empirical
studies, and extracting meaningful insights to contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Scholars
are expected to navigate through a vast array of academic resources, synthesize information
coherently, and present a well-structured argument that adds value to the academic discourse.

Moreover, the stringent academic standards and the need for original contributions further elevate the
difficulty level. Researchers must not only showcase a mastery of the existing literature but also
demonstrate their ability to contribute novel ideas, methodologies, or perspectives to the field of
Transformational Leadership. The pressure to make a significant and meaningful contribution to the
academic community can be daunting, leaving many aspiring scholars seeking reliable assistance.

For those facing the uphill battle of composing a Ph.D. thesis on Transformational Leadership, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a trusted ally. Recognizing the challenges inherent in this academic
pursuit, the platform offers specialized assistance from experienced professionals. The team at ⇒ ⇔ comprises seasoned scholars who possess the expertise necessary to guide
individuals through the intricate process of crafting a high-quality Ph.D. thesis.

By availing the services of ⇒ ⇔, individuals can access a wealth of knowledge

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delivering customized, well-researched, and impeccably written theses that align with the rigorous
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allows scholars to focus on their research and contribute meaningfully to the field of
Transformational Leadership without being bogged down by the challenges of the writing process.

In conclusion, writing a Ph.D. thesis on Transformational Leadership is undoubtedly a challenging

