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Odd one out: Which of the following does not Compensation & Benefits

belong to the “O” Division of I/O psychology?

I/O psychology examines factors that affect People

the ____ in an organization, whereas
business fields examine the broader aspects
of running an organization.

Regardless of the official start date, I/O Early 1900s

psychology was born in the:

Odd one out: Which of the following does not Organizational development
belong to the “I” division of I/O psychology?

The purpose of I/O psychology is “to enhance (1) dignity ; (2) performance
the (1) _____ and (2) ______ of human
beings, and the organizations they work in, by
advancing the science and knowledge of
human behavior”

Which of the following is NOT a factor that Global warming

will affect I/O psychology in the next decade?

HRM is to ____ model; I/O Psychology is to Practitioner model; scientist and practitioner
____ model model

Changes in employee behavior that result Hawthorne effect

from an employee being studied or receiving
increased attention from managers is called

Which of the following statements is There are times when the practice of
considered FALSE? psychology requires nothing more than
common sense and most of the time requires
a lot of experience with people

Which of the following pertains to the first Decide what to research/ form ideas
step in conducting research?

In Human Resources Management (HRM), Unstructured interview

which of the following kinds of an interview is
an excellent solution for selecting the best

A type of ethical dilemma wherein there Type A

seems to be no one best answer, as there are
both negative and positive consequences in
making this decision.

To ensure that subjects are participating in a Informed consent from the participant
study of their own free will, researchers must

Which of the following is being studied by a. They developed the army alpha and
Frank and Lilian Gilbreth? army beta
b. They applied the psychological
research to industry
c. They managed businesses according
to the principles of efficiency derived
from experiments
e. They conducted the Hawthorne

Psychologists in the area of ____ concentrate Human Factors

on workplace design, man-machine
interaction, and physical fatigue.

I/O Psychology is a branch of psychology that Applies the principles of psychology

_____ in the workplace.

The use of ____ best distinguishes I/O Psychological principles

psychology from related fields taught in
business colleges.

The difference between right and wrong is Type B

clearer in which type of dilemma?

Psychologists involved in ____ study Organizational Psychology

leadership, job satisfaction, and employee

In IO Psychology, which of the following does Occupational stress

NOT belong to the industrial side?

Which of the following areas in IO Psychology Employee selection

deals with the proper matching of the person
and the job. It focuses on attaining the
success of an organization which may
depend in large measure on the caliber of its

(1) _____ became involved in developing (1) Robert Yerkes; (2) Army Alpha
intelligence tests in World War 1. The
test was used by the Army for the
soldiers who can read is known as the
(2) ____

I/O psychologists who are involved in ____ Personnel psychology

study and practice in such areas as employee
selection, job analysis, and job evaluation.
The study of leadership is part of: Organizational Psychology

Which of the following was NOT a reason All of these are reasons
why you should understand research and

Which principle of Psychology is most likely Principles of Learning

utilized in training and development?

According to Hawthorne Studies, which of the Good employee relations

following results in efficiency in the

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