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Ritual for Feeding the Hungry

(Prepare your temple space as for a Zelator ritual, with the cross within the
Triangle. Place a representation of each element in the proper quadrant. Burn
earthy incense such as Dittany of Crete or Patchouli. Have a paten, or small
plate of salt for the ritual – kosher salt is the easiest to work with, but table salt is
fine too).


Step One: Conduct an LBRP and a BRH. [NOTE: If you do not know the BRH,
then the LBRP is fine]

Step Two: Perform the Adoration of the Lord of the Universe:

Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe

Holy art Thou, which Nature hast not formed
Holy art Thou, the Vast and Mighty One
Ruler of the Light and the Darkness

Step Three: Perform a Middle Pillar, vibrating each name 10 times.

Step Four: LIRP of Earth [if you know it]

Step Five: (Face East - all underlined names are to be vibrated)

"ADONAI HA ARETZ, ADONAI MELEKH, unto thee be the Kingdom and the
Power and the Glory; Malkuth, Geburah, Gedulah, the Rose of Sharon and Lily of
the Valley, Amen.

(Circle to the North and face North)

Unless ADONAI build the House, the House will crumble and it will fall. Unless
ADONAI keep the City, the watchman waketh in vain. I evoke the great Lord of
Earth, ADONAI HA ARETZ. I call upon you tonight. Make thy presence known in
this temple. We desire that our house be built upon thy sure foundation, and that
the Lord’s Will be done here. (Continue to vibrate ADONAI until you clearly feel
his presence. Then speak or read the following in a full voice, with passion…)

We beseech thee oh ADONAI to bestow upon the world your blessings of

abundance. We call upon your holy light to change our minds and hearts and the
minds and hearts of the entire world so that we know that those who suffer and
those who are hungry are our brothers and sisters. I evoke your holy light oh
ADONAI to change the hearts and minds of those in power so that the children of
the world may have full stomachs. I evoke your holy light oh ADONAI to let
mothers rejoice in your Name that their families have food and shelter. I evoke
your holy light oh ADONAI to let fathers praise your Name that they can serve
their families as an instrument of your blessings. I invoke your holy light oh
ADONAI to change the hearts and minds of myself, and all that I encounter that
the needy exist within my family, my friends, and those within my community.

Strengthen our Foundation, that the forces and powers that bring about hunger
and suffering may be made impotent in their evil designs. Let not instability or
fear consume us. Provide for us in our uncertainty. Let not our shelter be
removed. Let not our children be hungry. Let our toil go not unrewarded.

O ADONAI - let thy rulership be unquestioned, and the harvests planted in thy
name be plentiful. Rebuke those whose decisions continue human indignity and
suffering. Provide for us and shelter us against those whose aim is devastation,
poverty, and hopelessness. Let health overcome disease, abundance overcome
famine. Let all be uplifted in gratitude for thy protection and sovereignty, and
shout their gratitude on high!

Oh mighty ADONAI, send forth thy great Archangel AURIEL, the Light of God. O
AURIEL - thou, whose light is nurturing and revitalizing as the life giving rays of
the Sun. Come thou forth AURIEL. Thou whose stability is rooted in ADONAI,
the Lord of the Earth. Thou who moves through and shows forth thy presence in
the plants, the trees, the soil and the flowers. Thou whose fire is the desire of the
Light of God. Robed in the colors of earth, with a staff at thy side, brilliant wings
of Light, showing forth the Light of God.

AURIEL, hear our call and aid us in this work of Art. Assist me and my brothers
and sisters of the Hermetic Order of the Morning Star, bringing stability and
abundance, even prosperity and renewal, in the face of world suffering and
hunger. Engage thy mighty legions of angels, oh mighty AURIEL. Call forth thy
angel PHORLAKH. Come thou forth, thou angel, thou ruler of Earth in Yetzirah.
Come thou forth and be present, here, tangibly on Earth.

In the Divine name of ADONAI, and under the protection of the Great Archangel
AURIEL, I evoke the great angel PHORLAKH; I evoke the King of the Earth
Spirits, thou King of the Gnomes, GHOB, and thy entire kingdom of gnomes to
assist us, the brothers and sisters of the Morning Star. Come thou forth, thy
legions of the Light of Earth! Come thou forth! Let thy enduring stability, thy
singleness of purpose, thy implacable will provide abundance for the hungry,
shelter for the homeless, and abundance for the entire world.

Not unto our glory, but solely unto the Glory of thy ineffable Name! Oh ADONAI!
Let thy bounty pour forth, that despite the evil of human hunger and indignity that
has been wrought, that thy power made be made manifest in the world. That the
hungry shall be fed, that the homeless shall be sheltered, that the tithes of the
righteous shall overflow and all shall enjoy thy shelter and thy bounty!
(Pause for a moment. Staring into your paten of salt, visualize the people of earth
pulling together. See them generously sharing resources. See the countries of
the world mutually aiding each other, and solidity standing behind their promises.
See world leaders spending resources not on selfish or prideful things, but on
those things that will feed their peoples. See legions of workers around the world
rebuilding to secure a better future for all of our children. See hunger and poverty
and insecurity shrink smaller and smaller until they disappear – and replaced by
joyous abundance. See all the earth giving thanks unto God for his faithfulness.
When you fully visualize this reality, make the Sign of the Enterer into your paten
of salt, then the Sign of Silence. )

Say, in a strong voice: In the name of ADONAI HA ARETZ, ADONAI MELEKH,

so shall it be! (Stomp once, then make the grade sign of the Zelator – or if you
are a Neophyte, then the Neophyte grade signs).

Step Six:

"O invisible King, who, taking the Earth for foundation, didst hollow its depths to
fill them with Thy almighty power. Thou whose name shaketh the arches of the
world, Thou who causest the seven metals to flow in the veins of the rocks, King
of the seven lights, rewarder of the subterranean workers, lead us into the
desirable Air and into the realm of splendor. We watch and we labor
unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the
buried Talismans, by the Axis of the lodestone which passes through the center
of the Earth. O Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand
our hearts, unbind and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures.

O stability and motion! O Darkness veiled in brilliance! O day clothed in night!

O Master who never dost withhold the wages of Thy workmen! O silver
whiteness! O golden splendor! O crown of living and harmonious diamond!
Thou who wearest the heavens on Thy finger like a ring sapphire! Thou who
hidest beneath the earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvelous seed of the
stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the treasures where of
Thou has made us the Wardens.



Step Seven: LBRP, BRH [if you know it], and Adoration

Step Eight: (Final Release) I now release any and all spirits which may have
been imprisoned by this rite. Go forth now unto thine own abodes and
habitations, and go thou with the blessing of YEHESHUAH YEHOVASHA. Be
there always peace between you and me and be ye ready to come again when
ye are called. For I now declare this ritual for feeding the hungry duly closed."

Finally, take the salt from your altar, which you placed outside your circle. Go
outside, and starting in the north cast a pinch of salt in each of the four cardinal
directions around your home. As you cast each pinch of salt, say “Let my house
be built on the firm foundation of Adonai. Glory be unto Adonai.” If you can give
the Zelator grade sign in each direction, do so, otherwise just do so astrally.
[Give the neophyte grade signs if you are a Neophyte]

This ritual is most effective when performed every day for ten days. If you do not
have time to perform the entire ritual each day, repeat as often as possible.

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