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The “smart grid” is the next generation of those energy systems, which have been updated with
communications technology and connectivity to drive smarter resource use, energy efficiency, and
reduced carbon footprint. It is capable of providing electrical power from multiple and widely
distributed sources, such as from wind turbines, solar power systems, and plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP). Utilities intimately understand
the grid and its operation and are responsive to their consumers, but this new world of consumers
directly and actively engaged in the system is challenging. Over the past seven years Lorne has
taught energy modeling. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
For example, wire filament light bulbs used to be the biggest load on a power grid and those behave
as resistors in an electric circuit. These. While completing the prediction task, it can also generate
feature summary explanations or human-understandable visual or natural language explanations. The
College of Engineering in SQU has built an eco-house, as shown in Figure 14. The general idea of
interpretable ML for voltage stability assessment. The Urbanist is based in Seattle and registered as a
nonprofit 501(c)(4) entity. FOLLOW US. Finally, financing and policy support are essential for
developing projects that use renewable energy sources and integrating them into existing grids.
Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced Metering. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a
sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus
asperiores repellat. To address this issue, a multivariate LSTM is applied to this architecture to
characterize the dynamics of different input variables. It is hoped that more prioritized initiatives will
open up more possibilities on utilization of SG application in Oman in the future. Source: National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In fact, post-model interpretability methods are
always difficult to explain the model directly from the internal logic. Meanwhile, renewable
resources make for poor peaker fuel as they cannot generate a vast amount of energy on a whim. The
technologies that make today’s IoT-enabled energy grid “smart” include wireless devices such as
sensors, radio modules, gateways and routers. At the same time, this interpretation should be the
logical reasoning process behind the model while giving the decisions. DLIME uses Hierarchical
Clustering to group the training data into clusters, and then uses KNN to select the samples closest to
the samples to be explained for training. They use information and communications technologies to
ensure safe, secure, and reliable power delivery from the point of generation to customers. Far fewer
power plants would be needed, and it could buy us the time we need to explore and develop
emerging energy production and transmission solutions. Additionally, burning natural gas releases
harmful particles that can cause air pollution and respiratory illnesses. However, integration of
renewable power generations to the utility grid becomes more challenging for increasing the level of
penetration from renewable power. First, we clarify the definition, motivation, and several properties
of interpretability. SG needs supporting policies, strong political commitment and global
collaboration. It can be seen that the closer the time step, the greater the temporal importance scores.
Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors
and must receive.
Dev Dives: Leverage APIs and Gen AI to power automations for RPA and software. Please let us
know what you think of our products and services. It can separate the faulty part of the electrical
network in order to prevent small-scale, brief interruptions from turning into region-wide and lasting
power outages. Finally, smart grids can help reduce costs associated with the electricity supply chain
by allowing producers to forecast demand more accurately and respond quickly to changes in the
market. The development and expansion of data communication and smart meter capabilities will
empower the customers and small-scale energy provider to acknowledge to market price signal and
aid in system stabilizing. In this paper, we adopt this classification to introduce different
interpretability methods, as illustrated in Figure 4. 3.1. Pre-Model Pre-model interpretability is
applied before ML model selection and training. Neural network interpretability for forecasting of
aggregated renewable generation. It can also be divided into pre-model, in-model and post-model
according to the stage of explanation generation. The knowledge about feature importance and
temporal importance produced by IM-LSTM is consistent with the knowledge of experts in the
energy domain. Smart Grid Canada. Global smart grid federation report. The ICT infrastructure must
have the ability to address the malicious attacks on transmitted information in the SG. In addition,
they demonstrated a demand response-oriented application scenario. Some of the prominent features
of the SG include: AMI: Smart meters rigged with advanced communication protocols are utilized in
SG to record energy consumption over an interval of an hour or less. Conflicts of Interest The
authors declare no conflict of interest. Comprehensibility: The readability of the explanation
(subjective) and the size of the explanation (such as the depth of the DT, the number of weights in
