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TERM: I WEEK: 2 Date: MARCH 11 - 15

Subject: LITERATURE Grade: 7th Year: 2024

Teacher: Gibson Marval

Date: Monday 03/11 Topic: ACE METHOD (TEXT EVIDENCE)

● PPT with different definitions and examples.
● Post-its
● ACE method prompt cards
● Letter A, C and E to paste on 3 corners.

Objective: Time
● To recall the components of the ACE method
● To recognize the ACE method importance in constructing well-supported responses.

● Lead a discussion on why providing evidence is crucial in responses. 12
● Present the ACE method visually and explain each step. Using the PPt. The SS take
notes in their notebooks.

Activity 1:
● The teacher asks the SS to form groups of 2 to practice applying ACE to provide 18
● Students respond individually to a simple prompt using the ACE method. The teacher
checks their progress and gives feedback when necessary.
● Discuss responses and emphasize the significance of evidence.

Activity 2:
● Ask the students to summarize the ACE method in their own words on a post-it, 10
including the basic components of it and the importance for using it. Finally, they paste it
in their notebook. The teacher asks some students to share their answers.

● Formative - 3 corners: The teacher shows a paragraph with a correspondent question,
then he shows an answer “including” the ACE method. The SS need to confirm if the
answer includes all the elements of the method (A: answer, C: Cite evidence from the 5
text, E: Explanation). If they consider that any of these is missing from the answer, they
have to choose the corner (previously marked with the letters “A, B or C in order to
answer which element is not completing the answer. The teacher confirms and provides

For students who need extra support, provide visual aids for visual learners.
For students who excel, challenge them to read longer texts.
Date: Tuesday 03/12 Topic: ACE METHOD (TEXT EVIDENCE)

● PPT with different definitions and examples.
● The “ACE method” video.
● ACE method template

Objective: Time
● To recognize the ACE method basic components.

● The lesson will begin with a short video clip illustrating the importance of providing
evidence in responses. Following the video, students will participate in a brief class
discussion on why citing evidence is crucial in literature. Prior knowledge 7
Activity 1:
● To introduce the ACE method, students will receive a handout outlining the Answer, Cite,
Explain process. A common misconception to address is that providing an answer
without evidence is sufficient to support a response..

Activity 2:
● During guided practice, students will work in pairs to analyze short passages from a text. 15
They will practice identifying key points, citing evidence, and explaining their reasoning.
The teacher will circulate to provide support and feedback.

Activity 3:
● For independent practice, students will individually respond to a prompt related to the 16
text. They will use the ACE method to craft a well-structured response. The teacher will
assess student responses for mastery of the concept.

Formative - 5-minute pause: The teacher shows a paragraph with a correspondent 7
question, then he shows an answer “including” the ACE method. The SS need to confirm if
the answer includes all the elements of the method (A: answer, C: Cite evidence from the
text, E: Explanation). If they consider that any of these is missing from the answer, they
have to raise the right amount of fingers in the air based on the missing element. 1 for A, 2
for C and 3 for E.

● For students who need extra support, provide visual aids for visual learners.
● For students who excel, they can choose a new text excerpt to analyze using the ACE method.
They will present their responses to the class for discussion.
Date: Wednesday 03/13 Topic: ACE METHOD (TEXT EVIDENCE)

● PPT with different definitions and examples.
● Index cards

Objective: Time
● To apply the ACE method independently.

● Briefly review the ACE method and its components. Shown on the PPt. 8
● Discuss the importance of using ACE for effective responses.

● Model an example using the ACE method on the whiteboard.

● Have students practice identifying the main components (Answer, Cite, Explain). 10

● Distribute handouts with examples of responses without using the ACE method.
● In pairs, students will rewrite the responses applying the ACE method. 12
● Provide a scenario for students to independently write a response using the ACE
method on index cards.
● Peer review: Students will exchange cards and provide feedback on the application of

Formative: Index cards Review the index cards to evaluate the completeness of their 5

● For students who need extra support, provide sentence starters for each component of ACE.
Offer additional examples and guided practice before independent application.
● For students who excel, challenge students to apply the ACE method to real-world scenarios
beyond the classroom.
Date: Thursday 03/14 Topic: ACE METHOD (TEXT EVIDENCE)

● Response examples for peer review
● Rubric for evaluating responses
● Peer review feedback forms
● PPt with examples and explanations

Objective: Time
● To evaluate responses through peer review using the ACE method.

