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Applied cerebral Learning objectives

physiology After reading this article, you should understand the:
C importance of an uninterrupted supply of oxygen and glucose
Pranoy Das for normal cerebral metabolism
Astri Luoma C fundamentals of the regulation and measurement of cerebral
blood flow
C concept of intracranial pressure and how it affects cerebral
Abstract perfusion pressure
This article reviews cerebral metabolism and blood flow, and the pres-
sure dynamics within the cranial cavity. The brain functions within the
of the volumes of brain, CSF and intracranial blood is constant.
confines of the cranial cavity and it is important to understand the dy-
Since the intracranial volume is fixed, an increase in one of the
namics of the parenchyma, cerebrospinal fluid and blood in relation to
three intracranial components will result in a rise in ICP unless
intracranial pressure (ICP) and metabolic needs. It requires an uninter-
compensated for by a reduction in volume of another compo-
rupted supply of oxygen and glucose to maintain its basal energy re-
nent. Initially, a rise in ICP is compensated for by CSF migration
quirements and these are increased during periods of enhanced
into the spinal compartment accompanied by an increase in CSF
activity. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is therefore critical for normal cere-
absorption and decrease in production, and a reduction in cere-
bral function. Its control is dictated by local intrinsic metabolic needs
bral blood flow. As these compensatory mechanisms are over-
as well as extraneous factors such as arterial blood pressure, arterial
whelmed, intracranial compliance falls and ICP rises
carbon dioxide and oxygen tension, temperature and neural factors;
dramatically with even a small increase in intracranial volume.
all of which can be measured to guide therapy.
This could lead to brainstem compression if untreated, and
Keywords Cerebral autoregulation; cerebral blood flow; cerebral manifest as hypertension, bradycardia and irregular respiration
metabolism; intracranial pressure
(Cushing’s reflex).
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD Matrix: 1A01
ICP is a dynamic pressure with fluctuations occurring with
arterial pulsation, position, respiration, coughing and straining. It
may be measured using an intracranial pressure bolt or external
ventricular drain (Figure 1).

The contents of the cranium are brain parenchyma (80%), blood

(9%), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF; 6%) and interstitial fluid (5%). Managing raised ICP
The brain’s primary function is the generation of neuronal action Surgically, raised ICP may be controlled by CSF diversion using
potentials in response to stimuli. This function is mediated by an external ventricular drain or by a decompressive craniectomy.
ionic movement against electrical gradients and the release of Medical measures for ICP control aim at reducing intracranial
neurotransmitters at synaptic junctions. The normal physiology blood volume or interstitial fluid volume. Reduction of intra-
of the brain is energy intensive requiring large amounts of cranial blood volume can be achieved by optimizing ventilation
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Glucose is the primary metabolic to reduce arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) and improve
fuel and requires a sufficient supply of oxygen for the oxidative oxygenation, increasing venous drainage with a head-up posi-
process. tion, and providing adequate sedation and muscular relaxation to
This article explores the pressure dynamics within the cra- reduce cerebral metabolic rate and intrathoracic pressure. Inter-
nium and the physiological mechanisms that maintain supply of stitial fluid volume reduction can be achieved by fluid restriction
oxygen and glucose to the brain. or by the administration of diuretics (e.g. mannitol and furose-
mide) or corticosteroids.

Monro-Kellie doctrine and intracranial pressure

After closure of the cranial sutures, the cranial cavity functions as Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
a rigid box with no room for expansion. The intracranial pressure CSF is an ultrafiltrate of plasma that circulates through the ce-
(ICP) is maintained between 7 and 12 mmHg in normal cir- rebral ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord. It is
cumstances. The Monro-Kellie doctrine describes the pressuree formed (and reabsorbed) at the rate of 500 ml/day by energy
volume relationship within the cranial cavity. It states the sum dependent perfusion-related processes in the choroid plexus and
the ependymal lining of the lateral ventricles. It flows via the
foramina of Monro to the third ventricle, and then to the fourth
Pranoy Das MBBS MRCSEd is a Clinical Research Fellow at the ventricle through the aqueduct of Sylvius. CSF then flows into
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK. the central canal of the spinal cord and the subarachnoid spaces
Conflict of interest: none. through the median foramen of Magendie and lateral foramina of
Astri Luoma MBChB FRCA FFICM is a Consultant Neuroanaesthetist at Luschka. CSF is ultimately absorbed by the subarachnoid villi
the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK. into the cerebral venous sinuses. If the rate of CSF formation
Conflict of interest: none. exceeds that of absorption, hydrocephalus ensues.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 1 Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Das P, Luoma A, Applied cerebral physiology, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine,

