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Рубежный контроль _1

1. … is a tool for processing information - a wide range of products, software and

services that are used for production, storage, processing, distribution and exchange
of information.
2. You always get the same result for the same process when using a computer. This
advantage of computers called …
3. Improper and prolonged use of a computer might lead to disorders or injuries of the
elbows, wrist, neck, back, and eyes. This disadvantage of computers called …
4. When using the Internet on your computer, you run the risk of leaking your private
information. This disadvantage of computers called …
5. Manufacturing process of computers and computer waste are harmful to the
environment. This disadvantage of computers called …
6. Disposed computers could also cause fire. This disadvantage of computers called …
7. Data stored in a computer can be lost or compromised in a number of ways. This
disadvantage of computers called …
8. Use computers without positive purpose. This disadvantage of computers called …
9. Use the computer for negative activities. This disadvantage of computers called …
10. The computing systems store, present, and help us modify: …
11. Computerized representations of models and attributes of real or simulated entities.
It is …
12. Data that represents the results of a computational process. It is …
13. Data that represents the results of some process, such as perception, learning,
association, and reasoning. It is …
14. Data is collected and given to the computer for processing. It is …
15. The information is given to the user as …
16. … is a continuous representation, analogous to the actual information it represents.
17. … is a discrete representation, breaking the information up into separate (discrete)
18. Computing systems are ...
19. The devices that store and manage the digital data are far less expensive and
complex for ...
20. The electronic signals are easier to maintain if they carry ...
21. … can be either zero or one.
22. n bits can represent … states.
23. Three bits can represent … states
24. IEEE is …
25. ANSI is …
26. ETSI is …
27. CEN is …
28. CENELEC is …
29. Each character is coded as a …
30. Seventh power of two are … codes.
31. The Unicode character set uses … bits per character.
32. This is a programmable and multiuse machine that accepts raw facts and figures,
processes or manipulates it into information for future use.
33. It consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for communication over long
34. This is high capacity machine with thousands of processors that can perform more
than several trillion calculations per second.
35. It is often called as mid size computer.
36. These are expensive, powerful personal computers used for specific task like
designing, 3d animation and other.
37. This is PC which is either stand alone or connected over a network.
38. Desktop PC, Tower PC, Laptops, hand held computers. Common name is …
39. It is tiny in size with a specialized microprocessor installed in it. It is normally found
in smart appliances and automobiles.
40. This is a centralized computer that holds the collection of data (Database) and
sharing resources between the clients over the network.
41. Data that has been summarized or manipulated to give the required result.
42. Physical components of a computer.
43. Programs that consists of the instructions that tell the computer how to carry out a
specific task.
44. Raw facts and figures.
45. … is manipulation the computer does to transform the data into information.
46. Circuitry that holds the data waiting to be processed.
47. Devices that store data and information permanently.
48. Data or information is transferred through a wired or wireless medium for …
49. The first electronic computer was called the …
50. … invented a technology for program storage
51. Could perform 200,000 to 250,000 calculations per second
52. Combined components of a computer on a microchip
53. The first computers used … to make calculations.
54. Base of first age of computers are …
55. Base of second age of computers are …
56. Base of third age of computers are …
57. Base of forth age of computers are …
58. Temporarily stores data and program instructions while the computer is running
59. Executes instructions
60. Permanently store data and application programs
61. <question> Which do you press to enter the current date in a cell?
62. <question> A fast way to add up this column of numbers is to click in the cell below
the numbers and then

63. <question> How do you change column width to fit the contents?
64. <question> Which of these is a quick way to copy formatting from a selected cell to
two other cells on the same worksheet?
65. <question> What's a quick way to extend these numbers to a longer sequence, for
instance 1 through 20?

66. <question> Which of the following option is a formula?

67. <question> Which one of the following options CANNOT be used in an Excel
spreadsheet formula?
68. <question> The result of the calculation in cell C1:
1 5 =A1*2 =A1+B1
69. <question> The correct spelling of the block cells in MS Excel:
70. <question> The function MS Excel calculates the "square root of the number":
71. <question> What does ICT mean?
72. <question> In which fields of our life do we use computers?
73. <question> What is NOT advantages of computer?
74. <question> What is NOT advantages of computer?
75. <question> What is NOT disadvantages of computer?
76. <question> What is NOT disadvantages of computer?
77. <question> Which devices do we use in ICT?
78. <question> What is NOT the abilities of ICT in enterprises?
79. <question> What is the web-site of electronic government of Kazakhstan?
80. <question> What is NOT popular web-sites in educational field?
81. <question> Computational systems are composed of two parts:
82. <question> Which one is input device?
83. <question> Which one is output device?
84. <question> Which one is processing component?
85. <question> Which one is storage device?
86. <question> Which one is related to software component?
87. <question> What is the most popular computer OS?
88. <question> Which one is NOT input device?
89. <question> Which one is NOT output device?
90. <question> What is the Internet-based computing system?
91. <question> Which of the following is NOT Google services?
<variant> Gmail
<variant> GoogleDocs
<variant> Youtube
<variant> Google Calendar
<variant> Google Times
92. <question> Which service is alternative for Microsoft Word?
<variant> Google Slides
<variant> Google Docs
<variant> Google Sheets
<variant> Google Calendar
<variant> Google Drive
93. <question> Which service is alternative for Microsoft Excel?
<variant> Google Sheets
<variant> Google Slides
<variant> Google Docs
<variant> Google Calendar
<variant> Google Drive
94. <question> Which service is alternative for Microsoft PowerPoint?
<variant> Google Sheets
<variant> Google Docs
<variant> Google Slides
<variant> Google Calendar
<variant> Google Drive
95. <question> Which service gives you opportunity to create events?
<variant> Google Calendar
<variant> Google Slides
<variant> Google Sheets
<variant> Google Docs
<variant> Google Drive
96. <question> To open a command line …
<variant> Press Win+R, type cmd and click Ok
<variant> Press Start and type info
<variant> Press Alt+Ctrl+Del, type NewTask and click Ok
<variant> Press Win+R, type msinfo and click Ok
<variant> Select Start->All Programs->CommandLine
97. <question> What command displays the version of Operating System?
98. <question> Where is a Start button in Windows OS?
99. <question> How to access a System Information window?
100. <question> What units are used to measure CPU speed?
101. <question> What units are used to measure a memory of a computer?
102. <question> What is a special utility showing what programs and services are
running on your computer?
103. <question> To open a Task Manager …
104. <question> To open a Task Manager …
105. <question> This tab shows all running programs that can be interacted with.
106. <question> This tab displays the list of all the running processes that are on
the computer.
107. <question> This tab shows a general information about network traffic on
the computer.
108. <question> A list of all active users (who have an active session on the
computer) is shown on the …
109. <question> Applications tab …
110. <question> Processes tab …
111. <question> Networking tab …
<variant> shows a general information about network traffic on the computer
<variant> displays the list of all the running processes that are on the computer
<variant> shows all running programs that can be interacted with
<variant> shows a list of all active users
<variant> displays the information about computer’s hardware
112. <question> Users tab
<variant> shows a list of all active users
<variant> shows a general information about network traffic on the computer
<variant> displays the list of all the running processes that are on the computer
<variant> shows all running programs that can be interacted with
<variant> displays the information about computer’s hardware

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