endeavor. However, with the support and expertise offered by ⇒ ⇔, individuals
can navigate the complexities of this academic journey with confidence, ensuring a successful and
impactful contribution to the realm of Transformational Leadership studies.
Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great
research paper or argumentative essay. To what extent does the principal intellectual stimulation
aspect, influence the teachers’ professional performance. Wardoyo (2015) opinioned that performance
refers to the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an employee job. Trust between
teachers and the principals was found to be the key for the smooth running of the schools. The study
envisions this model of leadership to be essential in bringing the needed reforms in Kenyan
secondary schools particularly in Nyandarua County whereby teachers’ performance will be
enhanced and the school performance will be improved. The current study focused on the
transformational leadership and the influence on the teachers’ performance. Europian Journal of
Education Studies, 3 (9), 96-105. They use their personal charm and appeal to inspire, energize, and
encourage their teams to move forward. The Basic Education Act (2013) has supported this by
incorporating one Page 29. Burns' view is that transformational leadership is more effective than
transactional leadership. The population target of the study consisted only of teachers in urban areas.
Leadership can also be defined as the art and the process of persuading people to perform
apportioned responsibilities freely, efficiently and proficiently (Vernyuy, 2015). Teachers and
students trust and have faith in transformational principal thus; they are biddable and have cordial
relations. Page 46. They support the established ones that had been planned by the county. Only (19)
6% who stated teachers are inactive while (19) 32% stated that teachers are very active. 4.5.4
Hypothesis Testing Three hypothesis were test to establish whether there are Signiant differences
between the various groups. This indicates that the position of the academic deans can be held by
any gender regardless of the type of school provided the holder has prerequisite conations required
by the TSC. From these two responses, it can be inferred that though teachers attend class they do
not effectively manage time scheduled for the lesson. Education leaders may benefit from training
and development in transformational leadership styles proven to enhance performance in business
organizations and educational settings. However, they did not show which type of leadership style is
appropriate. However, as stated by Adhiambo (2016) shortage of teachers is more prevalent in sab-
Saharan countries schools. The finding showed that Nyandarua County public schools suffer the
same fate of inadequate teachers. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approach and
collected the data through the interview, observation and data analysis. The descriptive data analysis
is necessary for summarisation of the data for easy reading and understanding by other readers
(Kathori, 2004). To add some dimension to the background, let’s take a quick review of where.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (1), 233-244. This show that teachers complain to the
students about their dissatisfactions with the principal. 150 (50%) of the students pointed out that
some teachers do not support the principal. Further, it enables the teacher to organise the syllabus
according to the students understanding. The study only corrected the data from the teachers.
Kimani, Kara, and Njagi (2013) study on teachers’ factors influencing the students’ academic
achievement in North Kinangop sub-County of Nyandarua found that the reason for poor
performance in the county was due to the low pedagogical performance of the teachers, which was
caused by the low motivation of teachers. Kindly answer the question as honestly as possible.
Schools have become like business organizations and may benefit from leadership styles proven to
enhance performance in business organizations and school settings. Three types of the school
participated in the current study: boys, girls and mix schools. In addition, the current study used
different tools to collect the data so that it may collect more and vital information. 2.3.2 Principal’s
Individualised Aspect and Teachers’ Pedagogical Performance Teacher’s pedagogical performance
entails the ability to make and use of teaching aids, observance and effective use of time in class, use
of Information Technology (IT) and achievement of the targeted class grade. If you are familiar with
Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs, Transformational Leadership would fit into. The principal should
create a good climate, which will enable teachers to perfect their pedagogical skills. However, the
experience of teachers was the intervening variable in the current study. The findings will be
beneficial to the religious sponsors of the school, Ministry of Education and other stakeholders who
have a duty of selecting the school principal. Journal of Education and Practice, 6 (25), 37-45.
Wanjiku, E. M. (2013). A vailability and utilization of educational resource in influencing students
performance in secondary schools in Mbere South, Embere County, Kenya (Master thesis) Kenyatta
University. Nairobi. Wardoyo, C. (2015). The measurement of teacher’s personality competence and
performance using embedded model. The percentage is almost equal for both male and female
teachers who participated in the study. The multiple comparison table showed that there was no
significant difference between the perception of the students in the boys’ school and students in the
girls’ school. It is one of the highest rated talk shows in American history, so it is no surprise that
Winfrey quickly became one of the richest women in the 20th century. The data were vital in the
current study since the students are immediate beneficially of the teachers’ performance. The study
found that principal leadership styles have a great impact on the school's environment. Since both
alphas of the students and teachers instruments were above.794 and.806 respectively they were
considered to have adequate reliability. Culminating in a bold and innovative plan to address the.
The leader gives empathy and support to keep communication open and places challenges before the
follower. In the business institutions, professional growth has been found to be important in talent
management for employees (Were, 2015). Principal encourages the teachers to plan the lesson, use
the time allocated effectively and be able to be innovative on the choices and use of teaching aids
and media. The study noted that there is a need for teachers’ professional development for
proficiency in operation of computers. Scheme of work is a base for long-range forecasting and thus
enable the teacher to prepare the required resources to achieve the targeted objectives. The principal
visit class while the teacher is teaching xi. Examining the relationship among transformational
leadership, school climate, and student achievement. This enabled triangulation for the validity of the
information given. Before we look at the differences between the two leadership styles, here are
some notes about. Results from a randomized control trial assessing the Impact of McREL’s
balanced leadership program on principals in rural Michigan schools. This implies a failure to reject
the null hypothesis at at-value of 0.041 and degree of freedom of 67. This type of leadership calls for
the leader and the staff to work on improving one another s motivation levels. The study
recommended that the principals should challenge teachers with their performance. To the students,
the researchers in all the schools was assisted to collect the data by the deputy principal and the dean
of academic. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Institute for Education Leadership. Page 156.
The population according to 2009 census is 596,258 Page 85. Due to poor leadership, most teachers
do not complete the syllabus. Dependability is concerned with whether one could get the same
results if repeated. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies
(JETERAPS), 7(3), 204-211. Transactional leaders try to escape problematic situations and leave the
finding of the solution entirely to the follower. It gives workers autonomy over specific jobs, as well
as the authority to make decisions once they have been trained (Spahr, 2015). The study left a gap
since it did not collect the data from the Page 72. Transformational Leadership Transformational
leadership. Information on deans of academic has additional information the number of the years
one has been in that office. The principal always support me to achieve beyond the school targeted
goals xvii. The study current study focuses on the factors the principal in the transformative
leadership face in influencing the performance of teachers The above study used in the qualitative
approach. The principal always gives assurance that things will be good when we face challenges
Page 171. The current County is composed of former Nyandarua district. Following instructional
competencies were found vital: principal co-operating with teachers to define objectives, principal
providing facilities, supervising lesson plans, teaching and learning activities, evaluating curriculum
plan and implementation. This shows how attention on the principals’ leadership and teachers’
performance should be diligently focused on, for students to perform well in academic. Influence the
follower's mind and heart, enlarge the vision, insight and understanding, clarify reasons, make the
behaviours of the followers congruent with the values and bring a change that is self-perpetuating.
Supervision aimed at growth and development of the teachers will enable the teacher to overcome
some of the challenges they face during teaching. The study used the questionnaire to collect the
data. Page 55. Whereas transactional leadership is observed in chains like McDonalds, Burger King,
wherein the boss and the employee are bound by a contract. The sample was 100 students and 45
teachers from 3 different schools. The study was done in public urban schools, unlike the current
study. However, it did not show how it leads to the teachers’ performance. The study recommended
the teacher's development be Page 64. Such leaders also remember previous conversations of
individuals and help them sort out things treating them as individuals and not just employees. These
aspects enhance the teacher’s professional personality. Page 63. They should be a model of higher
performance for the teachers. If the teachers understand the vision clearly, the students should
perceive it. The recommendation focused on the county director, the principals, the BOM, the
teachers, the parents and the students. Nyenyembe, Maslowski, Nirod, and Lavina, (2016)
demonstrated. County schools are very essential in the county because their performances reflect the
performance of the County.

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