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The Macedonian and the Roman Empires Two and discovery of geometry of spheres
empires developed in EUROPE during this and cylinders, value of pi, and
period (AFROEURASIA). Archimedean screw.
- during this era when Stoicism and
Epicureanism developed as
(338- 263 BCE) and the ROMAN EMPIRE
(132 BCE-476 CE).
The establishment of Alexandria in Egypt
- These two empires were established by
as a learning center helped preserve these
leaders who were known for their
cultural achievements.
military skills which enabled them to
subdue oppositions to their rule and Romans managed to govern its vast
conquer many territories. territories which measured 3.5 million miles
at its peak by constructing networks of
Alexander the Great led the expansion of
the Macedonian Empire from Greece to
They built a 50,000 miles network of paved
parts of western Asia and India and to
roads, tracks, and trails which connected the
northern Africa.
different parts of the empire. The building
Octavian or Augustus of these networks of roads also encouraged
- nephew of Julius Caesar trade and cultural exchange among various
- recognized as the first emperor of the people and civilizations.
Roman Empire
- established the frontiers of the empire The era from Augustus to the Five Good
and inaugurated a new system of Emperors namely:
governing the Roman provinces where Nerva
half of them were in his direct control. Trajan
The Roman Empire expanded outside the Antoninus
region of Italy and covered territories in Pius
WESTERN ASIA, NORTHERN AFRICA, Marcus Aurelius was also known as Pax
and the GAUL REGION IN WESTERN Romana or Roman Peace.
EUROPE. The expansion of these empires - This was the time when the Roman
to other regions of the world facilitated Empire enjoyed considerable prosperity
cultural exchange, the process where and internal peace.
goods, products, and ideas spread across - These emperors were popular for their
various cultures. This process (expansion tolerance and diplomacy and for their
related) resulted in increased collective support to beneficial domestic policies
learning among people which then led to like providing scholarship to poor
more inventions and innovations. students and providing jobs to people
For example: through public works.
Macedonian Empire ushered the
Hellenistic era where Greek and
Macedonian culture spread throughout the
territories conquered by Alexander the
- was characterized by the fusion of four
cultures: Greek and Macedonian,
Egyptian, Indian, and Persian.
- This era was known as the Golden Age
of Science with Archimedes invention
The Roman Empire passed on the  These local rulers helped the emperor to
following legacies to us: effectively exercise his authority as a
- the Roman law particularly the legal ruler.
principle where person was regarded  The Persian Empire adopted
as innocent until proven otherwise and ZOROASTRIANISM as its
the right of the accused to defend unifying religion and ideology.
himself before the judge; PARTHIAN EMPIRE:
- the Roman art characterized by intense The Parthian Empire was the competitor of the
realism and curvilinear forms, arch, Byzantine Empire over the territories in
vault, and dome; Southwest Asia. It initially controlled Armenia,
- and the Roman literature like the story an important stopover of caravan traders. The
of Aeneid. Parthians lost against the Romans during the
THE EMPIRES IN SOUTHWEST ASIA: rule of Marcus Aurelius.
- Achaemenid or Persian Empire (550-
- Parthian Empire (247 BCE-224 CE) The SASSANID EMPIRE was known as the
- Sassanid Empire (228 CE-651 CE), second Persian Empire and was established by
and ARDASHIR I. During this period, the
- Arab-Islamic Empire (600-1000 CE). Zoroastrian church was given special privileges.
(West Asia) This region was also It weakened as Muslims became powerful in
conquered by the Macedonian Empire and Southwest Asia.
Roman Empire as these empires expanded
their territories from Greece and Italy ARAB-ISLAMIC EMPIRE:
respectively. The Arab-Islamic Empire consisted of
PERSIAN EMPIRE: succession of different caliphates. These
 Persian Empire was initially famous caliphates were:
for its tolerance of the local customs - the Umayyads (660-750 CE)
of the people they conquered. - the Umayyads of al-Andalus (Spain)
For example: during the era of Cyrus the Great, (756-976 CE)
the Jews were allowed to practice their own - the Fatimids (901-1171 CE), and
religion and respect their traditions as long as - the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258 CE).
they recognize the authority of the emperor.
