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Science 4 Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Caitlyn Tomaro Date: 2/27/24

Group Size: 22 Allotted Time: 50 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject or Topic: Pushes and Pulls (Science)

Common Core/PA Standard(s): Standard - 3.1.K.A9 Use simple equipment (tools and other
technologies) to gather data and understand that this allows scientists to collect more information
than relying only on their senses to gather information. • Use data/evidence to construct
explanations and understand that scientists develop explanations based on their evidence and
compare them with their current scientific knowledge.

Steele Standards:
K- Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or
PS2-1 different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

K-PS2- Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed
2. or direction of an object with a push or a pull.*

Learning Targets/Objectives: Students will be able to compare the different strengths and
directions of an object by trying to knock down the most bowling pins.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Anecdotal 1. Students are understanding through answering
Observations questions
Scale (if applicable)

Subject Matter/Content:
 Lesson 1:
 What machines are
 What different machines are used for
 Clothing, food, construction
 What work words are
 Lesson 2:
 Why builders need big machines
 Different types of machines
 Excavator
 Dumptruck
 Crane
 Bulldozer
 Cement Mixer
 Lesson 3:
 Motion, speed, and strength
 How to knock down cement walls, house, building, etc.
 Wrecking ball and what it is
 Wrecking ball swung from high, medium, low

Key Vocabulary:
 Speed: How fast something is moving
 Direction: The path in which something is moving
 Strength: The state of being strong
 Motion: The process of an object being moved

 Why did a bowling ball stop in the middle of a lane?
 Didn’t push hard enough
 If you push the ball harder, it will go farther and faster
 When a ball bounces off something, it changes directions
 If you push the ball hard toward the bumper it will bounce off one bumper than the other
and knock down all of the pins

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
(Preview, book, Voc, predict, purpose)
 Call students to the carpet
 Start by reviewing what was learned in the previous science lessons
 What machines are, what work words are
 Why builders need different types of big machines and what they do
 Motion, speed, and strength, how to knock down concrete wall, wrecking ball and
what it is, what happens when swing wrecking ball from high, medium, and low
 Introduce the read aloud and what we will be learning about today
 How to knock down the most bowling pins
 Speed and direction we need to roll the ball
 Play video read aloud

Development/Teaching Approaches:
 Pause read aloud when Daniel’s ball get stuck in the middle of the lane
 Ask students to quietly raise their hand if they have ever had the same problem while
 Continue read aloud
 Pause read aloud when the questions pop up
 Ask students these questions
 Why don’t you think the ball didn’t go all the way down the lane?
 What would Daniel do to make it go farther?
 Students can turn and talk to neighbors
 3 students can share their answers
 Continue read aloud
 Stop when Daniel is going to push the ball harder
 Have students raise their hands if they think this would make the ball go farther
 Explain to them that Daniel is changing the speed
 Define speed
 How fast something is moving
 Continue read aloud
 Stop when movement slide comes up
 Ask students what Daniel might do to knock down more than one pin
 Students can turn and talk
 3 can share their answers
 Continue read aloud
 Stop when the question slide pops up
 Ask students these questions:
 What happens when a ball bounces off something?
 Does it go the same way, or someplace new?
 Someplace new
 Explain that this is also known as changing directions
 What other games use balls that get bounced around?
 Continue read aloud
 Stop when Daniel is going to try one more time
 Have students think about what Daniel might do this time to knock more pins down
 Remind them that we just talked about what happens when a ball bounces off something
 Continue read aloud
 Pause read aloud after Daniel is bouncing the ball off of the bumpers
 Explain to the students that the ball is changing directions
 After read aloud explain the experiment to the students
 4 students to hold books acting as the “bumpers”
 1 student by the cups to set them up
 I am going to roll the ball like Daniel toward the bumper (name first student to hit
the ball)
 This student is then going to bump the ball to another student, etc until the ball
gets all the way to the end and we see how many cups we can knock down
 Explain about the speed of the ball and the it is going to change directions
 Give students expectations and tell them we are going to take turns
 Contine experiment until everybody has had a turn being a bumper

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
 Call students back to you
 Ask students about what we learned
 Motion, speed, and directions
 If there's time before special have students do a brain break or get playdough out

 Colton can sit as his desk if necessary
 Redirect Jensen if necessary.
Materials and Resources:
 Read aloud
 Masking tape
 Paper cups
 4-6 hard cover books
 Foam ball

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Question

Additional reflection/thoughts

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