or glucose concentrations can therefore lead to potentially

Intracranial pressure–volume curve problematic fluid shifts in the brain. This emphasizes the
importance of correcting sodium and glucose abnormalities
slowly. Changing osmotic gradients may also be used to reduce
ICP via fluid shifts (e.g. using hypertonic saline). The BBB is
disrupted by a number of processes such as hypertension, stroke,
trauma, status epilepticus, hypercarbia, hypoxia, and especially
inflammation (chemical, infective or autoimmune). When
disruption occurs, fluid movement becomes largely dependent
on hydrostatic gradients.
ICP (mmHg)

Cerebral blood flow
Blood flow to the brain is primarily by the paired internal ca-
'P1 'V2
rotid arteries anteriorly and the paired vertebral arteries poste-
riorly. About 70% of cerebral blood flow (CBF) is supplied by
10 the internal carotid arteries. The anterior and posterior circu-
lations anastomose at the base of the brain to form the Circle of
Willis. There are numerous anatomical variations in the Circle
of Willis with an incomplete anastomosis in around 50%
0 Although the brain constitutes only 2% of the total body
Intracranial volume mass, it receives 15% of the cardiac output (750 ml/min in
(arbitrary units) adults). Resting CBF is approximately 50 ml/100 g/min. The flow
ICP, intracranial pressure; P, pressure; V, volume. is not evenly distributed. Grey matter, which is metabolically
more active, receives approximately 90 ml/100 g/min and in
Figure 1 these regions the rate of oxygen consumption, termed the cere-
bral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2), is about 3 ml/100 g/
Blood–brain barrier min. White matter receives about 20 ml/100 g/min and its
CMRO2 is approximately 1 ml/100 g/min. The level of CBF is
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) exists between the bloodstream
critical. Complete interruption of CBF produces loss of con-
and the central nervous system (CNS). It is a semi-permeable
sciousness within seconds as does a reduction of CBF to
membrane consisting of three layers: the vascular endothelium
approximately 20 ml/100 g/min. Neuronal conversion to anaer-
with its basement membrane, the astrocyte foot processes and
obic metabolism occurs below 18 ml/100 g/min and the elec-
pericytes. The endothelial cells have very few pinocytic vesicles
troencephalogram becomes flat. Brain cell death (infarction)
and are sealed by tight junctions with no anatomical gaps. This
takes place at about 3 h with flows of 10 ml/100 g/min and after
provides a high electrical resistance barrier. The BBB explains the
30 minutes at flows of 5 ml/100 g/min (Table 1).
difference in constitution of the CSF and plasma. CSF has a very
low protein content when compared to plasma (0.2 versus 60 g/
Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)
L). Increased levels of protein in CSF would indicate a disruption
to the BBB. Concentrations of potassium, calcium, glucose, urea The perfusion pressure (i.e. the arteriovenous pressure gradient)
and lymphocytes are lower in CSF. in the brain is more complex than that of other organs because it
The passage of substances across the BBB is directly propor- is confined within an incompressible vault. It is dependent on the
tional to their lipid solubility but is inversely proportional to pressure difference between the mean arterial pressure (MAP) or
molecular weight, ionic charge and degree of plasma-protein
binding. It is facilitated by active transport mechanisms that
require energy. Lipophilic substances (carbon dioxide, oxygen, Normal cerebral physiological values
volatile anaesthetic agents) pass freely, unlike large-molecular-
weight molecules (e.g. proteins) and highly charged moieties CBF 750 ml/min or 15% of cardiac output
(e.g. sodium ions). Proteins and drugs (e.g. penicillin) cannot CBF (global) 50 ml/100 g/min
cross the barrier unless it is inflamed (e.g. in meningitis). The Grey matter 90 ml/100 g/min
integrity of the barrier can be examined by the intravenous in- White matter 20 ml/100 g/min
jection of radioactive isotopes bound to protein; scanning tech- CMRO2 (grey matter) 3 ml/100 g/min
niques can then be used to determine whether the radioactive CMRO2 (white matter) 1 ml/100 g/min
label is escaping from cerebral vessels. Ruptured aneurysms and CMRGI (global) 30 mg/100 g/min or 25% of total body
increased permeability at tumour sites may be detected using consumption
such techniques. CBF, cerebral blood flow; CMRO2, cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen; CMRGl,
Water moves freely across the BBB via astrocytes expressing cerebral metabolic rate for glucose.
aquaporin-4 (AQP4). This depends on osmotic gradients. Sudden
changes in plasma osmolality secondary to changes in electrolyte Table 1

