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Tour guiding is a continuous learning; it requires a lot of reading to supplement the things or
information that you have learned along the way in your guiding years. The knowledge that
you have acquired in school, plus the things that you have learned from each guiding
assignment you had, and the countless awareness, observations, personal encounters with
your guests will definitely shape your psychological aptitude toward the changing behaviors of
your tourists.

stock knowledge, your "weapon" as you face the "battle" during the
conduct of the tour

A tour guide is usually known as a "walking encyclopedia",

In order to bridge the gaps, listed are some interventions that can be
considered by:

Reading books, articles related to tourism

What's up? What is happening around, local and foreign news
Reviewing what you already know, there might be some new
added man-made attractions in the area.
Knowing environmental, political, socio-cultural and other local
issues which is directly or indirectly connected with Tourism
Attending lectures, seminars, fora, conventions, congress, informal
Listening to the experts, talking, interviewing both professionals and
people who has the respect and ability to share their own expertise
Pursuing a graduate degree, or another post graduate courses
Entering the teaching profession
Mentoring, coaching learners
Regularly updating oneself as part of personal commitment to level up
informational capacity
Based on experience, the most challenging tourists are your own (people), there
are times while conducting tours, you get distracted by the questions being asked
by your fellow "kababayan", while you are in the middle of delivering your
commentary, you get surprised, or a bit distracted with... "are you sure of that
information?" comment. Maybe it is biblical in nature? Other nationalities usually
are very interested to listen first, before asking questions

They try to understand and discern the new information they have heard, and start appreciating the
"meat" of what you are sharing with them, with the end in view of understanding the Filipino culture
through the story-telling techniques of the tour guide
It is in this line of thought that the importance of learning the different cultures
of your guests is an advantage, to be able to handle them effectively. Personal
encounter with the guests will allow you to know them by heart and give them
the best service that they will never forget
1. Designer/brand-conscious (not locally made products)
2. Love spicy and healthy foods (buffet meals), seafood and
tropical fruits (dried, fresh, or mango shake)
3. Look for spa & wellness facilities
4. Golf
5. Study (ESL, college degree)
6. Appreciate being greeted in Korean "AnnyeongHaseyo"
(Hi/Hello) "Kamsa Hamnida" (Thank you)

Major Concerns
1. Safety and security
2. Food
3. Language barrier
4. Airport formalities (Customs/Immigration)
5. Credit card facilities
USA-AMERICAN Major Concerns
1. Safety and security
2. Cleanliness
3. Airport formalities (Customs/Immigration)
1. Want a friendly, fun & relaxing destinations 4. Lack of road signage 5. Traffic
2. Travellers are getting younger & more active: Caving, Wildlife, & Dive
3. Not willing to sacrifice quality for a good deal
4. Prefers:
a. Luxury beach resorts, natural landscapes
b. Shopping
c. History and culture
d. Safe, clean convenient destinations
5. Influencers/Information sources: TV, internet, and travel agents 6. Others: Dental/Medical
& Humanitarian and medical missions
1. Japan is expected to lead luxury market boom in 2016.
2. Travelers in their 49's are top shoppers.
3. Resort weddings are getting popular.
4. Six in 10 married women yearn to return to honeymoon destination.
5. Influencers: Technology in makingtraveldecision/arrangements
(booking via mobile phones, blogging, podcasting, etc.); Movies, TV
dramas help spur travel demand
6. Prefers: beach holidays; historical and cultural sites; some sightseeing:
world heritage sites are gaining attention; travel outside peak seasons
are preferred.

Major Concerns
1.Security & safety
2. Language/communication barriers
1. Prefers: beach resorts and the sea (but not necessarily swimming);
beautiful scenery; Chinese food; learn about culture and history
a. Relatively well-informed about their chosen holiday destinations
b. Price-sensitive market but willing to spend a lot in the destination
2. Love to shop (international brands)
3. Majority of them are just starting to travel abroad or, if have traveled,
have visited nearby southeast Asian countries

Major Concerns
1. Security and safety 2. Language/communication barriers
3. Being cheated 4. Running out of cash
5. High Cost 6. Lack of family activities
1. Preferences: Uni-destination (or point-to-point) trips; fresh and good
tasting food served buffet or family style
2. Usually travel in groups Need for Mandarin-speaking guides to avoid
3. Seek flexibility in their requests
4. Cost of tour packages from other Asian countries is getting lower.
5. Increase in special interest travel: more consumers want value for
money; appreciate good service standards
6. Prioritizes savings against unnecessary costs while on tour some
complain because of too much shopping.
Major Concerns
1. Security and safety
2. Negative publicity about the Philippines
1. Information sources or influencers: TV/print/ radio features
2. Preferences: Individual travel; look for nature and local
cultural experience; go for medical/wellness, cruises, new
3. Shop for 'Bargain' and 'High End' goods
4. Tipping not in their culture
5. Appreciate good service

