Business Letter

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Dear Mr. & Ms.,

I pray this reaches you in good health. Just as I pray We are all doing our
part to reduce the spread of the horrible virus. As we all know it is changing
lives for everyone. We face a true test when it comes to what we can do and
cannot do, even more so.. what we MUST do.

Six months ago our state's child welfare policies, procedures, and guidelines
were followed to assure that the ones who could not protect themselves were
safe. I look at this state of emergency we face and I am ashamed how our
leaders turn the other way when they are now in fear of how they are to
protect themselves. I wonder about the policies, procedures, and guidelines…
what really are they for. I might say that we have a pretty good idea, and I
also might say I know one thing...Federal Funding stops if policies,
procedures and guidelines are not followed. Thank goodness our strong leaders
knew, at first sight of the pandemic they courageously modified ALL …. !!!
Need I continue? This is opening a can of worms, because as we know that going
by the book it says a HUGE key step to family reunification is quality
visitation, and that's okay to stop? Guess what I also know, termination of
parental rights did not stop nor get modified. Only now is it done easier and
faster over video and Judges, Attorneys, and Social Workers hardly have to see
the horrific damage being done.

WE ARE ALL AFRAID OF A VIRUS!!! What frightens me even more is what the
already traumatized young children and babies must face!! No hug from Mom,
Dad, or separated siblings. Stuck without a friend or teacher to confide in.
Stressed out strangers keeping them alive for a paycheck. And the school's
delicious warm lunch, fruit, milk and all the water they needed… ALL GONE!!!!!
Luckey for the foster parents who live in places that rain a lot and far from
neighbors, no one hears the children's cries. NO ONE ever knew until the
helpless child traumatized without love for months is found beaten and starved

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