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Listening. Unit four, page 48 B.

Speaker Dialogue Feeling

I'm feeling really ________ right now. I can't talk to my school friends about
my problems. They never _________ to me. My teachers don't help me
either and I failed all my exams.
I used to be really ________ friends with a girl I met at college. But recently
we've disagreed on loads of things and got _________ with each other. So,
we don't speak to each other anymore. It's for the best, really.
My new boss is _________. She's really easy-going even when there's a huge
problem. And I think it's ____________ how she copes with everything.
She's so professional.
I've been _________ on another girl for over a month now. I've paid her
loads of compliments and even ask her out. But I haven't told my girlfriend.
That's _______. I know. I'm not proud of it.

Listening unit four, page 48 D.

Kathy :Hi, Danny. How are you? The last time I saw you, you weren't getting on very well with your
brother and __________. Are things any better?

Danny :Well, sort of. I'm speaking to my younger ___________ now, but he still drives me crazy
when he takes things from my room and he doesn't ask me first.

Kathy :Yes, I totally ____________ how you feel. My sister often goes into my room and borrows
my clothes, but she doesn't tell me. It makes me so __________. What about your sister?

Danny :She's okay, I think because she is the oldest. She tries to stop my brother and me arguing all
the time. In fact, she really ___________ to my problems and tries to help me when I'm in a bad

Kathy :That's great. My ________ is usually the one that helps us solve problems when we don't
agree on things in my house. He always tries to make us sit down and _______ about things in a
calm way.

Danny :Really? That's __________.

Kathy :Yeah, but it doesn't always work. I find it difficult to say what I really want to say when I'm
angry. And then I feel a bit __________ and uncomfortable.

Danny :I know what you mean. Anyway, talking about something more positive I heard you got the
highest mark in the class in the math _________. Your parents must be pleased.

Kathy :Yeah, I did. But I studied for hours you know. My mom is so _________. She's been telling
everyone about my results. How embarrassing.
Danny :Come on, let's celebrate. Do you want an _______________?

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