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Everyday heroes.


Police Storyline

1. *Picture of a stereotypical robber robbing a bank with people scared* “Oh no! The bank is
being robbed! We must call the police! Quick! We will have to do it quietly, so he doesn’t
catch us!
2. *Picture of a man on a call* “Hello, hello? Help, Help! The bank is getting robbed at the
Bankwest!” “Okay sir, we are sending police units to your location right now!” “Please hurry,
everybody’s scared sickly in here!”
3. *Cut to police getting ready and getting in car* “Quick, quick! We must go! Suit up
everybody, the banks getting robbed! Theres’s men, women and children in there, we have
to save them!”
4. *Cut to the bank with some police already there* “We must save the civilians, do some
recon before going to the bank!” “We’re ready sir, its time to breach the building”, “THREE,
TWO, ONE” CRASH! The glass is screeched, and the robber was insight!
5. *Cut to picture of the robber at the end of a hall” Officer tanner runs with haste, catching up
to the robber in no time. The day is saved! With all that is done, they can finally rest in
peace for a while.

Fireman Storyline

1. *Picture of a house of fire* “The house is inflamed, and people, children and animals are
inside. With the flame growing higher- higher, the firemen must be called!
2. *Picture of firefighter

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