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The first is the Magna Carta which was drawn up and signed in 1215.
Magna Carta This is the first document that put the monarch under restrictions, and
therefore the first document to resemble a constitutional piece of writing.
It guaranteed political liberties to ‘free men’ making sure that the King
could not abuse his powers and establishing individual rights.

The 1689 Bill of Rights created a constitutional monarchy in England. It

Bill of Rights established free elections and the right to regular parliaments. It also
guaranteed gave freedom of speech within parliament (Parliamentary

The Act of The 1701 Act of Settlement gave parliament the power to decide on the
Settlement line of succession to the throne.

This legislation, enacted in 1707, united the parliaments of England and

Acts of Union Scotland. The parliaments remained united until the UK parliament
devolved some legislative powers to Scotland in 1997.

Parliament This act reinforced how parliament is run, determining the roles of both
Act 1911 the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

European This act set out that if there was a contradiction between European Union
Communities law and UK law, European law would be prioritised. This was repealed
Act 1972 with the European Union Act 2018.

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