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Null Hypothesis

There is no statistically significant effect of after-school programs on the academic achievement

of grade 6 students at Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur.

Significance of the Study

The study on "The effect of after-school programs on grade 6 student's academic achievement
at Holy Trinity College of Cam. Sur" would be significant to several groups:
Students: The primary beneficiaries of this study would be the students themselves. The
findings could help improve the design and implementation of after-school programs, leading to
better academic outcomes for the students.
Parents/Guardians: The study's results can provide parents with a better understanding of how
after-school programs can impact their child's academic achievement. This can help them make
informed decisions about their child's participation in such programs.
Teachers and School Administrators: The study can provide valuable insights for teachers and
school administrators, helping them understand the effectiveness of after-school programs and
how they can be improved to enhance student learning.
Future Researchers: This study could serve as a foundation for future researchers on
after-school programs and their impact on various aspects of student development. It
could also inspire comparative studies involving other schools, grade levels, or different
types of after-school programs.

Scope and Delimitation

The study would focus on grade 6 students at Holy Trinity College of Cam. Sur. The
types of after-school programs available at Holy Trinity College of Cam. Sur would be a
major focus of the study. The study would measure the academic achievement of the
students participating in the after-school programs. This could include grades,
standardized test scores, or other metrics of academic success. The study would be
limited to grade 6 students. The findings may not be applicable to students in other
grade levels. This would be conducted at Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur, through
answering several questions on the survey.

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