the linear model, etc.). Certainty: Whether the explanation reflects the confidence of the predicted
result. Summary of interpretable ML for other smart grid applications. Education and awareness are
also required for the public about this new power network. However, some tariff methodologies may
be suitable in one country, but not fit to another country. Energy storage systems are the game-
changing technology in grid-connected systems, determining factors pertaining to generating, storing
and selling back to the grid by customers. Overall, the use of smart grid technology and renewable
energy sources has the potential to improve both the environment and the economy. The attention
mechanism is currently widely used in image processing, natural language processing, time series
prediction and other fields. Logistic regression model is a GLM that assumes a Bernoulli distribution
and uses the Logit function as the link function. In particular, we want to demonstrate that electric
infrastructure communication standards will work transparently on multiple types of communications
technologies and systems. Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s power grid illustrate the importance of
protecting our electricity dependent way of life. These demonstrations are helping to verify the
interoperability of standards and identify gaps that still need to be fixed (see Figure 4). For example,
IEEE 1613 defines standard environmental and testing requirements for communications networking
devices in electric power substations. In fact, Interpretable ML has a long history, dating back to the
1950s. In V2G, EVs are capable to deliver electricity to the utility given that the EVs are parked and
have a secure connection with the utility grid. Interpretation is an effective means of verifying
network overfitting. EPRI Unified Metrics Craig Rodine Updates to the NIST Twiki site.
For example, interpretable methods that rely on intrinsically interpretable models are highly
translucent. There has been a prolific increase in the energy demand worldwide, and electricity is
being considered to constitute up to 40% of the total energy generation to meet the growing energy
consumption demand in the world by 2040. SG needs supporting policies, strong political
commitment and global collaboration. It automates the billing data collection on the very convenient
manner, detects system failures and sends repairing teams much faster than before because as soon
as a system or a unit fails, the service providers are notified immediately. Smart grid technologies can
also increase the amount of renewable energy generated by power systems while promoting energy-
saving measures. The contemporary electric grid system we use today was built nearly 130 years ago
(the 1890s) and evolved as technology and engineering advanced through the decades. Smart meters
also provide utilities with greater information about how much electricity is being used throughout
their service areas. Peakers are often carbon-based and expensive to operate. The shortage in
electrical power has direct impact on economies, societies and in countries’ development. The
frequency regulation is performed both in transmission and in distribution stages. See also Testing
various PTP setups Grid operators are often required to buy the excess of energy from homes and
businesses that have solar or wind generators. However, the major focus may differ depending upon
the individual needs of the country. In G2V, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are generally fueled by charging
it from an energy reserve system such as a battery storage system which is charged by an external
energy source such as PV, utility grid or other energy systems. However, the uncoordinated charging
operation of vehicle fleet may introduce a momentary spike as new load into the grid system.
Furthermore, by encouraging the use of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind, fewer non-
renewable resources are needed to generate electricity. PREPARED BY SUBMITTED TO Priyanka
Gupta Mr. Jameel Ahamad Shreya Bhatnagar Seminar In-Charge. Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design
using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS and An. The real time market architecture is shown in figure.
Oman to Encourage Household Generation of Solar Power. 28 March 2016. Available online:
(accessed on 2 January 2020). Other grid efficiency measures will also be improved with the
introduction of smart grids like power factor correction, voltage regulation, etc. The concept of smart
grid has emerged from a perception to a goal that is gradually being pursued, and Oman does not
want to stay behind all the others, with increased focus on research and development in this field.
Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Representativeness:
Representativeness is the extent to which the explanation can cover the instance. Generally, the
mimic model is obtained by training with the predictions of the original model (instead of the labels),
which can be as faithful as possible to the original model. Section 5 illustrates many different
concepts which have intricate correlation with the SG. Dispute between a generator and a utility
could occur if the utility seeks to curtail a generator’s output for operational stability. Traditionally,
our grid has been designed to transport electricity generated from central power plants to consumers.
