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1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
1. Legumes or Pulses
2. Weight loss, good source of carbohydrates
3. healthy, strong, and even flourish as a species , (doesn’t feel us ill)


1. Assumption: The girl lives in the house because she is in front of the steps.

2. Prediction: The little girl's mother will open the door to receive the package.

3. Assumption: The house belonged to the little girl.

4. Assumption: The little girl's mother is in the house.

5. Assumption: The delivery man thought that the little girl lived in the house.

6. Conclusion: The delivery man should have asked the girl if the addressee of the package was her mother.
1. Assumption: Cebu has been actively promoting itself as a tourist destination.
- The influx of 20,000 visitors this year, representing a 30% increase from previous years, may suggest that
there has been intentional promotion or marketing efforts to attract tourists to Cebu.

Prediction: The number of tourists to Cebu will continue to grow in the coming years.
- The reported increase in the number of visitors this year indicates a positive trend. It can be predicted that this
trend may continue, leading to further growth in the number of tourists visiting Cebu.

Conclusion: Cebu's appeal to Americans is a significant factor in its tourism.

- The information that Americans led the foreign tourists suggests that there is a particular attraction or appeal in
Cebu for American tourists, contributing significantly to the overall tourism numbers.

2. Assumption: The reported increase in the total number of visitors to Cebu is primarily driven by foreign
- While the passage does not explicitly provide the breakdown between domestic and foreign tourists, the
statement implies that the significant increase in total visitors is attributed to a rise in foreign tourists.

Prediction: The growth in foreign tourism to Cebu is likely to continue in the coming years.
- If the increase in the total number of visitors is mainly due to a rise in foreign tourists, it can be predicted that
this trend may continue, leading to sustained growth in foreign tourism to Cebu.

Conclusion: Cebu is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international visitors.

- The statement about Americans leading the foreign tourists, followed by other nationalities, suggests that Cebu
is gaining popularity among international travelers, making it a preferred destination for visitors from various

3. Assumption: The tourism data provided is representative of a trend and not a one-time occurrence.
- The assumption is based on the reported figure of 20,000 visitors this year, indicating a 30% increase
compared to previous years. This assumes that the increase is part of a larger trend rather than a singular event.

Prediction: The number of American tourists visiting the Philippines, particularly Cebu, may continue to be
higher than Australians in the future.
- If Americans currently lead the foreign tourists, and assuming the trend continues, it can be predicted that the
number of American tourists visiting the Philippines may persistently surpass the number of Australian tourists
in the coming years.
Conclusion: The popularity of the Philippines as a tourist destination is relatively higher among Americans than
- The conclusion is drawn from the statement that Americans led the foreign tourists, implying that there is a
higher preference or attraction for the Philippines, and specifically Cebu, among American tourists compared to
Australian tourists.

a. The direct cause of most of the destruction during the earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 was the fires
triggered by the earthquake, not the earthquake tremor itself.

b. Events caused by the earthquake that led to fires:

1. Buildings collapsed or were damaged in the quake.
2. Stoves and furnaces were overturned, setting numerous fires around the city.
3. Fallen electrical wires started additional fires.

c. Effects of the earthquake that interfered with fire-fighting:

1. The earthquake ruptured the mains that were supposed to supply water for fire-fighting.
2. Rubble in the streets blocked the paths of fire crews trying to reach burning areas.
d. Cause-effect transitions used in the passage:
- "When buildings collapsed or were damaged in the quake, stoves and furnaces were overturned..."
- "Fallen electrical wires started still other fires."
- "At the same time, the earthquake ruptured the mains..."
- "Rubble in the streets blocked the paths of fire crews trying to reach burning areas."

a. Effects of energy transition could include:
1. Reduced dependence on finite and environmentally harmful fossil fuels.
2. Mitigation of environmental degradation and climate change.
3. Increased use of sustainable and renewable energy sources.
4. Technological advancements and innovations in energy production.
5. Economic benefits through the development of new industries and job opportunities.

b. No, the last sentence does not explicitly state two causes and their effects. It primarily provides
information about the potential of revolutionary technologies, including solar cells, to harness renewable
energy. It doesn't present a clear cause-and-effect relationship in the form of "cause A leads to effect B" in
this particular sentence.
a. The need to fill the hull of a ship with water when it unloads its cargo at a port is to maintain the vessel's
stability, both in port and at sea. This is done to ensure the ship's balance and prevent it from becoming unstable.

b. "Ballast water" is water taken on by a ship to maintain stability and balance. It is typically loaded into the
ship's hull when it is empty of cargo, and the water helps to keep the ship steady.

c. When this water is discharged by the ship, it often introduces thousands of foreign organisms into the port's
waters. This can have ecological and economic consequences, as exemplified by the introduction of the Chinese
mitten crab from the Yellow Sea to various locations.

