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Excellent Very Good Good Fair

4 3 2 1
Layout of graphics
and text is well-
Layout tries to Layout is somehow Layout lack
balanced with
Layout balance the use of imbalanced in text balance in text and
visual evidence of
graphics with text. and graphics. graphics.
good planning and
All graphics were
Some graphics Most graphics did Several graphics
attractive (size and
were not attractive not seem to were unattractive
colors) and
Graphics but supported the support the and detract from
supported the
theme/content of theme/content of the content of the
theme/content of
the presentation. the presentations. presentation.
the presentation.
Font formatting has
Font formats have
Font formats have been carefully
been carefully Font formatting
been carefully planned to
Text-Font Choice planned to enhance makes it very
planned to enhance complement the
readability and difficult to read.
readability. content. It may be a
little hard to read.
The documents
The documents The documents
The documents formatting and
have exceptionally have attractive
Attractiveness and have well- organization of
attractive formatting formatting and well-
Organization organized material are
and well-organized organized
information. confusing to the
information information.
Every item is
created using the Most items are Some items are Productivity tools
Use of Productivity
appropriate created using the created using the were not utilized
productivity productivity tools. productivity tools. properly.
Uses only some
Excellent use of
Most items are creative and Uses limited
Creativity color, space, and
done creatively. appropriate designs.
well-formatted, and Has good design, Has average Design and formats
with a well- format, and layout. design and format. are cluttered.
prepared layout.

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