Practice Committment

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I will commit to practice consistently every week and understand that I will need to
do this in order to continue taking lessons. I will practice a minimum of _________
minutes a day.
I also will put forth my best effort to practice effectively and do the things we
decide at my lesson by:

* Doing my part to make sure notes, articulations, rhythms,

fingering, and dynamics are correct
* Writing in Finger Numbers
* Counting aloud
* Using the metronome
* Practicing technic and keyboard skills
* Completing Music Mastery Assignments and theory
* Spot practicing

Student's Signature: ______________________________ Date:_____________

I will encourage and support my child in their practice efforts by helping them set
aside a practice time, making practice a priority and giving assistance while
practicing as needed (younger students need a parent to sit with them while they
practice, while older students need just an occasional checking on).

Parent's Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________

Parents, I would like to invite you to attend your child’s lesson at least once a
month so that you will be able to see areas they need encouragement in and what
they need to be working on at home. You may attend as often as you would like.
Parents who are involved in practicing with positive encouragement as well as
reinforcing the things addressed at the lesson make a tremendous difference in
the students preparedness and attitude.

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