Open Morgan Chambers 10.9.18 (Signed Copy)

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Employee Guidelines & Employment Offer

For Morgan Chambers

1. Salaried employees will be funded on the 1st & 15th of each month for a total of 24 pay periods annually
2" At owner discretion employees may be issued a company credit card for articles needed on the jobsite. As of this
issue date the maximum allowed per month is 5250.00. Receipts are to be turned in to office manager on
specified fsrm no later than the 3'd of the month following the purchases. Any additional project specific
purchases must be preapproved by one of the Boatman's or their designee,
3. All employees are subject to random drug testing
4. Employees are subject to background cheeks
5. Field employees will be issued a company laptop or similar device and a printer for project sites. Employee is
responsible for its privacy and safe keeping
6. We will provide a hot spot or similar internet device
7. Due to the nature of our industry it should be fully under stood that employees may need to work on specific
projects that are nights, weekends or "after hours"" lf a specific assigned project may cause undue hardship to
an employee, they need to immediately discuss this with the appropriate owner to remedy the scenario
8. Any training we require we will fund so long as the employee passes the class andlor receives certification of
such class. ln the event of a failure BOATMAN CONSTRUCTION LLC can ask for reimbursement for class costs
from employee
9. All employees are to follow OSHA guidelines and are accountable for all personnel on their projects. ppE is to be
worn while on jobsites
10. During the first year of full time ernployment each employee will be given 10 days PTO (paid time off). After j.
year review such employee will gain an additional 5 days PTO for that year. Every year afterwards each
empioyee will gain 1 day per year up to a maximum of 20 days per year, These are to be used each year and no
carrY over except under pre-approval. These days are not financially reimbursable if not used. Pre-approval for
such days is to go through the office on specified form, Once approved the employee will be notified.
11. Female maternity leave is as follows; 8 weeks full pay from date of birth for standard delivery. L0 weeks far ',C,,
section. Male maternity leave is day of birth and next 2 days with full pay. 2 additional paid days concurrent for
"C" section.
L2. Starting base salary $ 46,000, annually
13. Untilfurther notice 100% employee health insurance will be paid by employer. Dependents will be deducted
from employee salary. (Present cost is 57,G00lannually)
14. Total package offer is $ 53,600., annually
15. BOATMAN CONSTRCUTION LLC's full intent to pay bonuses each year.
16. Proposed start date is 1D/23/78
17. Package offer expirer ont0/t1.lLB
18. Csntact Shane B. Boatman far any questions.

Acceptance o*te' le/6lll f Em proyee N^*, l/L€CltL--,

BOATMAN CONSTRUCTION LLC 27905 Commercial Park Rd Ste 100 Tomball, Texas 77375 28I-516-9828

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