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 2 Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Das P, Luoma A, Applied cerebral physiology, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine,

the driving pressure (measured at brain level) and ICP or the

pressure that needs to be overcome to supply adequate blood to Effect of PaCO2 on cerebral blood flow
the brain. This pressure difference is known as the CPP. A
normal CPP is 70e80 mmHg; the threshold for critical ischaemia 100
is 30e40 mmHg. As can be seen from the equation below, even
at normal levels of MAP, an elevated ICP of more than 20 mmHg
will compromise CPP and therefore reduce cerebral blood flow.

CBF (ml/100 g/minute)

This emphasizes the importance of maintaining an adequate
MAP in circumstances such as head injury to ensure adequate
Cerebral perfusion pressure ðCPPÞ ¼ Mean arterial pressure ðMAPÞ
 Intracranial pressure ðICPÞ

Control of cerebral blood flow 20

Various mechanisms exist to maintain an adequate basal supply

of blood and therefore substrate to meet the energy demands of
the brain. Physiological variables, such as arterial carbon dioxide
0 3 8
and oxygen levels, influence CBF and local regulatory mecha-
PaCO2 (kPA)
nisms direct blood flow to regions of the brain that are particu-
larly active (i.e. blood flow is coupled to local metabolic needs) CBF, cerebral blood flow; PaCO 2 , arterial carbon dioxide tension.
(Box 1).
Figure 2
Arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2)
Carbon dioxide is a potent vasodilator of cerebral blood vessels.
oxygen content). This effect explains the modest increase in CBF
As PaCO2 rises, there is a linear increase in CBF between 3.5 kPa
(an increase of 10%) when breathing 100% oxygen.
(26 mmHg) and 8 kPa (60 mmHg) (Figure 2).
Above 8 kPa cerebral vessels are maximally dilated and no Autoregulation
further increase in vessel diameter is possible; conversely, at a Autoregulation is the maintenance of a constant CBF despite
PaCO2 of 3 kPa cerebral vessels are maximally constricted. The variations in CPP. Under normal conditions when both ICP and
effect of hypocarbia on cerebral vasculature is achieved by an cerebral venous pressure are low, systemic arterial perfusion
increase in brain hydrogen ion (Hþ) concentration and takes
place in minutes, reflecting the time taken for the conversion of
CO2 to HCO3 and Hþ in the perivascular space. The vaso-
constricting effect of a low PaCO2 is progressively attenuated by a
Effect of PaO2 on cerebral blood flow
fall in the brain’s bicarbonate level, which normalizes pH. The
opposite is true for prolonged hypercarbia.

Arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) and oxygen content

CBF is directly responsive to changes in oxygen delivery and
CBF (ml/100 g/minute)

remains unaltered until a threshold PaO2 of 6.8 kPa (50 mmHg) is

reached. Below this threshold CBF dramatically rises (Figure 3).
This corresponds to the steep part of the oxyhaemoglobin
dissociation curve (i.e. CBF is responsive not to PaO2 but to 50

Factors influencing cerebral blood flow

C Local neuronal activity 20

C Autoregulation
C Raised intracranial pressure
C Arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2)
C Arterial oxygen tension (PaO2)
0 6.6
C Haematocrit
PaO2 (kPA)
C Temperature
C Autonomic nervous system regulation CBF, cerebral metabolism blood flow; PaO2, arterial oxygen tension.

Box 1 Figure 3

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 3 Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Das P, Luoma A, Applied cerebral physiology, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine,

