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Samagra Shiksha Department of School Education, Andhra Pradesh

Learning Improvement Programme (LIP)

Baseline Test November 2023
Subject : General Science Class:7 Time: 1Hour
I. Reading:- 2Marks
Note:- Assess students reading ability by asking them to read one or two paragraphs
in Science text book
II. Wright 5 sentences about pulse and Pulse rate? 3Marks

II. Read the paragraph and answer the questions (Reading with
Comprehension) 5Marks
A mechanism to filter the blood is required. This is done by the blood capillaries in
the Kidneys. When the blood reaches the two Kidneys, it contains both useful and
harmful substance. The useful substances are observed back into the blood. The
waste dissolved in water are removed as urine. From the Kidneys, the urine goes into
the urinary bladder contains water and salts.
1.what is the main function of kidney?

2.Urine contains ________________ many Kidneys does a human body have?

4.What is the main excretory product in human beings?
5.In which part of the body is urine stored?

IV. answer the following questions (pre-requisites) 5Marks
1Why is the blood is in red colour?

2.Which is pumping organ in our body?

3.Is excretion is essential in human being or animals?

4.What kind of transport system is present in plant?

5.Have you aware the ‘blood donation’?

V. Answer the following questions (Learning outcomes) 5Marks
1.What will happen if there are no platelets in the blood?

2.What are the components of blood?

3.What is stomata?

4.Why is transport of material necessary in a plant or in an animal?

5.What makes the blood look red?

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