Major Concerns
1. Security and safety
2. Negative publicity about the Philippines
3. Limited direct access to the Philippines
1. Necessity for Singaporeans, break from daily work and study routines
a. "Cash Rich but Time Poor"
b. Values time & strictly adhere to the itinerary
c. Mix of high-end & bargain shopping is important
2. High number of travelers during the Lunar New Year
3. Assertive with their preference
4. Security conscious
5. Information source: internet
6. For long haul destinations, Europe and US are still immensely popular.
7. Preference: economical short haul destinations; price-sensitive but always
looking for quality destinations; beach resort destinations (Malaysia, Indonesia,
Thailand and China favored destinations, proximity)
Major Concerns
1. Security & safety
2. Negative publicity about the Philippines
1. Travellers are younger, more active vacations.
2. Demand safety, cleanliness, convenient infrastructure,
and communication in English.
3. Preference: white beaches, deluxe resorts, history &
culture, friendly, fun & relaxing holiday vacation.
4. Prefer to travel alone or with spouse & stay with
friends/ relatives.
Major Concerns
1. Safety & security
2. Cleanliness
3. Airport formalities (Customs/Immigration)
4. Lack of road signage
1. Travel independently, average of 3x a year
2. Appreciate flexibility in their requests
3. Need for Mandarin-speaking guides to avoid miscommunication
4. Information source: word of mouth & visitor comments via
internet - travel forum, Facebook & blogs
a. Book online or travel agent; short lead time to plan & decide
(3-4 weeks before departure)
b. Value for money packages is the top concern in selecting
destination and activities
5. Preferences: Fresh and good tasting food in buffet or family style
serving; seek good service standards, assertive with their
Major Concerns
1. Security & safety
2. Negative publicity about the Philippines
1. 2nd largest outbound market worldwide.
3. Go to destinations in Europe but SEA share is growing
4. Awareness of the Philippines is high.
2. Big spenders on holidays abroad
5. Travel in summer and Christmas
6. Most travel as FITs with a partner
7. Preferences: hotels, fun, beaches and nature
8. Information sources: brochures, web, friends, and colleagues
Major Concerns
1. Security and Safety
2. EU ban, blacklisting Philippines as one of the countries deemed to have unsafe aviation
3. Accessibility to destinations and facilities like hospitals
4. Value for money
5. Traffic and pollutionines
1. Adventurous, active, sociable, look for new experiences, and
entertainment, flexibility & fun
2. Preferences: spas, sports facilities, culinary delights
3. Russians book very late.
a. 80% of holidays are sold in the last four weeks before departure.
b. 72% of Russian tourists pay for their holiday in cash.
c. Extravagant Spenders- Expect 24 hours service
4. Education Tourism - go abroad to learn foreign languages & skills
Major Concerns
1. Direct flights and direct access to beach destinations
2. Language barrier
3. Quality of services/products delivered vs. advertised
4. Delays in confirmation due to last minute bookings
Major Concerns
1. Price
2. Food
3. Ease in travel: distance, visa, language, activities for children

1. International travel 2nd highest desire

2. Likes to combine at least 2 countries
3. Speak very accented English
4. Average stay per foreign trip from 1-3 weeks
5. Very price-sensitive, price negotiation important part of buying process
6. Loves shopping and go for shopping in cheap places or flea markets
7. Very meticulous with food - chilies and curries, no beef
8. Average age of travelers in their 40's
9. Consider Philippines' value for money 10. Tipping is on case-to-case basis.
11. Very safety conscious
1. World's highest spending traveler

2. Long vacations 1-2x/yr. (3 weeks)

3. Large family groups of 10-15

4. Preferences: beaches, spas, shopping, city life,

entertainment and sightseeing, medical tourism

5. Influencers: Word-of-mouth, Women, Internet.

6. Halal food or accommodation with cooking facilities

7. Very safety conscious

1. Travel in package tours with regular standards but
expect amenities in 3-star hotel
rooms like what they have back home
2. Count every centavo
3. Speak very little English
4. Very meticulous with Chinese food
5. Average age of travelers in their 50's
6. Tipping is pre-oriented.

