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Tarea 1 Conceptos previos.

Hugo Paz Arboleda.

Dolffi Rodríguez Campos.


Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia.

Estructura molecular.
Anserma Caldas.
Febrero 2024
Ejercicio 1

Con base en lo consultado de manera individual realizar un glosario en inglés para los
siguientes conceptos:

Molécula, átomo, electrón, neutrón, enlace, Lewis, Proust, octeto, fotón, longitud de onda,
radiación, función de trabajo, corrimiento Compton, valencia, cuanto, número cuántico,
Friedrich Hund, exclusión de Pauli y nivel de energía.

Molecule: A molecule is the smallest particle with all a substance's physical and chemical
properties and comprises two or more atoms. The atoms that make up the molecules can be
the same (as in the oxygen molecule, which has two oxygen atoms) or different (the water
molecule, for example, has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom).

Referencia bibliográfica.
Álvarez, D. O. (2022, 8 febrero). Molécula - Concepto, definición, tipos y ejemplos.

Atom: The atom is the most basic unit of matter with chemical element properties. The
atom is the fundamental component of all matter, that is, everything that exists in the
known physical universe is made of atoms. The whole universe, all stars, galaxies, planets,
and other celestial bodies are also made of atoms.
Referencia bibliográfica.
De Redacción, E. (2022, 14 diciembre). Qué es el Átomo.

Electron: An electron is a subatomic particle with a negative electric charge and actively
orbits the atomic nucleus (composed of protons and neutrons), which has a positive electric

Referencia bibliográfica.
Leskow, E. C. (2021, 15 julio). Electrón - Concepto, características y descubrimiento.
Neutron: The neutron is a subatomic particle, a nucleon, with no net charge, present in the
atomic nucleus of virtually all atoms except protium. Although the neutron is said to have
no charge, it is composed of three charged elementary particles called quarks, whose
charges added together are zero. Therefore, the neutron is a neutral baryon composed of
two down-type quarks and one up-type quark.

Referencia bibliográfica.
colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2024, 24 enero). Neutrón. Wikipedia, la Enciclopedia Libre.

Link: chemical process generated by the attractive interactions between atoms and
molecules,12 which confers stability to diatomic and polyatomic chemical compounds. The
explanation of such attractive forces is a complex area that is described by the laws of
quantum chemistry.

Referencias bibliográficas.
colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2023, 21 noviembre). Enlace (química). Wikipedia, la
Enciclopedia Libre.

Lewis: The simplest way to symbolize the electronic structure and bonding in a molecule is
by Lewis structures. In these structures, each valence electron is represented by a dot, or
each pair of electrons by a line.

Referencias bibliográficas.

🥇 Estructura de Lewis | Ejemplos | Regla del octeto | Ejercicios de Lewis. (2021, 31 marzo).
Quimica Orgánica.

Proust: was a French chemist and pharmacist considered the founder of modern chemistry.
He was known for being the creator of the Law of Definite Proportions or Proust's Law,
which is the fundamental principle of analytical chemistry.
Referencia bibliografica.
Cajal, A. (2022, 15 diciembre). Louis Proust: biografía y aportes. Lifeder.

Octet: The octet rule establishes that the atoms of the elements bond to each other to
complete their valence shell (last layer of the electro sphere).
The name "octet rule" arose because of the established number of electrons for the stability
of an element, i.e., the atom is stable when it has 8 electrons in its valence shell.

Referencia bibliográfica.
Regla del octeto | La guía de química. (s. f.).

Photon: A photon is defined as a fraction of light scattered in a vacuum. It is a basic particle

that oversees the quantum samples of the electromagnetic phenomenon, through it all forms
of electromagnetic radiation are conducted, not only light, but also X-rays, gamma rays,
infrared light, ultraviolet light, microwaves, and radio waves. It is characterized by having
no mass, a property that allows it to travel in a vacuum at a constant speed.

Referencia bibliográfica.
Fotón. (s. f.). Concepto De - Definición De.

wavelength: Wavelength is the distance from one wavelength peak to the other at a
frequency. It is usually associated with the electromagnetic spectrum. The method of
calculating wavelength will depend on the information you have. If you know the speed
and frequency of the wave, you can use the basic wavelength formula. If you want to
determine the length of a light wave from the specific energy of a photon, you must use the
energy equation. Calculating the wavelength is easy if you use the correct equation.

Referencia bibliográfica.
Fotón. (s. f.). Concepto De - Definición De.
Radiation: Radiation is a phenomenon consisting of the propagation in space of energy,
either in subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves. This propagation can occur either in
a vacuum or through a specific medium. The word comes from the Latin radiation meaning
'radiance'. In a narrow sense, the term means 'to give off energy'.

