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Vedic Horoscope 2012

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Horoscope 2012 Copyright 2011 Public Software Library India Pvt Ltd All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic or mechanical. Any unauthorized duplication, reproduction or distribution is strictly prohibited and prosecutable to the full-extent of the law.



Characteristic of Capricorn
Capricorns are sympathetic, generous, secretive, vindictive and cunning. They are stoical to the miseries in life. They are tall, lean, reddish brown and have prominent stiff hair on eye brows and chest. The head is big and face is fairly broad. They have large teeth and prominent nose. The body is thin and fleshy. Generally, you have a knack to adapt yourself according to the circumstances. You have great aspirations in life but you cannot economise funds. You love to be ostentatious. Saturn in afflicted state makes you vindictive. You are capable of encouraging everyone. You are perfect in home life but are unable to make adjustment with your life partner. You are industrious and are often known as chatter box as you have no control on your tongue.

2012 Capricorn Horoscope MONEY AND FINANCE January 2012 to March 2012
During this period Capricorns will earn lot of wealth through their hard work. You might get your loan sanctioned during this period. Money from foreign sources is possible in this period. Placement of Mercury indicates fulfilment of all desires related to money and wealth. If the period or sub period of Mars is running then it will bring loss of money.

April 2012 to June 2012

Your earning will be constant during this period but your expenses will rise. You will make unnecessary expenses with your friends and on luxurious items. Placement of the lord of money and wealth in the house of career indicates hard earned money through self exertion. You can make some money through black marketing or illegal methods if you are a businessman.


July 2012 to September 2012

You will be skillful and will earn a lot of wealth through your skills during this period. Just apply your skills to increase your wealth. You will have good inheritance during this period as the lord of wealth has shifted back to ninth house. You will be an authority and will have an affluent status in society. Your foreign connections will give you immense wealth.

October 2012 to December 2012

You will not be very fortunate in terms of the dealings related to the immovable properties like house, machinery etc. during this period. You will be extravagant and will continue to make expenses on trip and tours. Placement of Mars and Mercury indicate favourable period to earn money through legal methods. You will gain immense wealth. Partnership business will flourish. You will gain a lot of money through your intelligence. REMEDIES: This year is overall fortunate to earn money. Remedies of Saturn can generate huge amount of wealth and money for you.

2012 Capricorn Horoscope CAREER AND PROFESSION January 2012 to March 2012
Those who are self employed and are pursuing the profession of independence will find themselves successful in this quarter. You


will be pioneer in your work and become famous. If you are in social work the time is favourable to setup a public institution. If you apply your intelligence and skills in your work, the sky is the limit for you.

April 2012 to June 2012

Good time to enhance your knowledge in your field. You will be famous both for your learning and generosity. You will be respected and will receive royal favours where ever you go. You will get good returns if you are dealing with immovable properties and agriculture.

July 2012 to September 2012

This quarter is favourable for a profession related to speculation and similar businesses as Venus is favourably placed in the fifth house. You will be fortunate if you have a profession related to social work or orphanage or remand house. You will grow in your career smoothly in this period. Those working for others will get promotions or increments in the second half of the quarter.

October 2012 to December 2012

It is your turn in this period. You are in the best quarter of this year. Apply all your hard work and sincere efforts to touch the apex of your career. You can become a minister If you are in politics. It is time to get name and fame in your profession. You will successful in all your endeavours. If you are a writer or proof reader your work will be appreciated to a great extent. Stars are quite favourable. Just work hard in your profession and you are bound to succeed. If you can afford to wear a diamond on a Friday when the moon is rising, your opportunities of conversion will be 99%.


2012 Capricorn Horoscope HEALTH AND FITNESS January 2012 to March 2012
The Saturn your ruling planet is exalted and confirms a good health throughout this quarter. Those who are suffering from heart trouble may have chest pain. So, just be regular with your medicine if your medication is going on. Take necessary precautions to avoid heart problems.

April 2012 to June 2012

The lord of health and disease - Mercury is weak during this period so there is some chance of seasonal fever. Skin related problem or allergies may disturb you. As you know that the imbalance of tridoshas(wind, bile, phelgm) are the main cause of disease. More of Vatha(wind) and less of bile can lead to pain in joints which can further lead to aversion to eat and dehydration in your case.

July 2012 to September 2012

Capricorn governs knees, epidermis and joints. So, whenever Saturn is afflicted or conjoined with some evil planet, you can face the problems related to these parts. You may not enjoy a good health in this quarter. You need to do regular yoga that gives oxygen to your body. Your cholesterol is increasing since you are not following a regular routine.

October 2012 to December 2012

Capricorn people will be exhausted due to over work. Due to work load, you will make a mess of your eating habits. The mental worries will also upset your digestion. Although, there is nothing much


to worry but still you need more strength and stamina to work more which is possible only through balanced and regular diet.

2012 Capricorn Horoscope LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP January 2012 to March 2012
The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn and the ruling element is earth. You will attract the people from opposite sex during this period. Those who have not yet found their love mates have a good time to select the one of their choice. Passion will be in air. You are advised to control your passion, otherwise you may make a mistake.

April 2012 to June 2012

Capricorns are wary about romance. They hate being pursued. The best way is to watch and wait until they melt. You will show your love and romance through poetry during this period. You will build up good number of friends in this quarter. You will be very honest and sincere towards your love mate.

July 2012 to September 2012

Jupiter and Venus are placed together in this period which shows superiority complex. You will have a good time with your love mate. You can plan for a short trip in this quarter. You will be fortunate if you are seeking for a partner as you will get a handsome and an intelligent partner You will be attached emotionally with your partner.

October 2012 to December 2012

A true Capricorn takes life seriously and believes that slow and steady wins the race. They can be workaholics to achieve objectives. They


believe that love without money is the surest way to a broken heart. In this quarter, Venus is placed in the inimical house which is a sign of emotional disappointment. There are chances of breakup with the partner due to some ego clashes. You are advised to control your aggression and not to decide anything till you understand the complete situation. It takes years to build a relation and few seconds to break it.

2012 Capricorn Horoscope FAMILY LIFE January 2012 to March 2012

Capricorns are not very expressive. It is difficult in the family to understand a Capricorn. They are happy or sad and are difficult to make out. They are also noted for there perseverance and strong mindedness. This is the reason because of which they have a good family life. Your mothers health needs to be taken care during this period. Your spouse will be supporting and even children will respect you a lot. You will be very much attached to your kids and can plan a movie with them.

April 2012 to June 2012

Your mothers health is improving now but it will take some time. Your father is also not in a very good health. On the other hand, your children will make you feel proud of them as they will achieve


some laurels in their fields. Your brother or sister may develop some difference of opinion with you. There are chances of some heated arguments with them in this period.

July 2012 to September 2012

This period will be fortunate in context of the family life. Your mother recovers from ill health. You have the knack of adjusting yourself as per the situation and environment. Your children and spouse will be in your favour and support. By the end of the 2nd quarter your father will recover well from his ill health. But, your spouse will stuck up with some seasonal fever or infection.

October 2012 to December 2012

You will gain some wealth or property by the support of your mother. Your father will get some recognition from the government. You may start a new project with the help of your brother or sister. You might stay away from your family due to some official work in the second half of the quarter. Avoid any closeness with an unknown lady as it can strain your relation with your wife or business partner.



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