The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) is at the forefront of this effort and has
invested in many initiatives that focus on Smart Grids, Power Systems, and Renewable Energy.
Finally, we point out some future research directions of interpretable ML committed to realizing a
transparent and reliable smart grid. The calculation of the kernel to estimate the SHAP value is as
follows. Developing more in-model interpretability methods: Benefiting from the excellent
characterization performance, complex DL models have been applied to different areas of the smart
Date: 2010-July-12. Abstract: Discussion topics for July 802 Plenary meeting. In addition, the
customer needs to be educated that he is no longer still a consumer but an active player with rights
and obligations. GHG reductions of energy storage and renewable generation can be maximized
with applications that are exclusive to smart grid systems. As well, advances in technology have
made wireless, both cellular and RF (radio frequency), affordable and easy to use in smart grid
applications. Because of its two-way interactive capacity, the Smart Grid will allow for automatic
rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur.” This idea of smart grid mitigating the effects of a
terrorist attack is an interesting one and a topic we’ll cover in a later section. Currently, utilities have
to maintain an equilibrium of electricity generated and supplied because unmet demand leads to
unintentional brownouts that could disrupt critical uses of electricity. This is in clear contrast to
traditionally centralized generation, transmission, or distribution, in which failure would be
catastrophic. Dispute between a generator and a utility could occur if the utility seeks to curtail a
generator’s output for operational stability. The wireless data communications are more advantageous
in compare to the wired communication. SG is considered the next generation power system that
uses bi-directional flows of electricity and information. Economic development and business
opportunities: SG implementation can result a significant savings by reducing the losses in the power
network. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA). Logistic regression model is a
GLM that assumes a Bernoulli distribution and uses the Logit function as the link function. For
example, wire filament light bulbs used to be the biggest load on a power grid and those behave as
resistors in an electric circuit. These. It has brought about many necessary changes in the world of
producing energy and has improved the living standards of the people by all means. Summary of
interpretable ML for other smart grid applications. However, integration of renewable power
generations to the utility grid becomes more challenging for increasing the level of penetration from
renewable power. With NIST-driven work being done by IEEE and the Smart Grid Interoperability
Panel (SGIP) to accelerate standards development, we are well on the way to achieving these goals.
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript. Al-Badi, A.H.; Ahshan, R.;
Hosseinzadeh, N.; Ghorbani, R.; Hossain, E. In conclusion, investing in smart grids and renewables
presents numerous opportunities for businesses within the energy sector. We generally create
intrinsically interpretable ML models through mediations and constraints such as linearization, rules,
examples, sparsity or causality. 3.2.1. Simple Intrinsically Interpretable Models The easiest way to
achieve in-model interpretability is to use simple ML models. Paper should be a substantial original
Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. This could result in
lower prices for consumers while increasing profits for producers. Conflicts of Interest The authors
declare no conflict of interest. Available online: (2016).pdf (accessed on 20 December 2019).
Hashmi, M.; Hanninen, S.; Maki, K. Survey of Smart Grid Concepts, Architectures, and
Technological Demonstrations Worldwide. Feature correlation analysis can be used to find implicit
relationships between variables from large-scale data sets. The more precise it is the more accurate
you can locate the position. Summary of interpretable ML for power system flexibility. The process
of building a local mimic model using LIME.
A smart automated controller makes an optimal decision based on the price signals and more static
customers’ preferences in this market architecture. Other grid efficiency measures will also be
improved with the introduction of smart grids like power factor correction, voltage regulation, etc.
Thus, the development of an SG may require substantial amount of time in order to incorporate
consecutive layers of services into the current electrical networks. Another challenge involves
updating existing infrastructure to accommodate new technologies and integrating them into existing
grids. The Atlantic Digital Grid project is one example of an initiative that aims to integrate DERs
with smart grids for improved reliability, efficiency, security, and safety. A Smart Grid can
accommodate intermittent power sources such as wind turbines and solar arrays, whose output may
not coincide with demand. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers
instead of page numbers. An updated power grid will also become all the more essential as more
households purchase an electric car that must be charged. TED utilizes explanation production
components to generate domain-specific explanations that reflect the reasoning process of human
experts in a particular domain. 3.3. Post-Model Post-model interpretability attempts to explain the
trained ML model. The Smart grid projects are being undertaken by various countries.