However, this policy of tolerance ended during CONTRIBUTIONS OF THESE EMPIRES:
the time of Xerxes who was notorious for 1) the spread of Islam not only in
being a tyrant and despot. Southwest Asia but also in northern Africa
 Persian Empire, like the Roman and Europe; 2) the advancement of
Empire was also known for building medicine particularly the study on smallpox
roads to help in governing their and measles;
expansive territories and facilitate 3) the invention of materials for the study
easier communication and of astronomy such as the astrolabe,
transportation within the empire. armillary sphere, and accurate lunar
 built the Royal Road which has 111 calendar;
stations that connected Sardis and 4) the promotion of Islamic art like
Susa. This road helped in unifying calligraphy, geometric designs, and
the empire. arabesque decoration; and
THE INTRODUCTION OF LOCAL 5) the innovations in mathematics and
GOVERNANCE THROUGH INSTITUTING science like the invention of algebra and
SATRAPS OR LOCAL GOVERNORS IN scientific experimentation.
VARIOUS THAT HELPED THE PERSIAN - They also contributed in the development
of philosophy and the preservation of
Western knowledge which would be - In terms of cultural advancements, this
important during the Renaissance period. era was characterized by the
crystallization of Hinduism where
THE EMPIRES IN SOUTH ASIA major beliefs of this religion were
- the Mauryan Empire (321-185 BCE) established, the development of Indian
- the Kushan Empire (185 BCE-320 CE) literature like Kalidasa’s Shakuntala
- the Gupta Empire (320-540 CE) and and Panchatantra, and the construction
- the Pushyabhuti and the Chola of magnificent stone temples and
Dynasty (700-1175 CE). stupas.
MAURYAN EMPIRE: - The Gupta Empire was replaced by the
- The Mauryan Empire was the first Pushyabhuti and the Chola Dynasty.
empire in INDIA and established by These were the last local dynasties
CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA. before the conquest of Muslims
- It had an effective government but also and
a harsh one. It had well-organized the establishment of the Delhi
bureaucracy, effective tax collection, Sultanate and the Mughal
and state-owned factories and Empire.
shipyards. However, this empire also EMPIRES IN EAST ASIA
had a-brutal-and-efficient-secret- Different dynasties and empires also
police. rose and fell in East Asia. These
- Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded empires were the:
by his grandson Ashoka who adopted - Qin Empire (221-206 BCE)
Buddhism as the state ideology of the - Han Empire (206 BCE-222 CE)
empire. - Sui Empire (589-618 CE)
KUSHAN EMPIRE: - Tang Empire (618- 907 CE), and
- The Mauryan Empire was replaced by - Song Empire (907-1278 CE).
the Kushans who were foreign QIN EMPIRE:
invaders from Central Asia. - The Qin Empire unified China after the
- Unlike the Mauryan, the Kushans only warring period in the late Zhou dynasty.
ruled the northern part of India. The - Shi Huang Di was considered as the
southern part was divided into different first emperor.
kingdoms of Chola, Kerala and He established a strong,
Pandya. authoritarian
- During this time, Mahayana Buddhism government.
developed in India. This empire was He strengthened the
succeeded by the GUPTA EMPIRE. transportation system and
GUPTA EMPIRE: standardized weights.
- The Gupta Empire was considered the He also centralized his power with
Golden Age of India. his
- was established by Chandragupta 1. legalist advisers, approved the
- During this time, there was economic ruthless campaigns of book burning,
prosperity and peace, a strong and jailed, tortured, killed opponents
centralized government, and cultural and critics particularly Confucian
developments and advancements in scholars.
learning. He adopted Legalism as state
The economic prosperity was ideology.
brought by the establishment of textile - Due to its strict rule, the Qin Empire
industries, the formation of merchant fell by 206 BCE.
guilds, and the use of coins. HAN EMPIRE:
- The Han Empire replaced the Qin.
