First Quarter Examination in Media and Information Literacy

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______1. It refers to the process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one
person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures.
A. elements C. process C.process
B. communication D. model D.model
______2. The factor that affects the flow of information which can appear as a noise is
A. media C.barrier
B. message
______3. The plural of medium, also known as ways to communicate information.
A. media C.information
B. message D.context
______4. Whose model of communication below uses One-way communication?
______5. It is the process of converting the message into words, actions, or
other forms that the speaker understands.
A. Barrier C. Encoding
B. Channel D. Decoding
______6. It is the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal, or
the use of senses in which the encoded message is conveyed.
A. Medium C. Receiver
B. Channel D. Feedback
______7. Which of the following statement is not true about communication and media?
A. Media can bridge effective communication.
B. Media hinders effective delivery of information.
C. Media acts as a channel of information dissemination.
D. Creative delivery of information is possible through media.
______8. Cherry believed that communication is only effective if culture and social status of
every individual will be taken into consideration. Cherry’s belief is anchored on whose model of
A. Aristotle B. Berlo C. Schramm D. Shannon-Weaver

______9. Media plays a great role in the democratic country as a watchdog because_______?
A. It advocates corruption and maladministration.
B. It overpowers government and take actions on its own.
C. It promotes transparency in all actions of the government.
D. It influences the masses to act against the government and its leaders.
______10. Which among the following is the best description of Media and
Information Literacy?
A. It is all about exchanging information.
B. It includes information and communication literacy.
C. It promotes literacy with the use and manipulation of media
contents for personal use.
D. It empowers every individual with the use of media through
developing critical thinking and life long learning skills.
______11. The ability to understand printed and written materials refers to?
A. information C. media
B. literacy D. technology
______12. The ability to access, evaluate and create media is?
A. media C. Media literacy
B. Information literacy D. Technology literacy
______13. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper, magazines and social media.
A. information C. literacy
B. technology D. media
______14. Harry found erroneous facts from the magazine he is reading. What literacy is
presented by Harry?
A. Information media C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
_______15. Nina is fond of video-chatting with her friend in the province every other day. Nina
A. Information media C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
_______16. This is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to
locate, evaluate, use and create information.
A. Media Literacy C. Information literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Digital Access
_______17. Properties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.
A. Netiquette C. Etiquette
B. Flame War D. Digital Literacy
_______18. The ability to fully participate in digital society
A. Media Literacy C. Information literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Digital Access
_______19. Series of angry, critical, or disparaging comments by two or more people in an
ongoing online argument.
A. Netiquette C. Etiquette
B. Flame War D. Digital Literacy
_______20. People discovered fire and developed paper from plants in what age?
A. electronic age C. industrial age
B. information age D. pre-industrial age
________21. It is characterized by internet that paved the way for faster communication and the
creation of social network.
A. electronic age C. industrial age
B. information age D. pre-industrial age
________22. Television and radio are examples of ____?
A. broadcast media C. new media
B. digital media D. print media
________23. The invention of the transistors ushered in _______age.
A. electronic age C. industrial age
B. information age D. pre-industrial age
________24. The following platforms signal the information age, except______________.
A. television C. youtube
B. blogs D. wearable technology
________25. The use of facebook belongs to what age?
A. electronic age C. industrial age
B. information age D. pre-industrial age
________26. Refers to content organized and distributed on digital platforms.
A. Traditional Media C. Print Media
B. New Media D. Media Convergence
______27. Refers to the traditional means of communication and expression that have existed
since before the advent of the Internet.
A. Traditional Media C. Print Media
B. New Media D. Media Convergence
_______28. Refers to the ability to transform different kinds media into digital code, which is
then accessible by a range of devices, from the personal computer to the mobile phone, thus
creating a digital communication environment.
A. Covergence Media C. Print Media
B. New Media D. Traditional Media
______29.Body Language belongs to what basic type of communication?
A. Verbal Communication C. Non-verbal Communication
B. Formal D. Informal
______30.This refers to the sketching and painting on rocks.
A. Petroglyphs C. Megalithic art
B. Pictograph D. Sculpture
______31.________ creates a piece of art using a variety of media, such as clay, marble, wood or
even ice.
A.Graphic artist C. Megalithic art
B. Pictograph D. Sculptor
______32.Which art form creates pictures using a flat medium, such as canvass or board, and
A.Still Life C. Megalithic art
B. Photo/image D. Painting
______33. This type of library serves cities and towns of all types.
A.Academic Library C. Public Library
B. Special Library D. School Library
______34. A knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society; most often it is not written
A.Indigenous Media C.Indigenous Knowledge
B. Indigenous D. Indigenous Practices
______35.What do you call the traditional forest management system of the Ifugaos
A.Dumagat B.Swidden C. Muyong D.Kaingin System
______36.What does R stands for in the things to consider in Evaluating Information?
A.Resources B.Relativity C. Reliability D.Realistic
______37.Which among the following is not a form of Indigenous Media?
A.Folk/Traditional Media C.Platform
B. Social Organizations D. Records
______38. Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper is an example of _________.
A. Traditional Media C. Print Media
B. New Media D. Media Convergence
______39. UAAP Volleyball League in iWant app is considered?
A. Traditional Media C. Print Media
B. New Media D. Media Convergence
______40.DZMM Teleradyo patrol is what form of Media?
A. Traditional Media C. Print Media
B. New Media D. Media Convergence
______41. Is a periodical publication containing a variety of articles, generally financed by
advertising, purchased by readers, or both
A. Book B. Magazine C. Newspaper D. Newsletter

______42. Forms of electronic communication through which people create

online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc.
A. Information Media C. Social Media
B. Mass Media D. Media Literacy
______43.Which among the following is not a scope of Media Languages
A.Codes B.Conventions C. Symbols D. Structures
______44. Are systems of signs that when put together create meaning.
A.Codes C. Symbols
B.Conventions D. Structures
_____45. Headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style are examples of?
A.Written Codes C. Symbolic Codes
B.Conventions D. Technical Codes
______46.Supposed that you are a Director of a Movie, which camera movement technique are
you going to use to create a feeling of disorientation or chaos in a film scene.
A.Pan B.Tilt C. Zoom D. Handheld
______47.Imagine that you are a Camera man and you would like to show a character’s
reaction in a conversation without revealing the other character’s face. Which Camera
Angle/Shot will you use?
A.Extreme Close-up C. Reverse-Angle Shot
B.Over-the-shoulder Shot D. Point of View Shot
_____48.You are a Videographer and you wanted the main character to appear dominant or
powerful in a scene. Which camera angle will you use?
A.Low Angle C. Eye-Level Angle
B.High Angle D. Dutch Angle
______49.You wanted to establish the setting or the context of a scene, which camera shot are
you going to use?
A.Long Shot C. Close-Up
B.Medium Shot D. Bird’s Eye View Shot
______50.In literature and film, what does the image of a broken mirror commonly represent?
A.Bad Luck C. Betrayal
B.Self-reflection D. Redemptiona

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Subject Teacher GRADE 12 Coordinator SHS Coordinator

Noted: Approved:
OIC- Head Teacher III Secondary School Principal II

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