Comprehensibility: The readability of the explanation (subjective) and the size of the explanation
(such as the depth of the DT, the number of weights in the linear model, etc.). Certainty: Whether
the explanation reflects the confidence of the predicted result. There are challenges with bridging the
gap between the status quo of post-month energy information communications and an endgame
where consumers can dictate their level of energy granularity. Hydrogen Fuel Cells Hydrogen Fuel
Cells Rural electrification by Lakshmi.Nidoni-seminar ppt Rural electrification by Lakshmi.Nidoni-
seminar ppt Piezoelectric Effect Piezoelectric Effect Energy Generation by using PIEZOELECTRIC
MATERIALS and It’s Applications. The growing trend today is for municipalities to move toward
smart grid technologies for a range of reasons. Attention vectors are used to visualize the impact of
the input on the predictions, which helps users understand how the model makes predictions.
Conservation is good for consumers and the environment, but it must be balanced by consumers’
needs; in depth data analysis helps companies and consumers reach a reasonable balance before
rolling blackouts hit. International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). A microgrid can be
defined as a small-scale grid, which has its own generating supplies, loads, and storage units, which
are connected together. Wireless technology will replace thousands of miles of cable that would have
been needed to advance the smart grid to where it is today. Cost-effective solutions for making this
information readily available both in the customer’s home via an in-home display as well as on the
utility’s normal customer portal are critical. Utilities could make discounted rates for degrees of
interruptible electricity an option, negating worries of variability affecting critical services.
Residential building load forecasting is an important basis for realizing load transfer. SR Globals
Profile - Building Vision, Exceeding Expectations. Comparison of a conventional grid with the SG is
tabulated in Table 1. Some future research directions are discussed in Section 5. Data collected from
monitors can be used to create models and simulations of outages to train with, improving
preparation for large outages. This method obtains a set of neighbor samples of the target instance by
sampling. It consists of intelligent layer and electricity delivery layer. Smart Power Grid
concentrators and distribution automation devices (e.g. monitors. Find support for a specific problem
in the support section of our website.
Consumers, in general, are likely to welcome more detailed information on how much electricity,
natural gas, and water they use. Demand for renewable generation could be made tangible with this
kind of electricity marketplace. The co-constitution is highly important because without thinking of a
smart energy system, it would be quite complicated to develop a smart city model. Smart Grids are
being adopted worldwide to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions from traditional sources,
and provide reliable access to clean energy. Advancement in Smart grid by Embedding a Last meter
in a Internet of Things P. In addition, we review the relevant literature addressing interpretability for
smart grid applications. Date: 2010-July-12. Abstract: Discussion topics for July 802 Plenary
meeting. We are actively applying nanotechnology to advanced energy applications such as clean
energy generation and energy storage. By researching these interactions, we can create policies that
will ensure a healthy future for all. Automatic Healing Capability (AHC): Automatic healing
capability of a SG is very essential for its reliable and efficient operation. GleecusTechlabs1 Early
Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA South Florida WOW Con. The Virtual Power
Plant (VPP) is a power plant, which is formed by combining a group of distributed energy sources
such as wind, PV, fuel, energy storage, grid, etc. In particular, we want to demonstrate that electric
infrastructure communication standards will work transparently on multiple types of communications
technologies and systems. However, most utilities are not waiting for completion of this process to
begin deploying smart grid technologies. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance
Medicine (JOHBM). The basic market architecture of advance power system. This layer-based ICT
infrastructure is capable of avoiding illegal access and protecting against cyber-attack. SG provides
integration of renewable energy resources (RESs) into the main grid and more controllability over
the grid system. The Distribution network handles broadband connectivity for transmitting data
collected by. The link function of a GAM can be a very complex nonlinear function, even a DT or a
neural network. It also increases the penetration level of solar and wind power in SG system. Smart
Grids use digital technology to detect changes in electricity supply and demand in real-time,
allowing for better management of energy resources. Translucency: Translucency describes how
much the explanation method looks inside the ML model. This helps protect customers from
unexpected price spikes due to limited supply or high-demand situations. This paper defines and
discusses various SG system concepts such as virtual power plant, and active demand in consumer
networks, and also presents drivers and roadmaps for development of smart grids worldwide. Find
support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Those same sensors can also
send out an alert if a light needs servicing. In a real-time market, the operator will have additional
balancing power. Additionally, emerging business models enabled by smart grids have enabled
Energy Service Providers (ESPs) to offer services through smart meters that allow customers to view
real-time utility data, track their energy usage, set budgets, and make better decisions about their
energy consumption. Answering this requires narrowing it down to one of seven National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Smart Grid Conceptual Model Domains.
