Bongoyan Bped2 Lesson Plan R1

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Northwest Samar State University – Main Campus

College of Education

Grade __ Detailed Pre-Service Teacher Jesrelle Diolon Grade Level 9

Lesson Plan Bongoyan
(DLP) Program BPED Subject Area PHYSICAL
Teaching Date (Leave this blank) Quarter 2nd
and Time

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight
management to promote community fitness
B. Performance Standard The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity
participation of the community
C. Learning Competencies /
Objectives (Write the code for Describes the nature and background of the dance(PE9RD-IIb-1)

 Illustrates the desired costumes of social dance and

dance mixers.

KBI:Value the importance/benefits of the dance to fitness.

II. CONTENT Social dances and dance mixers
A. Reference/s
1. Teacher’s guide pages
2. Learner’s material pages
3. Textbook pages: LM- Physical Education and Health: Quarter 2 Social and Ballroom
dances ( Social dances and dance mixers) pp. 60-116
4. Additional learning
materials from learning
resource (LR) Portal
5. Other learning resources
Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminaries (2 minutes)
- Everyone please all rise for the interfaith ( Everyone stands up)
a. Prayer prayer In the name of the Father, in
the Son, and in the Holy
Spirit. Our Father...
- Good morning ,class! - Good morning,
b. Greetings ma’am!
- How’s everyone? - We're fine, ma’am

- I’m glad to hear that!

- Do we have absent today? - None, ma’am

c. Checking of - Okay, very good!
Attendance and - Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the ( Student's pick up a piece of
Reminding of Class pieces of paper under your chair. paper)

Rueda Street, Calbayog City

063 055 5339857
Samar, Philippines 6710
Rules - Thank you, you may now take you seats and ( Students sit down)
sit comfortably on your armchairs.
Lesson Proper (58 minutes)
a. Reviewing previous sw2iQjSxDiMhx(55 seconds)
lesson or presenting
the new lesson. -Everyone, I will present you a short video clip. ( The students watched the
(5 minutes) Watch and observe! video)

-What have you observed in the video? - It is a dance presentation

from the movie
- It'all about dance
- The video shows a social

- Yes, all of you are correct! The video is a dance

particularly " social dance". It shows people dancing
a social dance in a ballroom setting.
b. Establishing At this time, we will be dealing with a new lesson.
purpose for the lesson For you to, at the end of the lesson, youshould be
(5 minutes) able to...
 Describe the nature and background of the
 Illustrate the desired costumes of social
dance and dance mixers
 Value the importance of the dance to fitness (Students read in chorus)

( The teacher will let the students read the objectives

of the lesson)
c. Presenting So, based on the video, do you already have an idea - Our lesson for today is all
examples/instances of of our lesson for today? about Social dance and dance
the new lesson mixers!
(10 minutes)
- Exactly!
-Class, have you participated in any social dances? -Yes,ma'am
- Who would share their experience to the class? ( Some students raised their

-Okay, Ms. Riego stand up. ( Ms. Riego stand up)

( Tell her experience in social
- Wow, such a great experience to remember! Thank
you, Ms. Riego! You may sit down! - Thank you, ma'am

- Another ?( teacher pick one student) -Ma’am, I have

experienced joining a
citillion dance
because my cousin
- Wow! It’s good. So, what did you feel after was a debutante that
the dance? time.

Rueda Street, Calbayog City

063 055 5339857
Samar, Philippines 6710
- it was satisfying ma’am and
it somehow boost my
- Yes, that’s one of the benefits you’ve gain in confidence.
dancing class.

- So, I am glad that most of you here are have

already experience and knowledge about our lesson.

Now, let’s define what is social dancing and dance

- What is social dance and dance mixers?
Kindly read, everyone!
•Social Dance and dance mixers - are dances
intended primarily to get to know other people in
attendance to a certain social function. They are also ( Students read in chorus)
called ballroom dances.

-I knew you’re familiar with ballroom

- Yes, ma'am
- Is social dances and dance mixers can be performed
by pairs, male and female, class? -Maybe, ma'am
- How about in groups? Does it can be performed in
- Yes, it is and it’s called dance mixers because it
deine as are social dances which allow group of
performers to change periodically while dancing to
allow chance to get to know pther membersof the
performing group.For example is "Cotillion".

Rueda Street, Calbayog City

063 055 5339857
Samar, Philippines 6710
d. Discussion of new
concepts and
practicing new skills
#1 (13 minutes)
e. Discussion of new
concepts and
practicing new skills
(7 minutes)
f. Developing mastery
(3 minutes)
g. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
(3 minutes)
h. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about the
(2 minutes)
i. Evaluating learning
(10 minutes)
j. Additional Activities
for Application of

Rueda Street, Calbayog City

063 055 5339857
Samar, Philippines 6710
Prepared by:

Rueda Street, Calbayog City

063 055 5339857
Samar, Philippines 6710

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