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3rd year helpful shit

VCOM Modules
 Do NOT waste your time filling these out each month! They are long and pointless. I
literally would just submit them without changing anything on them (lol if you don’t feel
that risky just switch up the answers a little bit)
 Google Drives with completed modules:

VCOM End of Rotation Exams

 I would only study the modules for these exams.
 Sometimes the modules were on point with what was on the exam, other times they
just threw random shit at you. To be honest, toward the end of the year you don’t study
for the exams at all and just kinda go for it. They are nothing to really worry about.
 The harder exams to maybe study a little extra for are Pediatrics & CPC.

Board Studying
 Main sources to use:
o Online Med Ed
 Online videos to watch focusing on whatever rotation you are on.
 Super helpful to get a starting foundation of knowledge.
 OMM section is amazing! Wish I had known about it for COMLEX1.
o U world (obviously)
 I did specific questions to match whatever rotation I was on. If there
wasn’t an exact section for a rotation I was on (like geriatrics, CPC), I just
did Medicine questions.
 I made anki flash cards of my incorrects & things I did not know. At first
you will have a lot of flash cards, but you’ll start making less as you go
through the year.
 I found anki helpful because you could study the flashcards when you
have some downtime at the hospital or at work.
o Zanki Step 2 deck
o Divine Intervention Podcasts
 Divine is an OG!!! I didn’t discover him until later in the year and I wish I
had known about him all along.
 I recommend listening to the podcasts specific to whatever rotation you
are on. Once you get into more dedicated board studying/end of the year
studying – he does a rapid review series that is BOMB. He got me at least
20-30 questions on Step 2.
 First Aid for Step 2 is not really helpful. I purchased it and only referenced it a handful of
times. I would skip it personally.
 Step Up to Medicine is a good book if you want something to go into a lot of detail. I
found it helpful for when I really didn’t understand something, and I needed a further
explanation. Not necessary though.

Random Tips
 Most doctors and residents understand you are a 3rd year and that you do not really
know anything. You are mostly judged on your ability to progress in knowledge and skills
as the rotation goes on. They aren’t expecting you to leave a 1 month rotation a full
blown cardiologist or whatever.
 Be CONFIDENT! You are smarter than you think.
 Be nice to everyone!! Nurses, doctors, patients. As long as you are nice and caring, you’ll
probably pass the rotation.
 If you are working with residents, try to see if there are any little tasks you can help
them with to make their day go by easier. Also, DO NOT ANNOY THEM. Be helpful but
don’t be distracting when they are trying to get their notes done.
 Sign up to take COMPE as early as you can. Just knock it out early so you don’t have to
worry about it later on in the year. I took it in February and it was the best thing to just
not worry about it when COMLEX/STEP came around in June/July.

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