pressure (i.e. MAP) is the primary determinant of CPP. Between enters cells via the appropriate glucose transporter (i.e. GLUT 1
a MAP of 50 mmHg and 150 mmHg the mean CBF remains to astrocytes, GLUT 3 to neurons and GLUT 5 to microglial cells).
constant at 50 ml/100 g/min. However, autoregulation has its Under normal aerobic conditions, glucose contributes to
physiological limits, above and below which CBF is directly tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to
related to perfusion pressure (see Figure 4). provide ATP for energy. The remainder is converted to amino
Autoregulation is achieved by alterations in cerebrovascular acids, proteins and lipids. Under hypoxic conditions the glucose
resistance (CVR) (occurring over 10e60 s) caused by myogenic receptors are upregulated. Glucose is anaerobically metabolized
reflexes to transmural tension in the resistance vessels; as CPP by glycolysis to form lactate, which is converted to pyruvate in
increases from 50 to 150 mmHg, cerebral arterioles constrict and neurons and can then be used in the TCA cycle. Lactate can be
therefore restrict increases in CBF. Autoregulation may be actively removed across the bloodebrain barrier via a mono-
modified by sympathetic nervous system activity. Chronic hy- carboxylate transporter. During fasting the brain utilizes ketone
pertension or sympathetic stimulation shifts the autoregulatory bodies (exported from the liver) which are broken down to acetyl
curve to the right, whereas sympathetic blockade or cervical coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA). This is oxidized via the TCA cycle to
sympathectomy shifts the curve to the left. Symptoms of yield energy. Gluconeogenesis can also occur in such conditions.
ischaemia occur only when the MAP falls below 60% of the If CBF ceases, glycogen reserves can be exhausted within 2 min.
lower autoregulatory limit. Above the upper autoregulatory limit, Hypoglycaemia results in cerebral cellular dysfunction, mani-
mechanisms such as forced cerebral arteriolar dilatation, reversal festing as anxiety and confusion, convulsions and eventually
of hydrostatic gradients and cerebral oedema result in increases coma.
of cerebral blood volume and ICP. Autoregulation is disrupted in
the presence of intracranial pathology, hypoxaemia, hypercarbia, Flow metabolism coupling and local chemical
fixed vascular obstructions (e.g. carotid atheroma), and volatile regulators
anaesthetic agents. Local neuronal activity causes an increase in CMRO2 and CMRGl,
and is accompanied by an increased regional CBF to match
Cerebral metabolism glucose and oxygen use with delivery. The parallel change in CBF
with CMRO2 and CMRGl is known as flow-metabolism coupling.
The brain requires more energy than any other organ in the There is evidence to suggest that CBF may be modulated by
body. Glucose is the main energy source. Cerebral metabolic rate changes in glucose consumption rather than oxygen consump-
for glucose (CMRGl) is about 30 mg/100 g/min, approximately tion under hypoxic conditions. Vasoconstriction occurs by the
25% of the body’s total glucose consumption. The majority of action of free calcium ions, thromboxane (a product of arach-
this energy is used to maintain ion gradients across neuronal idonic acid/endoperoxidase metabolism) and endothelin
membranes via the Naþ/Kþ-ATPase ion pumps. Glucose crosses (secreted by endothelial cells by endothelin-converting enzyme
the bloodebrain barrier via the GLUT 1 transporter and then acting on endothelin A receptors in vascular smooth muscle).
Some calcium-channel blockers blunt hypoxic vasodilation and
prevent adenosine release. Potent vasodilators include peri-
Autoregulation vascular potassium (released in high concentrations during sei-
zures, hypoxia, and electrical stimulation), adenosine (an ATP
Vessel metabolite produced in response to arterial hypotension and
diameter hypoxia), as well as prostaglandins (e.g. PGE2 and prostacyclin
(PGI2)), lactate, acetylcholine, serotonin, substance P and nitric
CVR oxide.
CBF (ml/100 g/minute)

Other factors affecting cerebral blood flow and

intracranial pressure
CBV (ml/100 g)

Raised cerebral venous pressure
50 4.0 An elevated cerebral venous pressure reduces cerebral venous
drainage, expands cerebral blood volume, disrupts capillary
Starling’s forces leading to cerebral oedema, raises intracranial
pressure and therefore reduces CBF. It may be caused by
obstruction of venous drainage by neck compression from neck
CBV collars or tracheal tube ties, from head-down positioning (e.g.
during central line insertion) or from increased intrathoracic
pressure (e.g. from coughing, straining, incomplete muscle
0 relaxation and the application of positive end-expiratory pressure
0 50 100 150 during positive pressure ventilation).
CPP (mmHg)
CBF, cerebral blood flow; CBV, cerebral blood volume; CPP, cerebral
perfusion pressure; CVR, cerebrovascular resistance. Haematocrit is the main determinant of blood viscosity and of
oxygen content (and therefore oxygen delivery). CBF changes
Figure 4 inversely with whole blood viscosity. Within the normal range of

