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LAB 1 List of Experiments

Q1. Write a C code for This is my first C Program

2. Write a C program that prints the perimeter of a rectangle to take its height and width as input.
3. Write a C program to calculate area and circumference of a circle.
4.Write a C program to perform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of two numbers.

5. Write C program to evaluate each of the following equations. (i) 𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑔T

(ii) 𝑆 = 𝑢𝑡 + 1/2𝑔𝑡 2
iii) 𝑉 2 = 𝑢 2 + 2𝑔T^2

Q6. Write a C program that takes hours and minutes as input, and calculates the total number of
7. Write a program in C that reads a forename, surname and year of birth and display the names and
the year one after another sequentially.

8. Write a program that converts Centigrade to Fahrenheit

Q9.program to calculate the value of 𝑛𝐶r
10. C program to extract the last two digits from a given year.

LAB 2 List of Experiment

1.Write a program to find the following +, -, *, /, and %, between two numbers.
Q2. 2.Write a program to find the following a++, a--, ++a, and --a.

Q3.Write a program to find the following a += b, a -= b, a *= b, a /= b, a %= b between two numbers.

4.Write a program to check whether two number are ==, , >=, <=, and !=.

5.Write a program to find the following result. int a = 5, b = 5, c = 10, result; a) result = (a == b) && (c
> b);
6. Write a program to find the following &, >>, <<, |, ~,^ between two numbers.

7. Write a program to find the size of the following data types int, float, char, string, long int, double,
long float
LAB 3 List of Experiment
Q1. Write a program, where take the input from getchar and print that input using printf.

Q2. Write a program, where take the input from scanf and print that input using printf.
Q3. Write a program to typecaste from integer to float.

Q4 . Write a program to typecaste from float to Integer.

Q5. Write a program to demonstrates the automatic binary type conversion.

Q6. Write a program to demonstrates the assignment type conversion.

Q7. Write a program to demonstrates the associativity and precedence of operator

LAB 4 List of Experiment

1. Write a C program to check whether a given number is even or odd.
2. Write a C program to find whether a given year is a
leap year or not.

3. Write a C program to read the age of a candidate and

determine whether it is eligible for casting his/her own
4. Write a C program to find the largest of three

5. Write a C program to accept a coordinate point in a

XY coordinate system and determine in which quadrant
the coordinate point lies.
6. Write a C program to check whether a triangle is
Equilateral, Isosceles or Scalene.

7. Write a C program to check whether an alphabet is a

vowel or consonant.
8. Write a C program to read roll no, name and marks of
three subjects and calculate the total, percentage and
LAB 4 List of Experiment-
part 2
1. Print set of even number from 1 to 20 using

2. Print set of prime number from 1 to 30 using

3. Print set of odd number from 1 to 20 using

4. Write a program in C to make such a pattern like

right angle triangle with number increased by 1
using break. The pattern like:
7 8 9 10

5. Write a program in C to make such a pattern like a

pyramid with an asterisk using break.
6. Write a C program to print day of week name using
switch case.
7. Write a C program to check whether an alphabet is
vowel or consonant using switch case.
LAB 5 List of Experiment-
1. Write a program in C to display the first 10 natural numbers.
2. Write a program in C to display the cube of the number up to given an integer.

3. Write a program in C to display the n terms of odd natural number and their sum
4. Write a program in C to display the pattern like right angle triangle
with a number. The pattern like:

5. Write a program in C to make such a pattern like right angle triangle with a number which
will repeat a number in a row. The pattern like: 1 22 333 4444
6.Write a program in C to display the pattern like a diamond.

6. Write a C program to display Pascal's triangle. Test Data: Input number of rows: 5
LAB 6 List of Experiment
1. Write a program in C to find the square of any number using the function

2. Write a program in C to swap two numbers using function

3. Write a program in C to check a given number is even or odd using the function.

4. Write a program in C to convert decimal number to binary number using the function.
5. Convert a binary number to decimal and vice-versa

6. Convert an octal Number to decimal and vice-versa

7. Convert a binary number to octal and vice-versa

8. Write a C program to find maximum and minimum between two numbers using functions.
9. Write a C program to print all perfect numbers between given interval using function

LAB 7 List of Experiment

1. Write a C program to find power of any
number using recursion.

2. Write a C program to print all natural numbers

between 1 to n using recursion.
3. Write a C program to print all even or odd
numbers in given range using recursion.
4. Write a C program to find sum of all natural
numbers between 1 to n using recursion.
5. Write a C program to find sum of all even or
odd numbers in given range using recursion.

6. Write a C program to find reverse of any

number using recursion.
7. Write a C program to check whether a number
is palindrome or not using recursion.
8. Write a C program to find sum of digits of a
given number using recursion.
9. Write a C program to find factorial of any
number using recursion.

10. Write a C program to generate nth Fibonacci

term using recursion.
LAB 8 List of Experiment
1. Write a program in C to store elements in an array and print it.

2. Write a program in C to read n number of values in an array and display it in reverse order.
3. Write a program in C to find the sum of all elements of the array.

4.Write a program in C to copy the elements of one array into another array.
5. Write a program in C to find the maximum and minimum element in an array.

6. Write a program in C to separate odd and even integers in separate arrays.

7. Write a program in C to count a total number of duplicate elements in an array.

8. Write a program in C to print all unique elements in an array.

9. Write a program in C to count the frequency of each element of an array.

10. Write a program in C to find the second largest element in an array.

1. Write a program to print the following pattern.
2. Write a program to print sum of n prime number:

Sample Input:

Sample output:

Sample Input:

3.Write a program in C to convert decimal number to binary number using the function.

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