● Recap the ACE method and its components.
● Explain the importance of peer review in improving responses. Prior knowledge 10

● Model a response using the ACE method and explain the criteria for evaluation.
● Break students into pairs or small groups. 7

● Distribute response examples for peer review.
● Students will evaluate the responses based on the ACE method and provide
constructive feedback using the rubric. 23
● Rotate the response examples for multiple peer reviews.
● Encourage students to discuss their feedback and collaborate on improving the
● Facilitate a class discussion on the benefits of peer review and how it can enhance their
own responses.

Formative: Peer feedback Review peer feedback forms to gauge the depth and quality of 5
feedback given.

● For students who need extra support, provide sentence stems for giving feedback.
● For students who excel, encourage them to provide specific, actionable feedback to their peers.
Criteria 4 (Excellent) 3 (Proficient) 2 (Basic) 1 (Needs

Answer Response fully Response Response Response does not

(A) addresses the addresses the partially address the prompt
prompt with a clear prompt with addresses the
and concise answer some clarity prompt

Cite (C) Relevant and Evidence is Limited or No evidence or

specific evidence is provided but may unclear use of irrelevant
effectively integrated lack specificity or evidence information provided
to support the relevance

Explain Explanation Explanation is Explanation is Explanation is

(E) demonstrates a clear and vague or lacks absent or does not
deep understanding supports the coherence support the answer
of the topic and answer
effectively connects adequately
evidence to the

Overall Response is Response is Response lacks Response is

Presen well-organized, mostly organized organization disorganized and
tation coherent, and free of and coherent and coherence unclear
errors with minor errors with several
Date: Friday 03/15 Topic: ACE METHOD (TEXT EVIDENCE)

● PPT with instructions
● Blank posters
● Rubric

● To create a writing prompt (poster) about using the ACE method.

● Begin the lesson by discussing with students the importance of providing evidence and
explanations in their writing. Ask if they're familiar with any strategies for doing this.
● Clearly state the objective of the lesson: "Today, we will create writing prompt posters
about using the ACE method to improve our writing skills."
● Review the ACE method with the class, breaking down each step (Answer, Cite,
Explain) and its purpose in writing.
● Provide examples of how the ACE method can be applied to literary analysis or
response writing. 40
● Divide the class into small groups.
● Provide poster-making materials and instruct each group to create a visually appealing
poster about using the ACE method.
● Encourage students to include examples and illustrations to help explain each step of
the ACE method.
● Circulate around the room to provide guidance and answer questions.

Formative - One thing I learned: Distribute exit ticket slips and ask students to write down 5
one thing they learned and one thing they found challenging about the ACE method during
today's lesson.

● For students who need extra support, provide sentence strips with the correct punctuation to
help them identify run-on sentences.
● For students who excel, challenge them to rewrite the run-on sentences correctly and explain
why the new version is grammatically accurate.
Needs Improvement

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)

The poster clearly

The poster The poster provides
explains each step of The explanation of
adequately explains a basic explanation
Clarity of the ACE method the ACE method is
each step of the of the ACE method
Explanation (Answer, Cite, unclear or
ACE method with but lacks clarity or
Explain) with detailed incomplete.
some examples. detail.

The poster is visually The poster is

The poster is
engaging and visually appealing
somewhat visually The poster lacks
well-organized, with and organized, with
Visual Appeal appealing but lacks visual appeal and is
creative use of color, some use of color,
creativity or poorly organized.
images, and design images, and design
elements. elements.

Examples provided
Examples provided Examples provided Examples provided
are somewhat
are highly relevant to are mostly relevant are irrelevant or
relevant to the ACE
Relevance of the ACE method and to the ACE method unclear, and do not
method but may not
Examples effectively and demonstrate effectively
fully demonstrate its
demonstrate its its application in demonstrate the ACE
application in
application in writing. writing. method.

All information

presented on the Most information

The majority of
poster is accurate, presented on the Some information
information presented
Accuracy of including definitions poster is accurate, presented on the
on the poster is
Information of each step of the but there may be poster is inaccurate
inaccurate or
ACE method and minor inaccuracies or unclear.
their purpose in or omissions.

The poster contains
The poster contains The poster contains The poster contains
no grammatical or few grammatical or several grammatical
Grammar and grammatical or
spelling errors, and spelling errors, and or spelling errors,
Mechanics spelling errors,
all text is clear and most text is clear and some text may
making the text
well-written. and well-written. be unclear.
difficult to understand

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