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 4 Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Das P, Luoma A, Applied cerebral physiology, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine,

haematocrit, this has a minimal effect on CBF. However, in blood flow, giving useful information about changes in blood
certain situations when CBF is pathologically decreased (e.g. flow in diseased parts of the brain.
cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage), a
decrease in haematocrit by haemodilution may improve CBF. Kety-Schmidt technique: The Fick principle states that the blood
flow through an organ can be measured by determining the
Temperature amount of an inert substance (Q) removed from the bloodstream
Hypothermia (body temperature of less than 35 C) reduces by the organ per unit time, and dividing that value by the dif-
CMRO2 and CMRGl, and as a result of flow-metabolism ference between the concentration of the substance in arterial
coupling, CBF decreases. The converse is true for hyperther- blood [A] and the concentration in the venous blood [V] from the
mia up to a body temperature of 42 C, above which neuronal organ.
damage occurs with a corresponding reduction in oxygen up-
take. For every 1 C change in body temperature CBF changes by CBF ¼ Q = ð½A  ½vÞ
5%. At 18 C, the cerebral metabolic rate is so low that safe
circulatory arrest (e.g. during cardiac surgery) is possible Kety and Schmidt used nitrous oxide (N2O) as the inert sub-
without causing ischaemic cerebral damage. This effect forms stance. Patients breathed 15% N2O for 10 minutes while serial
the basis of clinical trials of hypothermia in head injury and samples were taken from a peripheral artery and the jugular
cerebrovascular surgery. venous bulb and analysed for N2O content until equilibrium
was reached. The total value of N2O taken up was determined
Autonomic nervous system regulation by calculating the N2O content of jugular venous blood at
Cerebrovascular vessels have a rich innervation. Large intracra- equilibrium. This technique has a number of disadvantages:
nial and pial vessels have a nerve supply originating from the N2O assay is time consuming and tedious and, when low
autonomic and sensory ganglia. These contain many vasoactive CBF exists, the technique underestimates CBF. Most impor-
transmitters, which seem to have a role in the regulation of CBF. tantly, it gives a value for global CBF but not regional CBF. A
Although the exact function of the various neurons is difficult to variation of the Kety-Schmidt technique substitutes heat for
define, it seems that parasympathetic stimulation produces ce- the inert substance allowing a thermodilution principle to
rebral vasodilation and sympathetic stimulation produces vaso- assess CBF.
constriction. Similarly, smaller intracerebral arterioles have rich
innervation with many neurotransmitters. Xenon-133 wash-out: Regional cortical blood flow can be
The cerebral physiology described forms the basis of man- measured by monitoring the decay of inhaled radioactive isotope
agement of patients undergoing intracranial neurosurgery and on xenon-133 by positioning scintillation counters over the head.
neurocritical care. In both situations, maintenance of normal The slope of the wash-out curve of the radioactive tracer is
intracranial physiology and the prevention of brain injury are proportional to the CBF under the detector. The technique pro-
key. For example, to prevent secondary injury after traumatic vides a two-dimensional analysis of regional CBF but primarily
brain injury careful maintenance of MAP, oxygenation and evaluates cortical blood flow. Three-dimensional resolution can
control of PaCO2 are required. ICP, cerebral blood flow and ce- be achieved using CT reconstruction in a technique called single-
rebral oxygenation and metabolic status may be measured for photon emission CT (SPECT).
diagnosis and to optimize therapy and develop individualized
treatment plans for patients. For example, in cerebral vasospasm Other imaging techniques: Since metabolism is so tightly
following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage, brain tissue coupled to blood flow, the uptake of 2-deoxyglucose can be used
oxygenation may be measured and used to guide therapy to estimate regional blood flow. If 2-deoxyglucose is labelled with
(oxygenation and blood pressure management) and as a prog- a positron emitter (e.g. oxygen-15, fluorine-18, carbon-11), its
nostic indicator. Similarly, ICP monitoring and brain tissue uptake can be followed using positron emission tomography
oxygenation may be used in the management of traumatic brain (PET) scanning and CBF can be estimated.
injury. Functional MRI (fMRI) can produce brain function maps,
where changes in brain neuronal activity are reflected in changes
Monitoring of cerebral blood flow and function in regional CBF. Tomographic images can also be produced
(see article on Principles of intraoperative neurophysiological without the use of external contrast agents by a technique called
monitoring and anaesthetic considerations on pp 00e00 of this blood oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI. Regional neuronal
issue) activation, especially in the cerebral cortex, triggers an influx of
A variety of monitoring techniques are used singularly or oxygenated haemoglobin that decreases the regional deoxy
together to assess and monitor cerebral physiology in patients haemoglobin levels, causing an increased MRI signal intensity.
who cannot be clinically assessed due to intracranial pathology
such as traumatic brain injury or intracranial haemorrhage. Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) involves the
application of a low-frequency (2 MHz) pulse range-gated ul-
Measurement of cerebral blood flow trasound beam to the thin-boned trans-temporal window,
A number of techniques for the measurement of CBF have allowing assessment of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
emerged since the pioneering method of Kety and Schmidt in Flow velocities within these vessels can be determined using the
1945. Many techniques now allow measurement of regional Doppler effect. If the angle of the ultrasound beam and the

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 5 Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Das P, Luoma A, Applied cerebral physiology, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine,

diameter of the vessel remain constant, relative changes in flow optimize the treatment of subarachnoid haemorrhage and trau-
velocity correlate closely with changes in CBF. matic brain injury.