7. Consider Philippines' value for money 8. Love Philippine seafood

9. Very safety-conscious
10. Time and health conscious
11. Usually have local Chinese contacts or associations for their activities
1. Love to travel on package tours if ethnic Chinese
2. Speak English
3. Love chilies and spicy foods - no pork
4. Up to 6 days program
5. Average age of travelers in their 40's
6. Know how to tip
7. Consider Philippines' value for money
8. Love Philippine seafood
9. Very safety-conscious
10. Time and health conscious
11. Go shopping in big department stores
12. Buys lots of Philippine delicacies and specialties
1. Travel on package tours with high hotel standards.
2. Count every centavo
3. Up to 15 days program
4. Average age of travelers in their 50's
5. Know how to tip
6. Consider Philippines' value for money

7. Love Philippine seafood

8. Very safety conscious
9. Go for beach holidays and love the sun
10. Lager drinkers
11. Quite eccentric, love to play with words in speaking
1. Travel on package tours with high hotel standards
2. Up to 15 days program
3. Nationalistic-speak French even if they know how to
speak in
4. Average age of travelers in their 40's
5. Know how to tip
6. Consider Philippines' value for money

7. Love Philippine fresh seafood

8. Time and health conscious
9. Go for beach holidays and love the sun very much.
10. Gastronomes.
11. Wine should always be available for their meals.
1. Travel on package tours
2. Know very little English
3. Want to do what the locals do
4. Up to 3 weeks tour program
5. Average age of travelers in their 50's
6. Know how to tip

7. Make sure everything mentioned in the brochure is included in the tour

8. Consider Philippines' value for money
9. Love Philippines beer and more on meat than seafood
10. Very conscious about time
11. Go for more cultural aspect of the tour.
1. Travel on package tours
2. Knows little English
3. Wants to do what the locals do
4. Up to 3 weeks tour program
5. Average age of travelers in their 50's
6. Knows how to tip

7. Consider Philippines' value for money

8. Very conscious about time
9. Sun lovers
10. Go for more cultural aspect of the tour
11. Make sure to include every detail of a tour as per itinerary

1. Filthy rich, can afford to travel
2. Very particular about their shopping 3. Like most Germans - beer is their water
4. Very conscious about time
5. Speak little English

1. Travel individually
2. Stay in pension houses or 3-star hotel
3. Very daring (safety is a priority)
4. Very particular about the food they eat
5. Tip is not part of their culture.
6. Haggle for cheapest discount on optional tours
7. Always looking for bargain
1. More senior travelers 1. More travelers are couple
2. Travel on package tours 2. Travel on package tours
3. More repeaters than first timers 3. More first timer travelers
4. Love war memorial tours
4. Speak Spanish or Portuguese
5. Prefer continental food (McDonalds, Diners) or
5. Want meat as main course
classy food
6. 4 to 5 days tour program
6. 4 to 5 days tour program
7. Average age of travelers in their 50's
7. Tipping is 10-15% as practiced
8. Tipping is part of their culture
8. Considers Philippines' value for money
9. Love Philippine seafood 9.Consider Philippines' value for money

10. Very conscious about safety 10. Very conscious about safety
11. Time and health conscious 11. Time and health conscious
1. More couple travelers
2. Travel on package tours
3. More first timers
4. Speak Spanish or Portuguese
5. Want meat as their main course
6. Average age of travelers in their early 50's
7. Tipping is part of their culture
8. Consider Philippines' value for money
9. Very conscious about safety
10. Not very much time conscious
1. Travel individually PACIFIC ISLANDERS
2. Like to do what the locals do tips are given 1. Look very much like Filipinos
based on service rendered 2. Go for cosmopolitan lifestyle
3. Beer drinkers 3. Island -type cuisine will do (fish and coconut)
4. Consider Philippines' value for money 4. Shops for essential goods-go for big malls,
5. Shops for essential goods & very few department stores
handicrafts 5. Look for value-for-money room accommodation
6. Good, clean bed is expected.
1. Tipping is part of the culture.
2. Easy to relate with
3. Happy-go-lucky
4. Fun lovers
5. Go for good accommodation, budget, low-end
6. Love good food
7. Music lover
8. Afraid of getting tanned
9. Love to be pampered
10. Love to buy bargains
11. Speak English
12. Smiling and happy people
G R O U P 5
B S T M 3 C

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