Ana Barbara Martinez Lopez - My Dream Job

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“My dream job”

March 8th ,2024

Instructor: Teresa Ritchie
Student: Ana bárbara Martínez López
My dream Job

Have you ever imagine make your dreams come true? Everyone has their own
dreams, and everyone has different kinds of dreams, some people want to be
millionaires, and some people want to travel around the world, but the most
important thing is that everyone wants to make it true, but the question is what
will you do to achieve it? In this written report I will talk about why the dreams
are important and about my dream job.
Always is important have dreams because the dreams help us to take decisions,
have a objectives clear and motivate yourself day by day to have the life that
you want
The dreams for me are stories that we want to make true and we can dream
while we are sleeping or we can dream something while we are awake too. For
example all my life I have been dream that I have a bigger house with a big
patio and a lot of beautiful dogs running with my lovely kids and my amazing
husband, and that is something that I really want to make that dream come true,
and actually my Husband and I we are working in it now.
My dream job start when I studied business administration in Mexico, and I had
one class named “health and security in the jobs” and at that time I realized that
was something that I really want to do when I finished my studies, because my
teacher at that moment show us everything about her routine and style job and I
was really inspired by her and I said “ I want to do this one time” this class show
me the importance of security in the jobs to avoid accidents, and when I finished
my university I did my practices in a company that makes wood furniture, and
hopefully I took the job as a “security employee” and it was a great experience, I
took some courses about the importance of that and my job was checking every
year the job of the all the employees of the company in the industry where they
make this kind of furniture, I needed to check that they have their equipment
correctly and I needed to check the conditions of the work need to be good, after
that I started to give a lot of courses of security for all the personal, and I really
loved do that, at that time I tought “This is my dream job”.
I think that your dream job would be something that you love to do and enjoy all
the time and a part of that there is someone paying you for your job.
Be part of the health and security group in a company includes, training
employees with courses about how they need to do their work in a safe way,
check all the installations to make sure that everything is good and nobody can
get hurt, stop all the insecurity accions that the workers can make to avoid any
accidents, for example if one worker do hi hi es not have their personal
protection equipment, they have to leave the site because they cant to do their
work without it, also the safety person need to evaluate risks and apply
preventive measures. I realized that this is my dream job when I started to work
and all the duties that I need to do was very easy for me to do so I really
enjoyed doing that since the first day.
When I finished my practices there was the possibility to take the position as a
safety person in the company but I didn't have the level of english that I need to
take the job, I was very sad at that moment because I really wanted to take the
position because its my dream job but English always is important and if I
wanted to do a good work and also have a good wage I needed to improve my
english anyways so I decided to come to Canada for improve my english.
Here in Canada are a lot of opportunities to get that kind of job, but its not easy
because I need some things to have the position that I have, first of all I need a
degree in safety for at least two years, two or three courses and also a good
english, so what I will do to reach my dream come true is first improve my
english the best I can and after that, take the degree, I know that could take to
long but worth the way and if it doesn't work here in Canada I'm pretty sure that
in Mexico all they I learn here in Canada would help me a lot to find a great job
in Mexico.
I think this is my dream job because I'm a passionate person and would like to
make a difference in people's lives by ensuring their safety and well-being in the
work place, because everyone needs to feel safe while they are working. I enjoy
being a helpful person in all aspects of my life.
All my life I have been very proud of me, proud of the person that I am because
sometimes I felt the sensation that I probably won’t make successful or I won’t
achieve some goals in my life but I always trust in myself and I do my best to
reach my goals but I think always is important to never stop dreaming because it
would help us to reach our goals and be the person that we want, but also is
important make the dreams true but be a good person where you can be helpful
for others and they can remember you as a good person and remember you in a
good way.
Dreams come true when we have the desire to move forward and I think we are
all capable of achieving it.
I’m sure that I will make my job dream true and one more time I will say “I did it”.

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