Monitoring of cerebral oxygenation Near infra red spectroscopy: This monitoring technique is based
Jugular bulb oximetry: The jugular bulb is a dilatation of the on the principle that light with wavelengths in the near infra red
internal jugular vein just below the base of the skull and may be region (650e900 nm) transmits through biological tissues. It is
catheterized using the Seldinger technique. Blood may be increasingly being used to image biological events in the cerebral
sampled for oxygen tension and saturation, giving an indication cortex. Photons produced by a laser photodiode are directed into
of CBF (lower values reflecting greater uptake by the brain and the skull, and while many are reflected and dispersed, some are
therefore less blood flow, assuming O2 consumption remains transmitted. Certain coloured compounds within the tissues
constant). The major disadvantage of this technique is that only (chromophores), especially oxyhaemoglobin, deoxyhaemoglobin
global CBF can be estimated and not regional changes. In addi- and oxidized cytochrome oxidase, have characteristic absorption
tion, if CBF and oxygen consumption both decrease (e.g. in se- spectra. The emergent light intensity is detected and a computer
vere brain injury), jugular venous saturation may be unchanged. converts the changes in light intensity into changes in chromo-
phore concentration. Clinical applications of this technique
Intracerebral microdialysis: This technique involves the inser- include monitoring of cerebral oxygenation, CBF and volume.
tion of a fine catheter, containing a dialysis membrane perfused
with Ringer’s solution, into brain parenchyma. It enables mole- Measuring intracranial pressure
cules involved in cerebral metabolic pathways to be directly
The commonly used methods of monitoring ICP are ventricular
monitored and this can provide information on the adequacy of
catheters (EVD) and intracranial pressure bolts. An EVD mea-
cerebral oxygenation and blood flow. Metabolites such as
sures global ICP and also therapeutically diverts CSF. These
glucose, pyruvate, lactate, glutamate and glycerol or drugs (e.g.
require high levels of training for insertion, and have the risk of
phenytoin) diffuse into the solution of the probe from the inter-
infection and brain injury. Microtransducer systems or paren-
stitial fluid (extracellular space) across the membrane and are
chymal catheters measure focal ICP. It is important to consider
analysed. The lactate:pyruvate ratio reflects regional cerebral
the location of the catheter when assessing the measured ICP.A
oxygen availability, and has been used clinically in the treatment
of head injury and subarachnoid haemorrhage. A rise in the ratio
suggests that anaerobic metabolism due to insufficient regional FURTHER READING
cerebral blood flow is occurring (secondary to hypoxia); treat- Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boitano S, Brooks H. Ganong’s review of
ment may then be taken to correct this impaired physiology. medical, physiology. 26th edn. New York: McGraw Hill Medical,
Cerebral oxygen partial pressure: Sensors can be inserted into Edvinsson L, Krause DN, eds. Cerebral blood flow and metabolism.
the brain parenchyma to measure the partial pressure of oxygen Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2002.
in the extracellular fluid of the brain (pBRO2); this reflects the Lawther Bradley K, Kumar Sajith, Krovvidi Hari. Bloodebrain barrier.
availability of oxygen for oxidative metabolism. Values obtained Cont Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain August 2011; Volume 11:
generally reflect the balance between oxygen delivery and con- 128e32.
sumption. Correct siting of the probe is essential to measure focal Smith Martin. Multimodality neuromonitoring in adult traumatic brain
pBRO2. The per haematoma site in TBI is ideal but is technically injury: a narrative review. Anesthesiology 2018; 128: 401e15.
challenging and increases the risk of further injury. In routine
practise, the non-dominant frontal lobe is the chosen site for Tosh W, Patteril M. Cerebral oximetry. BJA Education December 2016;
probe insertion. This technique is also used in research to Volume 16: 417e21.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 6 Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Das P, Luoma A, Applied cerebral physiology, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine,

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