Integral Calculus Guides

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Determine the region under the curve √x + √y

Smart EDGE ECE Review Specialist = 1 and the first quadrant.
A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/8 D. 1/6
29. Evaluate the iterated integral: ∫_0^3
∫_1^2 (x^2y dydx)
A. 27
C. 3/2
D. 27/2
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
30. Evaluate the iterated integral: ∫02∫0x
1. Solve: ∫(3x^2 - 5√x)dx/x. 15. The partial fraction decomposition of a ex+ydydx
A. 3x – 10/3 x^(3/2) + C rational function is shown A. 10.42
B. x^3 – 5/2 x^(5/2) + C 3x+11 A B B. 21.42
C. x^3 – 5√x + C = +
x2 −x−6 x−3 x+2 23. Find the area of the region between the curve C. 10.24
D. 3/2 x^2 – 10√x + C Solve for A+B. y = x3 and the lines y = -x and y = 1. D. 20.41
2. Solve: ∫(sin 2x)/(cos x) dx A. 4 B. -1 C. 3 D. -4 A. 3/4 B. 5/4
A. cos 2x + C B. sin x cos x + C C. 1/4 D. 2/3 31. The value of the integral ∫∫D 3(x2 +
C. 2 sin x + C D. -2 cos x + C 16. The partial fraction decomposition of a y2)dxdy where D is the shaded triangular
rational function is shown 24. Determine the volume generated by revolving region shown in the diagram, is ________
3. Evaluate: ∫(x/√(1-4x^2))dx 10. The following plot shows a function y which s+1 A B C (rounded-off to the nearest integer).
the region bounded by the curve y = x3 and the
A. 0.25√(1-4x^2) + C B. -4√(1-4x^2) + C varies linearly with x. The value of integral I = = + + A. 215
s(s+2) 2 s s+2 (s+2) 2 line y = 1 from x = 0 to x = 1 about the x – axis.
C. -0.25/√(1-4x^2) + C D. 4/√(1-4x^2) + C ∫12 ydx is _______. B. 512
Solve for A+B+C. A. 2π/3 B. 7π/8
4. If f(x) = ∫xx^2 √t dt, then df/dx is _______. A. 1 B. 2.5 C. 4 D. 5.5 C. 128
A. 2 B. 1/4 C. 5π/6 D. 6π/7
A. 0 B. √x + 2 C. 1 D. 2x2 – √x C. -1/4 D. 1/2 D. 812
11. In solving the ∫x sin(3x) dx using
5. Solve: d/dx {∫_x2^x3 1/(ln t) dt} 25. The region R bounded by the curves y = x and
integration by parts, ∫udv = uv - ∫vdu, which of
A. (x^2 – x)ln x B. (x^2 – x)/ln x 17. The partial fraction decomposition of a y = x^2 is rotated about the line y = 2. Find the
the following is the most appropriate
C. (x^3 – x^2)/ln x D. (x^3 – x^2)ln x rational function is shown volume of the resulting solid.
expression for u?
6. Solve: d/dx {∫_0^sin2 x (sin-1 √t) dt} 4s2 +7s+56 A Bs+C A. 2π/13 B. 3π/14
A. x^2 B. 1 C. sin(3x) D. x^2sin(3x) = +
A. 2xcos(2x) B. 2xsin(2x) s +2s2 +25s+50 s+2 s2 +25
3 C. 8π/15 D. 9π/16
C. xcos(2x) D. xsin(2x) 12. Solve ∫x^2 sin(3x) dx Solve for A+B+C.
26. Find the volume generated by the region
7. Evaluate: ∫_3^6 (dx/x) A. 1/3 x^3 cos(3x) - 2/9 x^2 sin(3x) - 2/27 x A. 2 B. 5
C. 7 D. 11 bounded by the curve y2 = 12x and the line x = 3,
A. ln 3 B. ln 2 C. e2 D. e3 cos(3x) + C
rotated about the line x = 3.
B. -1/2 x^2 cos(3x) + 1/6 x sin(3x) - 1/18 cos(3x)
8. Let f(x) be a continuous function defined on 18. Find: ∫_2^5 (dx/√(x-2)). A. 161 B. 171
the closed interval [0, 2]. If ∫₀² (f(x) + 5) dx = 8, C. 181 D. 191
C. 1/4 x^3 cos(3x) - 1/12 x^2 sin(3x) + 1/36 x A. 2√2 B. 3√3
and ∫₀¹ f(x) dx = 2, then what is the value of ∫₁² cos(3x) + C C. 3√2 D. 2√3
f(x) dx? 27. Find the volume of the solid obtained by
D. -1/3 x^2 cos(3x) + 2/9 x sin(3x) + 2/27
A. 2 B. -4 C. 6 D. -8 19. Evaluate the improper integral ∫dx/(1+x2) rotating about the y-axis the region bounded by y
cos(3x) + C
from -∞ to +∞. = 2x2 – x^3 and y = 0.
A. π/4 B. π/2 C. π D. 2π A. 13π/3 B. 16π/5
13. Which of the following is an appropriate “Be the best-prepared ECE Examinee.”
C. 14π/9 D. 17π/6
substitution to evaluate the indefinite integral:
∫(√(9-x^2)/x^2)dx 20. Solve for integral of e^(-x) x^(-1/2) dx from
0 to inf. 28. Find the volume of the solid obtained by
A. x = 3 tan θ B. x = 3 sin θ
A. ∞ B. √π rotating the region bounded by y = x – x^2 and y =
C. x = 3 sec θ D. x = 3 cos θ
C. -1/2 D. 1/√(2π) 0 about the line x = 2.
A. π/3 B. π/4
14. As a result of trigonometric substitution, if
9. The graph of a piecewise linear function is 21. What is the area bounded by the curve y = C. π/2 D. π/6
x = 2 sin θ, which of the following most likely
shown in the figure. What is the value of the represents tan θ? x3, the x – axis, and the lines x = -2 and x = 1?
integral of the function from -1 to 4? A. 2x/(√4-x^2) B. –2x√4-x^2 A. 2.45 B. 4.25
A. 1 B. 2.5 C. 4 D. 5.5 C. x^2(√4-x^2) D. x/(√4-x^2) C. 5.24 D. 5.42

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