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The positive effect of peer interaction to the

academic performance of senior high school

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Peer interaction has a positive effect among students by
providing recognition, validation, and encouragement. The
influence of peer interaction to the students had a big role in
achieving better academic outcomes, development of the
students, creativity, decision making skill, conceptualization
of ideas, and to overall academic performance.

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Statement of the problem
1. What are the effects of peer interaction on academic
performance in terms of engagement, motivation, and
achievement levels?

2. Which aspect in the academic performance of students

is greatly affected by peer interaction?

3. Do students find peer interaction vital for their

academic performance regarding engagement,
motivation, and achievement levels?

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The null hypothesis in this study is that there is no
significant effect of positive peer interactions on the
composite measure of academic engagement, motivation,
and achievement levels among senior high school students.
While the alternative hypothesis on the other hand
conclude that positive peer interactions have a significant
combined effect on the composite measure of academic
engagement, motivation, and achievement levels among
senior high school students

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Scope and Delimitation
limited on senior high school students in Gateways Institute
of Science and Technology (GIST)

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Significance of the study

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Presentation and Analysis of data

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Summary of findings
The findings reveal that peer interaction positively influences
student academic performance, as supported by the fact that
60% acknowledge its benefits, while 40% remain uncertain
fostering collegial relationships and friendly competition. Peer
encouragement and recognition significantly boost senior high
students’ motivation, with 60% in agreement. Healthy
academic competition and discussions with peers about
effective learning positively impact academic performance,
supported by 57.5% and 62.5% of respondents. The result of
the survey proves that peer Interaction plays a vital role on
student school grades, this finding is supported by the fact that
45% of the students voted for school grade, 30% voted for
Participation, and 25% voted for attendance.

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The findings suggest that studying with peers over studying alone to achieve better
academic outcome doesn’t have positive or negative effects on student academic
performance, as supported by the fact that 40% of the respondents voted for Not
sure, and the findings also suggest that having positive peer interaction with their
peers helps them to view friends as colleagues and builds friendly competition in
academic environment as supported by the fact that 57.5% of the respondents
voted for agree.
The findings suggest that words of encouragement from peers significantly boost
their motivation to tackle academic challenges as supported by the fact that 55%
of the respondents voted for agree, and an additional 60% of the respondents
believe that being recognized for academic achievements by peers positively
influence their motivation to excel voted for agree.

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Achievement levels
The findings suggest that healthy academic competition with peers positively
influence their academic performance, as supported by the fact that 57.5% of the
respondents voted for agree, and also discussion with peers about effective
learning contribute to their academic improvement as supported by the fact that
62.5% of the respondents voted for agree.

The findings suggest that school grades are the most affected by peer interaction
in the academic performance of SHS, as supported by the fact that 45% of the
respondents choose school grades more than attendance, and participation.

The findings suggest that peer interaction is vital for the academic performance of
SHS regarding engagement, motivation, and achievement levels as supported by
the fact that 57.5% of the respondents voted for agree that coming to class
prepared helps them stay engaged in school in school activities, and 42.5% of the
respondents believes that acquiring new skill and knowledge helps them stay
motivated in school, and an additional 50% of the respondents voted for agree that
peer interaction is important in their school grade.

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The findings suggest that peer interaction is vital for the academic performance of
SHS regarding engagement, motivation, and achievement levels as supported by
the fact that 57.5% of the respondents voted for agree that coming to class
prepared helps them stay engaged in school in school activities, and 42.5% of the
respondents believes that acquiring new skill and knowledge helps them stay
motivated in school, and an additional 50% of the respondents voted for agree that
peer interaction is important in their school grade.
The findings of this study suggest that there is a significant effect on senior
high school academic performance in terms of engagement, motivation, and
achievement levels when students interact with their peers, thus this study rejects
the null hypothesis that there is no significant effect on the composite measure of
academic engagement, motivation, and achievements levels among senior high

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We recommend that future researchers should thoroughly
investigate the specific factors that mediate the impact of studying
with peers on better academic outcomes, considering factors such
as study routines and individual differences. This is relevant given
that 40% of respondents expressed uncertainty about the positive
effects of peer collaboration on academic performance. We also
recommend to future researchers that they focus on evaluating
structured peer support programs such as peer mentoring, peer
study sessions, and peer collaborative learning within educational
institutions. This evaluation aims to offer valuable findings into the
potential of these programs to enhance student academic
motivation, engagement, and achievement levels for better
academic performance.

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