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Science 2 Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Caitlyn Tomaro Date: 2/20/24

Group Size: 22 Allotted Time: 40-50 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject or Topic: Different types of machines (Science)

Common Core/PA Standard(s): Standard - 3.2.K.B7
• Distinguish between scientific fact and opinion. • Ask questions about objects, organisms, and
events. • Understand that all scientific investigations involve asking and answering questions and
comparing the answer with what is already known. • Plan and conduct a simple investigation and
understand that different questions require different kinds of investigations. • Use simple
equipment (tools and other technologies) to gather data and understand that this allows scientists
to collect more information than relying only on their senses to gather information. • Use
data/evidence to construct explanations and understand that scientists develop explanations based
on their evidence and compare them with their current scientific knowledge. • Communicate
procedures and explanations giving priority to evidence and understanding that scientists make
their results public, describe their investigations so they can be reproduced, and review and ask
questions about the work of other scientists
Learning Targets/Objectives: Students will be able to match machines to their certain jobs on
the smartboard or paper.

Assessment Evidence:
Approaches: 1. Match type of machine to their job on worksheet or
1. Matching smartboard. Used for formative assessment.
Scale (if applicable)

Subject Matter/Content:
 Work words and what they are
 Tells us what we are going to do to complete a task
 What machines are and where they could be used
 Something to help with physical tasks
 Home, school, construction
 What an excavator is
 Large industrial machines used to move large amounts of material, like rock and

Key Vocabulary:
 Excavator: Large industrial machines used to move large amounts of material, like rock
and soil
 Dumptruck: Large truck for transporting heavy loads, with a back part that can be raised
at one end so that its contents fall out
 Crane: A machine that can both lift objects and move them
 Bulldozer: A large machine with a wide front that can push dirt and debris
 Cement Mixer: A machine with a large revolving middle in which cement is mixed with
other materials to make concrete

 Builders need different machines for all kinds of jobs
 There are many different types of machines
 Excavator, dumptruck, crane, bulldozer, crane
 Each of these machines does something different
 They all have a different purpose

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
(Preview, book, Voc, predict, purpose)
 Call students to the front
 Ask someone to tell me what we learned about the last time we did science
 Call on a student to share
 Introduce what we will be learning about today
 Different types on machines and what they do
 Read aloud and learn about different types of machines

Development/Teaching Approaches:
 Start read aloud
 Stop to discuss why builders need big machines
 Continue read aloud
 Stop when the read aloud is talking about an excavator and a shovel
 Have students discuss what the difference is between and excavator and a shovel
 Students can turn and talk
 3 students can share their answers
 Excavators dig holes and move dirt way faster than a shovel
 Shovels are smaller and used to move a smaller amount of dirt and debris
 Discuss what you might use an excavator for and what you would use a shovel for
 Students can raise hands and share their answers
 Continue read aloud
 Stop to discuss “can you think about any other machines that can help build houses”
 Students can turn and talk
 3 students can share
 Stop reading after the dump truck
 Discuss with the students that the dump truck takes the dirt from the excavator and moves
it somewhere else
 Explain how a dump truck works
 Dump truck drives to wherever it is supposed to go
 The back tips up, the dirt slides out, and the back becomes flat again
 Discuss if students have ever seen a dump truck before
 Students can quietly raise hands
 Continue the read aloud
 Have students guess at what the next machine is when the see the picture
 Crane
 Used to lift and move heavy things
 Ask if students have ever seen a crane when they are driving
 Sometimes in construction sites
 Continue read aloud and talk about bulldozers
 Bulldozers push dirt and debris
 Ask if the students know the difference between a bulldozer and an excavator
 Excavators dig, bulldozers push
 Students can turn and talk and then share
 Continue read aloud until talking about the cement mixer
 Explain the cement mixers spin to mix cement and other materials to make concrete
 When it’s poured out it is wet and when it dries it hardens and becomes concrete
and difficult to break
 Works go around and flatten it out with special tools
 Used for steps, walkways, even pools
 Connect excavator digging hole for pool to cement truck putting in the cement
 After read aloud play some videos of machines at work
 Dump truck at work
 Truck crane at work
 Bulldozers at work
 Excavator Video
 Cement Truck at Work
 After the videos, have students complete activity
 Matching activity
 Somehow involve movement?

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
 Ask students one by one what each machine does
 Excavator, dumptruck, crane, bulldozer, cement mixer
 Each does a specific kind of job
 Ask which one was their favorite and why
 Students can turn and talk
 Students can share
 Congratulate them on good work
 Set expectations and move onto the next subject

 Colton can sit at desk
 Redirect Jensen if necessary.

Materials and Resources:

 Dump truck at work
 Truck crane at work
 Bulldozers at work
 Read Aloud
 PowerPoint slides
 Computer
 Smartboard
 Matching activity - 23 copies

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Question

Additional reflection/thoughts

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