d. The foreign organisms mentioned in sentence 2, such as the Chinese mitten crab, are indicated to be
harmful. The passage states that these organisms, when introduced through ballast water discharge, can
cause damage such as eroding levees, clotting power plant intakes, and causing heavy economic damage
wherever they lodge. Therefore, they are considered harmful to the local ecosystems and infrastructure.
a. The cause for various groups that come from very different racial backgrounds sharing certain physical traits
is attributed to the impact of evolution. Over millions of years, people developed specific physical
characteristics to adapt and survive in different climates. Evolution led to the development of traits that were
advantageous for survival in particular environmental conditions.

b. The American Plains Indians, Ethiopians, and Northern Europeans have a high-bridged, narrow nose because
they all developed in similar cold, dry climates or higher latitudes. This physical characteristic is a result of
adaptation to the environmental conditions of their respective regions over millions of years of evolution.
c. The effect of a high-bridged, narrow nose on the air it breathes in is that it allows the air in the nasal
passage to be moistened before entering the lungs. In cold, dry climates or at higher latitudes, this
adaptation is considered advantageous as it helps to retain moisture in the respiratory system, preventing
excessive dryness that could occur in such environmental conditions.
a. Similarities between a teacher and a mountain guide:
1. **Quiet Authority:** Both the mountain guide and the true teacher have a quiet authority that engenders
trust and confidence.
2. **Leadership Role:** They accept a leadership role, recognizing the success of the endeavor depends on
the close cooperation and participation of each group member or student.
3. **Familiarity with the Terrain/Subject Matter:** They are familiar with the terrain or subject matter. The
guide has crossed the terrain before, and the teacher is well-versed in the subject, yet each new trip or lesson
brings unique challenges and experiences.
4. **Anxiety and Excitement:** Each trip or lesson generates its own anxiety and excitement, reflecting the
dynamic nature of both roles.
5. **Mastering Essential Skills:** Essential skills must be mastered in both scenarios. Lack of mastery can
lead to potential disasters or setbacks.
6. **Demands Focus and Attention:** Both situations demand keen focus and rapt attention. Slackness,
misjudgment, or laziness can hinder success.
b. The comparison between a teacher and a mountaineer is metaphorical and emphasizes certain qualities both
professions share. It is an insightful way to highlight the leadership, trust-building, and skill mastery aspects of
teaching. While the analogy captures specific dimensions of teaching, it's important to recognize that teaching
involves a broader range of responsibilities than those mentioned in the mountaineering analogy. The
comparison serves as a creative way to appreciate the complexities and challenges of the teaching profession,
and overall, it can be considered effective in conveying certain shared characteristics.

a. In the selection, innate behavior and learned behavior in insects are compared.

b. Innate behavior differs from learned behavior in that it is based on inherited properties of the nervous system,
while learned behavior is acquired through interaction with the environment during an individual's life.

c. An example of innate behavior mentioned in the passage is the reflex, such as proboscis extension or the
righting reflex.

d. Reflexes are grouped into two classes: phasic and tonic.

e. Formal definitions for each type of reflex:

- Phasic Reflex: A comparatively rapid and short-lived reflex involved in quick movements, such as proboscis
- Tonic Reflex: A slow and long-lived reflex associated with the maintenance of posture, body turgor, muscle
tone, and equilibrium.

1. F - Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines.
2. O - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. (This statement reflects a subjective opinion about the
importance of breakfast.)
3. F - The sun is a ball of fire.
4. O - Stout children are healthy. (This statement reflects a subjective opinion about the relationship between
body weight and health.)
5. F - Bamboo belongs to the grass family.
6. F - Whales are mammals.
7. O - The best way to reduce weight is to exercise daily. (This statement reflects a subjective opinion about the
most effective way to lose weight.)
8. F - Chinese Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world.
9. O - People go into politics for power and prestige. (This statement reflects an opinion about the motivations
behind entering politics.)
10. O - People who wear dull colors are introverts. (This statement reflects an opinion about the correlation
between clothing color and personality traits.)

1. Yes, I agree with the author's ideas on overeating. The passage suggests that overeating has become a
common behavior influenced by various factors, including parental habits, societal influences, and
psychological factors. The constant praise for finishing one's plate may contribute to the establishment of
overeating habits. I can see how the temptations of readily available and advertised foods, along with
psychological factors like nervousness, boredom, and discontent with life, can lead to overeating. The idea
that overeating can be a symptom of psychological surrender to the complexities of modern living
resonates with me, as it reflects the challenges many people face in maintaining a healthy relationship with
food in today's fast-paced and competitive environment.
2. As a parent, in light of the implied consequences of overfeeding, I might reconsider punishing my child
for leaving food on their plate. Instead, I would focus on fostering a healthy relationship with food,
encouraging them to eat until they are satisfied rather than promoting the idea of finishing everything on
the plate. The goal would be to avoid associating overeating with praise or gratification.
3. Considering the potential consequences of overeating mentioned in the passage, I might lean towards "eat
to live." This choice prioritizes eating for sustenance and health, avoiding excesses that could lead to
psychological and physical challenges. While enjoying food is important, the emphasis would be on
maintaining a balanced and mindful approach to eating for overall well-being.

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