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Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456


1. How many groups are present in p-block and why?

(1) 6 groups because maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a set of p orbital is

(2) 3 groups because three orbitals are present in p-orbital set, i.e, px, py and pz

(3) 6 groups because its valence shell electronic configuration is ns2np1 – 6.

(4) 4 groups as there are four orbitals

2. The valence shell electronic configuration of p-block is ____

(1) ns2 (n – 1)p0 – 6 (2) ns2 np0 – 6

(3) ns2 np1 – 6 (4) ns2 (n – 1)p1 – 6

3. Oxidation state shown by members of Boron family is ____

(1) +3 and +1 (2) +1 and +2

(3) +5 and +3 (4) –3, and +3

4. Oxidation states shown by carbon family other than +4 is

(1) +1, –2 (2) +2, –2

(3) +2, –4 (4) –3, +4

5. The first elements of p-block differs from the remaining members of their corresponding group is due to

(1) Small size (2) Unavailability of d-orbitals

(3) They are Highly electropositive (4) Both (A) and (B)

6. Boron is a fairly rare element, mainly occurs as____

(1) Orthoboric acid (2) Borox

(3) Kernite (4) All of these

7. The two isotopes of Boron are ____

(1) 10B(19%) and 11B(81%) (2) 10B(81%) and 11B(19%)

(3) 9B(25%) and 11B(75%) (4) 9B(19%) and 11B(81%)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [1]
Group-13 Practice Sheet-1

8. The important minerals of Aluminium. is/are

(1) Kernite, Bauxite, Cryolite (2) Bauxite and Cryolite

(3) Mica and Bauxite (4) Mica and Kernite

9. Why the discontinuity is observed in the Ionisation enthalpy values between Al and Ga and between In and

(1) Due to increase in size down the group.

(2) Due to presence of d and f orbitals and their inability to screen effectively.

(3) Increase in Nuclear charge down the group

(4) Decrease in nuclear charge down the group.

10. Which element have the highest boiling point in Group-13?

(1) Boron (2) Aluminium

(3) Thalium (4) Galium

11. The correct variation of tendency to behave as Lewis acid of Group-13 elements on moving down the group

(1) BCl3 > AlCl3 > GaCl3 (2) BCl3 < AlCl3 < GaCl3

(3) BCl3 < GaCl3 < AlCl3 (4) BCl3 > GaCl3 > AlCl3

12. Consider the reaction give below:

BCl3 + NH3  X

What is the hybridisation of product X?

(1) sp2 (2) sp3

(3) dsp2 (4) sp3d

13. Why TI+ is more stable is solution than TI3+?

(1) Highly (negative) E° value

(2) Positive E° value of Tl3+/Tl

(3) More electropositivity

(4) Tl+ is powerful oxidizing agent

14. Which gas will liberate when aluminium dissolves in dilute HCl?

(1) H2 (2) Cl2

(3) O2 (4) N2

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [2]
Group-13 Practice Sheet-1

15. What will happen when borax is heated at high temperature.

(1) B2O3 is formed (2) H3BO3 is formed

(3) It decomposes. (4) It looses water molecules.

16. What will be the product formed when orthoboric acid is heated strongly?

(1) Metaboric acid (2) H2B4O7

(3) HBO2 (4) B2O3

17. What will happen when diborane is exposed to air?

(1) Oxidised to boron sesquioxide (2) Catches fire spontaneously

(3) Forms higher boranes (4) Both (A) and (B)

18. What will be the final product B formed when diborane is heated with ammonia as given below?

B2H6  NH3 
 A 

(1) BH3 monomer formed (2) No reaction

(3) Borazole is formed (4) B2H6.2NH3 is formed

19. What are the bond angle a and b values in B2H6?

(1) a = 120°, b = 97° (2) a = 97°, b = 120°

(3) a = b = 97° (4) a = b = 120°

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Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [3]

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