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Take a 90-second rest between sets & after all
3-4 sets are completed to take 2-3 minute
break before moving to the next Superset


Bar Rotation (15) Reps


Armed With Belief

Take a 90-second rest between sets & after all 3-4 sets
are completed to take 2-3 minute break before moving
to the next Superset

Pull ups- 10-15 Reps Lat Pull Downs

EZ BAR Curls 8-10 Reps Skull Crushers 15-25 Reps 15-25 Reps

Close Grip Press Overhead Rope

Rope Curls 8-10 Reps
15-25 Reps Extensions 30 reps

Hammer Curls 20-25 reps French Curls 15-25 reps

Guillotine curls w/ V-bar Straight Bar Extensions
8-10 Reps 30 Reps

Decline DB Press
15-25 Reps

Finger Ups Wrist Curls

Concentration curls DB Kickbacks 25-35 reps
25-35 reps

Bar Rotations

Armed With Fitnah

Rest 2 minutes after each set & 4-5 minutes
before moving to the next Exercise.

Ez Bar Curls Dead Hang Curls Alternating DB Curls

Bicep 21’s Skull Crushers Overhead Extensions

2 Sets ONLY

Ski Jumpers Tricep’s 21 Behind The Back

2 Sets ONLY Wrist Curls

Set 1- 10 Reps
Set 2- 8 Reps
Set 3- 6 Reps
Reverse Grip Curls Forearm 21’s Set 4- 4 Reps
2 Sets ONLY
Home Workout

30-MINUTE ARM WORKOUT Perform each exercise for 1 minute

long going back to forth for 6 minutes.

DB alternating curls DB Skull crushers

DB Dead Hang Curls DB Overhead extensions

Concentration curls DB kickbacks

Forearm builder 5 Hammer curls - 5rotations

Swiss ball passes Swiss ball sit ups


Armed With

Take a 90-second rest between sets &

EZ Bar Curls Guillotine Curls after all 3-4 sets are completed to take
2-3 minute break before moving to
the next Superset
(10-15) Reps

Dead Hang EZ Bar Curls Concentration Curls

Standing Skull Crushers Front Press Lying Skull Crushers Close Grip Press

Tricep Flies French Curls

DB Hammer Curls Rope Curls Bar Rotations Wrist Curls

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