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Writing Assessment #2 Page: 165 Name: César Martínez

February 27
Please email to:

Before you write:

1. Look at the picture without reading, what do you think happens at this event? (thinking only)

2. Now, read the review to see if your ideas were correct. (thinking only)

3. Part D: order the events in order (complete in your book)

4. Study the gray box in the middle of the page about “narrative sequencers”. Next, underline them in
the narrative.

5. Practice using this grammar by completing the rest of the story in Part F. (complete in your book)

Brainstorm ideas: You are going to write a review about an event that you have attended. Using the
headings from Part D, write down some notes about the even that you went to.

Type of Event: Conference

Location: IGA

Weather: inside the building

Cost: Q.192.00

Details of the Event: NTC Guatemala City 2019 38th National Conference for Teachers of English

Your opinion of the Event: It was interesting I learn a lot of ways to teach

First Draft: (should be 6-8 sentences at least)

To start that day all of us wake up early.

We turn on all the IGA monitors to show the event via streaming.
Later in the theater we were monitoring that everything was working correctly.
I had to pay attention in case any errors appeared in the transmission.
Every time a speaker finished his presentation I had to make sure the streaming was still online.
The streaming was done through Zoom and a colleague had to be ready to silence the guests and not
interrupt the presenter.
They gave us lunch and the rest of the event went without any issue.
Check over your first draft, fix any spelling or grammar errors. Is everything well organized and
clear? Did you remember capital letters and puncuation?

Please REWRITE your final draft here with your corrections:

To start that day all of us wake up early, we turn on all monitors in IGA to show the event via
streaming, later in the theater we were monitoring that everything with the networking was working
correctly. I had to pay attention in case any errors appeared in the transmission and every time a
speaker finished his presentation I had to make sure the streaming was still online.
The streaming was transmitted on Zoom and a coworker had to be ready to silence the guests and not
interrupt the presenter. They gave us lunch and the rest of the event went without any issue.

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