Referencia bibliográfica.
De Enciclopedia Significados, E. (2018, 10 noviembre). Significado de Radiación (Qué es,
Concepto y Definición). Enciclopedia Significados.

job function: is the minimum energy (usually measured in electron volts) required to pull an
electron out of a solid to a point immediately outside the surface of the solid (or the energy
required to move an electron from the Fermi energy level to the vacuum).

Referencia bibliográfica.
Función_trabajo. (s. f.).

Compton Thrust: The Compton shift is an observable phenomenon in the scattering of X-

rays or gamma rays by free electrons. It was discovered by physicist Arthur H. Compton
and is a direct consequence of the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation.

Referencia bibliográfica.
Developers, F. (2024, 12 febrero). Estructura del átomo: corrimiento de compton.
Estructura del Átomo: Corrimiento de Compton.

Valencia: A word that identifies the number that gives an account of the combination
possibilities that an atom has with respect to others in order to constitute a compound. A
measure related to the number of chemical bonds established by the atoms of a chemical
Referencia bibliográfica.
EcuRed. (s. f.). Valencia (Química) - ECURed.

How much: In physics, the term quantum or quantum (from the Latin Quantum, plural
Quanta, representing a quantity of something) denoted in primitive quantum physics both
the minimum value that a certain magnitude can take in a physical system, and the
minimum possible variation of this parameter when passing from one discrete state to
another. It was said that a given quantity was quantized according to the value of quantum.
In other words, quantum is a proportion made by the given quantity.

Referencia bibliográfica.
Cuanto. (s. f.).

Quantum number: According to Niels Bohr's atomic model, the protons and neutrons of an
atom are in the nucleus, while the electrons are found around the nucleus. Although we
cannot know exactly where an electron is, there are areas where they are more likely to be
found, the atomic orbitals. And how can we determine these orbitals? Quite simply, by
using quantum numbers.

Referencia bibliográfica.
UniProyecta. (2019, 3 septiembre). Los números cuánticos. UniProyecta.

Friedrich Hund: Friedrich Hund worked at the Universities of Rostock, Leipzig, Jena,
Frankfurt am Main and Göttingen. Hund collaborated with prestigious physicists such as
Schrödinger, Dirac, Heisenberg, Max Born and Walter Bothe. At the time, he was Born's
assistant, working on the quantum interpretation of the spectral bands of diatomic

Referencia bibliográfica.
colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2024b, enero 27). Friedrich Hund. Wikipedia, la
Enciclopedia Libre.

Pauli exclusion: quantum principle enunciated by Wolfgang Ernst Pauli in 1925 that states
that there cannot be two fermions with all their quantum numbers identical (i.e., in the same
individual particle quantum state). Today it does not have the status of a principle, since it
is derivable from more general assumptions (in fact it is a consequence of the Spin
Statistics Theorem).

Referencia bibliográfica.
Principio_de_exclusión_de_Pauli. (s. f.).

Power level: A quantum mechanical system or particle that is bound, i.e., spatially
confined. It can only take on certain discrete values of energy, referred to as energy levels.
This contrasts with classical particles, which can have any amount of energy.

Referencia bibliográfica.

Ejercicio 2

Con base en las definiciones realizadas en el punto anterior, crear un mapa

conceptual en inglés, donde relacione y explique claramente todos los
conceptos abordados en el glosario del ejercicio 1.
Para la elaboración del mapa conceptual puede utilizar herramientas en
línea como: miro, Lucidchart, canva, entre otros. Tenga en cuenta que en
el documento final debe adjuntar una imagen legible del mapa conceptual.

De igual manera, se pueden utilizar más conceptos que ayuden a complementar el mapa. Para
ello, tenga en cuenta que un mapa conceptual es un esquema de ideas que sirve de herramienta
para organizar de manera gráfica y simplificada conceptos y enunciados a fin de reforzar un

Referencias bibliográficas.

Doña, R. J. et al. (2014). Química. (pp. 55-75) ES: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria. Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica. Biblioteca Virtual

Chang, R. Goldsby, K. (2013). Química. (12a. ed.). (pp. 40-48; 275-281; 292-322; 443-54).
México, D.F: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Biblioteca Virtual UNAD https://www-

Gallego, P. A., Garcinuño, M., Morcillo, O. (2018). Química Básica. (pp. 302-313; 321-
340) Madrid, España: UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Biblioteca
Virtual UNAD

Pérez, M. H. (2015). Física general. (pp. 554-558; 564-565) México, D.F:

Patria. Biblioteca Virtual

Reyes, A. (2016). La radiación de Cuerpo Negro. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a

Distancia. Biblioteca Virtual UNAD

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