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CHAPTER6: THE INTEGUMENTARY excessive desquamation- process of

SYSTEM shedding of cells.

- layer also functions physical
barrier to light, and heat
- integument means covering,
waves, microorganisms, &
skin of an average adult
most chemicals.
covers 3000 of surface
callus- thickened skin.
area of the body
corns- abrasions on bony
- receives approx. 1/3 of all
prominence on the foot.
blood circulation.
Stratum Lucidum-
- 2nd layer
2 main layers:
- 1 or 2 cell layers thick
epidermis and dermis
- cells are transparent and flat.
Stratum Granulosum
- composed of squamous,
- 2 or 3 layers of flattened
keratinized, (no nucleus)
epithelial cells.
- active in keratinization.
desmosomes- highly convoluted
- cells lose their nuclei and
interlocking cellular links hold
become brittle.
together the cells in epidermis.
- epidermis is the thickest
Stratum Spinosum
where there is most abrasion
- several layers of prickly or
received (palm, soles)
spiny-shaped cells.
polyhedral in structures.
process of keratinization- produces
- desmosomes are still quite
distinctive layers of the epidermis
called strata or stratum.
5 layers:
Stratum Germinativum
1.) stratum corneum
- deepest and most important
2.) stratum lucidum
layer of skin
3.) stratum granulosum
- because it contains only cells
4.) stratum spinosum
capable of dividing by
5.) stratum germinativum
- new cells undergo
Stratum Corneum
morphologic and nuclear
- outermost layer
changes as they get pushed
- dead cell converted to protein
called keratinized because
- contain cells called
- they lost all fluid.
melanocytes, w/c are
- covered and surrounded by
responsible for producing
lipids to prevent passage of
skin color.
- melanocytes produce
- have 20% of water.
pigment called melanin.
- all race has same no. of continuous with stratum
melanocytes. germinativum.
stratum Basale- basal layer that arrector pili muscle- causes goose
rest on basement membrane. flesh appearance
- this layer produces new cells Hair Growth- hair grows for 3 years
vie cell division called and rest for 1-2 years.
mitosis. Hair Texture- alpha keratin
(keratin of the cortex of the hair is
THE DERMIS polymerized and cross-linked
- also known as corium chemically in a characteristic folded
- lies directly beneath configuration.) beta keratin (beta
epidermis often referred as keratin)
true skin. Hair Color- det. by complex genetic
two portions: factors.
papillary portion- area adjacent to
epidermis. Nails-
reticular portion- found bet. lunula- white crescent at the
papillary portion and fatty proximal end of each nail.
subcutaneous tissue. nail body- visible part of the nail.
adipose tissue- subcutaneous nail root- attached to nail bed.
tissue/superficial fascia attaches nail bed- nail grows approx. 1 mm
dermis to underlying structure per week.
muscle or bone. sometimes referred cuticle/eponychium- stratum
to as hypodermis. corneum extends out over proximal
cyanosis- bluish discoloration of end of nail body.
skin due to lack of oxygen in blood.
Sebaceous Glands
THE ACCESORY STRUCTURES of - develop along walls of hair
THE SKIN follicles and produce sebum.
Hair- main charac. of mammals. ceruminous glands- sebaceous
three parts: glands line the ear canal.
cuticle- layers of overlapping scale- reproduces earwax or cerumen.
like cells.
cortex- principal portion of hair. Sweat Glands
cells are elongated and united to - simple tubular glands
form flattened fibers. - 3000 per on the palm
medulla- central part of hair. of our hands.
contain air spaces. - secretory portion- located in
anatomy of hair: the deep dermis, occasionally
shaft- visible portion of hair. in the subcutaneous tissue,
hair follicle- epidermal tube. & in a blind tube.
- made of outer connective blind tube- one that has only one
tissue sheath and inner opening.
epithelial membrane
eccrine sweat glands- most stimulates intake of calcium, and
common and most numerous types phosphorus in our intestines.
of sweat glands.
apocrine sweat gland- smaller
group of sweat glands.
- sweat contains inorganic
materials with much lower
- chief salt is NaCl. Burns
1st and 2nd degree burn also called
FUNCTIONS of the as partial-thickness burns
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM 1st degree burn- redness and pain,
Sensation slight swelling or edema.
- receptor sites detect skin 2nd degree burn – both epidermis
changes. and dermis, redness, pain, swelling
- pressure receptor sites allow and blisters no scarring. scar tissue
us to interpret excessive may develop.
pressure. 3rd degree burn – full-thickness
Protection burns, charring, skin black, brown,
- melanin produced in the red 3rd degree.
stratum germinativum
protects us from harmful sun Skin Cancer
rays. basal cell carcinoma- most common
- lipid content inhibits type, can be treated with therapy.
excessive loss of water and squamous cell carcinoma- produces
electrocytes through the nodular tumor highly keratinized.
skin. -arises from epidermis occurs most
- fat-soluble chemicals like often on scalp and lower lip.
DDT, a chlorinated malignant melanoma- rare and
hydrocarbon pesticide can assoc. with a mole on the skin.
get through skin.
- skin also has acid mantle Ringworm
kills most bacteria. tinea pedis – athlete’s
Thermoregulation foot/ringworm on feet.
- 37C (98.6 F) normal body tinea corporis- jock itch/ on groin
temp. area.
Secretion tinea capitis- on scalp/most
two secretions: common in children.
- sebum and sweat.
- sebum by sebaceous glands. psoriasis- genetic in origin. red
- sweat by sweat glands. patches, thick, dry, and silvery
scales from excessive production of
skin is actively involved in the epithelial cells.
production of vitamin D, w/c warts- caused by human
cold sores- known as fever blisters. bulla/vesicle- thin blister of skin
caused by type I herpes simplex containing clear, serous fluid.
virus. stress activate the virus.
impetigo- highly contagious skin
disease of children caused by pustule- similar to vesicle, but filled
bacterium staphylococcus aureus. with pus.
shingles- caused by herpes zoster cyst- encapsulated sac in the
or chickenpox virus. very painful dermis. either fluid or semisolid
vesicular skin eruptions. mass.
vitiligo- acquired skin disease;
irregular patches of skin of various
moles- groupings of melanocytes,
usually benign.
alopecia- known as baldness.
chickenpox- caused by virus
varicella zoster, produces in young
poison ivy dermatitis- contact w/
toxicodendrol, plant Rhus.

paronychia- fold of skin at the edge
of nail becomes infected.
onychomycosis- fungal infection
resulting in dry, thickened and
brittle nails, yellowish discoloration.
onychoryptosis- known as ingrown
toe nail.

Skin Lesions
papule- skin lesion that is a solid,
small elevation less than 1cm in
macule- flat, small discoloration of
the skin that is even with the skin
wheal- pale or reddened elevation
caused by mosquito bite.
crust- hard, solid layer on the
surface caused by blood, serum, or
furuncle/boil- is a staphylococcus
infection of hair follicle with pus.

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