According to the different interpretation objects, post-model interpretability is mainly divided into
three types: interpretation of model, interpretation of prediction and mimic model. The input may
undergo a series of complex nonlinear transformations, interact with numerous neurons, and then
produce predictions. VPP is formed by combining a group of distributed energy resources (DERs).
In G2V, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are generally fueled by charging it from an energy reserve system
such as a battery storage system which is charged by an external energy source such as PV, utility
grid or other energy systems. However, the uncoordinated charging operation of vehicle fleet may
introduce a momentary spike as new load into the grid system. The VPP should be made in a way to
have similar characteristics of conventional generating units with a total capacity comparable to
typical conventional power plants. Previous Article in Journal Affordable Broadband with Software
Defined IPv6 Network for Developing Rural Communities. Technologies used for distribution
network implementation include. See also Hybrid Mode PTP: Mixed Multicast and Unicast In one
of our partner projects we were measuring the phase difference in low frequency power lines of
Swedish railways. We generally create intrinsically interpretable ML models through mediations and
constraints such as linearization, rules, examples, sparsity or causality. 3.2.1. Simple Intrinsically
Interpretable Models The easiest way to achieve in-model interpretability is to use simple ML
models. Funding No external source of funding was attained for this research activity. It is capable of
providing electrical power from multiple and widely distributed sources, such as from wind turbines,
solar power systems, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Therefore, for some smart grid control
problems that are too risky, ML is still not trusted at present. Overview of Smart Grid Technology
and Its Operation and Application (For Existing Power System). Because of its two-way interactive
capacity, the Smart Grid will allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur.”
This idea of smart grid mitigating the effects of a terrorist attack is an interesting one and a topic
we’ll cover in a later section. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses on the definition and motivation
behind the concept of SG. Australian Standards for Smart Grids—Standards Roadmap. Review on
Interpretable Machine Learning in Smart Grid. Although the total customers in these categories
represent only 1% of the total accounts, these customers consume 30% of the total energy.
Embedding domain knowledge: Most ML models in the smart grid provide prediction results using a
data-driven approach. No need to wait for a call from an angry customer complaining about street
lights being out. Smart Grid The Role of Electricity Infrastructure in Reducing Greenhouse Gas. The
plant will be connected to the Main Interconnected System (MIS), which would be run by Oman
Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) and will meet power requirements of around 33,000
homes. Therefore, a smart automated controller will be required to make an optimal decision based
on the price signals and the customers’ preferences that are more static. The load of the SQU Eco-
House ( Figure 14 ) during the summer and the amount of energy fed back to the grid. However,
how to ensure that ML algorithms can extract the correct valuable information is still a huge
challenge. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). Date: 2010-July-
12. Abstract: Discussion topics for July 802 Plenary meeting. Furthermore, there are two
terminologies that are often confused: interpretability and explainability. Nam libero tempore, cum
soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere
possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

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