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Clinical Radiology Shadowing Notes

05.30.2023 Monday ~ Journal Notes

Shadowing: Dr. John
I cannot believe how many improvements, many of them simple to make, could be added to a standard MRI machine!
Today one of the patients literally could not even receive her scan because the machine was too tight of a fit for her! She
was extremely claustrophobic and due to this she refused to get in the machine. I think that if there is a way to make the
inside of the machine less tight fitting, maybe she would be able to comfortably stay inside for the duration of the scan. I
feel like, given my knowledge of the operation of the MRI machine – this would not be too difficult to design!

6.02.2023 Wednesday ~ Journal Notes

Shadowing: Dr. Pole
Today a young child came in needing to receive a brain scan. Once Dr. John began the scan, and the patient’s upper body
was rolled into the machine, the little boy began to flail around, distressed at the dark interior of the MRI machine and the
loud noises coming from the machine. Due to his young age he was unable to understand the reason that the device was
so loud. Dr. John and I were unable to get the child to calm down enough, and ultimately, he was unable to get a complete
brain scan. This is because, even with the slightest motion, the entire MRI image becomes impossible to read. I really hope
he can get imaging at some point, because not having a clear image prevents Dr. John from treating a potential problem. I
really wonder if there was a way to make the MRI machines quieter!

6.03.2023 Thursday ~ Journal Notes

Shadowing: Dr. John
Today Dr. John told me that pregnant women cannot safely have an MRI! One of his patients has a fractured spine and the
best was to look at treatment methods would be to take an MRI image. But, due to her pregnancy, and the unknown
impact on the fetus, he is unable to take an image of her spine. I really hope that she can get treatment after her pregnancy!
I wonder if there is a way to create an MRI imaging machine that can be safe for pregnant women?

6.04.2023 Friday ~ Journal Notes

Shadowing: Dr. Pole
Today Dr. John had to turn away a patient that was too large to fit in the MRI scanning bed. The patient seemed very sick
too, and it is horrible that he cannot even receive care. Because the beds are made so small, he could not fit in the bed. I
think that this would be a really easy improvement to make to the machine! It is such a shame that he is not able to be
treated just because a proper sized device is not available for him. I would suggest manufacturing adjustable bed rails.,
This would allow more people to get scans.

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