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1.What is the fundamental task historian to his Country and his people?
1 . The task of a historian is to interpret the historical facts or events
truthfully. Thus, a
2. historian uses critical historical method which requires basing one's interpretation and
3. assertions from facts found in the documents.
4 . The task of a historian is to interpret the historical facts or events
truthfully. Thus, a
5. historian uses critical historical method which requires basing one's interpretation and
6. assertions from facts found in the documents.
-The task of a historian is to interpret the historical facts or events truthfully. Thus, a historian
uses critical historical method which requires basing one's interpretation and assertions from
facts found in the documents.

2. As an academic discipline, how does a historian make a truthful historical account of the
past? How does this relate with the scientific method used in natural sciences?
- While history and natural sciences differ in subject matter, both strive for objective truth.
They use iterative, rigorous methods, continually refining knowledge based on evidence,
analysis, and peer validation.

3. Do you believe that history is never truly objective? Does this hold true to news making?
- No, history is never truly objective due to inherent biases and interpretive processes.
Similarly, news making is also subject to biases, selection processes, and external influences,
making it challenging to achieve complete objectivity.

4. What brought the emergence of nationalist history in the Philippines? Is nationalist history
an opposition to colonial-based historiography?
- The gaps left by "colonial-minded" historiography in the Philippines has led Filipino
historians to make attempts in writing history from “nationalist" or nation-based histories.

5. What types of “nationalist history" obstructed the national cause i.e., developing national
identity and national consciousness?
- Histories that downplay or outright deny past wrongdoings, whether they are in the form of
colonization, discrimination, or other forms of oppression, obstruct the necessary process of
national reflection and reconciliation. By avoiding uncomfortable truths, these histories
impede genuine understanding and healing.
6. Explain why the writings of Pedro Paterno, Jose Marco, Diego Povedano and Jose Maria
Pavon were considered pseudohistory or products of creative imagination?
- The writings of Pedro Paterno, Jose Marco, Diego Povedano, and Jose Maria Pavon were
considered pseudohistory because they were often seen as unreliable and heavily influenced
by creative imagination. They contained doubtful historical claims, mythical elements, and
biased narratives that served political or personal agendas, rather than objective historical
7. What is the difference in emphasis between the colonialist and elitist approaches in
historiography? What factor/s influence this emphasis?
- The nationalist history of the 1970s rejects the colonialist and elitist approaches— writing
national history. It rather takes a stand on writing people history or history from the point of
view of the masses.
8. What are the characteristics of a true history'?
- A true "people's history” following characteristics: (a)it sees the Filipino people as the
primary agents in their history - not objects repressed by theocracy or oppressed by
exploitative policies; (b) it refuses treat the people as an abstraction manipulated by
deterministic force such as religion and imperialism (c) it tries to understand all aspects of
experience of all the Filipino people, as they themselves understood it and (d) it
acknowledges what is valuable as well what is harmful in the Filipino past.
9. Is “people’s history” a liberating history? How could "people's history” totally free the
Filipinos from their colonial mentality?
- Yes, a "people's history" emphasizes the stories and perspectives of ordinary people rather
than elite figures, and it can provide a fuller, more inclusive understanding of the past, which
can be liberating. "People's history" can empower Filipinos by showcasing the resilience,
contributions, and narratives of ordinary Filipinos throughout history, countering the colonial
narrative that often marginalizes or omits their experiences. By reconnecting with their rich
history, Filipinos can develop a stronger sense of identity and pride, gradually shedding the
colonial mindset.
10. What are the challenges of Filipino historians in writing Philippines history? How could
they address these challenges?
- Filipino historians are called and challenged to present the Filipino past in an its variety. Not
all of the past provide inspiration for a better and more just society. But by depicting the
whole of reality, history will make it possible to reform and reshape every society toward a
better future.
Pavon were considered
pseudohistory or products of
creative imagination?
Explain why the writings of
Pedro Paterno, Jose Marco,
Diego Povedano and Jose
Pavon were considered
pseudohistory or products of
creative imaginatio

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