- It was founded by Liu Bang. - Buddhism also blossomed during this
- The empire’s territory expanded to period.
Manchuria, Korea, north of India and - The Tang dynasty fell due to nomadic
parts of Southeast Asia during the invasions, rebellions, and official
reign of Wu Di. corruption.
- Confucianism was the state ideology It was replaced by the Song Empire.
adopted by the Han Empire. SONG EMPIRE:
- it was during this time that the first - The Song Empire was established by
civil service exam was instituted and Zhao Kuanying.
advancements in technology like the - The empire primarily struggled against
invention of paper, medicine, art, and the nomadic invasions from the
writing of history was made. northern region of China.
- The Han Empire also constructed the - During this era, traditional aristocracy
Silk Road which was an important weakened as government positions
trading route that connected China to were made available to those who
other parts of Asia. passed the civil service exam.
- Buddhism also arrived from India - economic base also began to expand as
during this time. more crops were produced for food
- The Han Empire fell due to rebellions production. However, the government
and China was divided into three became even more autocratic as threats
kingdoms. of nomadic invasions increased.
SUI EMPIRE: - In terms of cultural practices, foot
- was established by Yang Jian. binding of women was instituted during
- reunified China after the three- this era.
kingdom period. - Neo-Confucianism, a philosophy that
- During this empire, the Grand Canal synthesized Daoism, Buddhism, and
was constructed. It also rebuilt the Confucianism also developed at this
Great Wall of China. time.
- Sui Empire was an authoritarian By 1278 CE, the Song Empire would be
empire like the Qin. It suppressed succeeded by the first foreign empire in China,
followers of Buddhism which led to the Yuan Empire which was part of the larger
rebellions. Mongol Empire.
It was later succeeded by the Tang Empire.
TANG EMPIRE: Two empires developed in Africa during this
- The Tang Empire was founded by Li period of empire building. These were the
Yuan. - Axum Empire (100 c. BCE to 950 CE)
- expanded its territories to the south of and
China. Its influence also reached Japan - Ghana Empire (c.800 CE-1070 CE).
and Korea. Commerce advanced to Axum Empire:
Indian Ocean. - was located in present-day Ethiopia,
- The state examination for bureaucrats Eritrea and parts of Sudan.
was also reinstituted at this time. - It reached its height during the fourth to
- There were many cultural sixth centuries where its influence was
developments in the Tang Empire such extended to the southern part of the
as the development of poetry, Arabian Peninsula.
calligraphy, and landscape painting. - The Axum Empire was a trading empire
- There were advancements of learning and its most important port was Adulis
as seen in the fields of philosophy, which provided safe harbor for ships
political thought, historical writing, trading with Southeast Asia.
astronomy, chemistry, and medicine.
- The empire developed its own gold
and silver coins, language, and even
unique form of Christian church.
- Axum’s power started to diminish by
the sixth century when the Persian
Empire interrupted its trade in the
southern part of Arabian Peninsula and
the Muslims started to control the trade
in the coast of the Red Sea.
- emerged in Africa in the eight Century.
- It was located in some parts of present-
day Mauritania and Mali.
- possessed productive agricultural lands
which supported labor specialization
and city development.
- had a centralized administration led by
a king.
- The Ghana Empire was a trading
empire which maximized the region’s
complex river systems to facilitate
trade with their neighboring kingdoms.
- Gold was essential to support the
- Its rulers built strong armies,
conquered additional territories, and
collected tributes.
- Its capital is called Koumbi Saleh. This
city exhibited the influence of Islam in
the empire. However, this influence
was limited only to the market towns
of the city.
- Other sites of the empire like the royal
palace of the Ghanian king showed no
Muslim influence. For some historians,
this meant that the ordinary people and
their leaders did not convert to Islam.
- By the eleventh century, the Ghana
Empire began to weaken as a result of
invasions from the Muslims
Almoravids of north Africa, internal
rebellions, and overgrazing of their

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