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1. Kindness is a moral value that people use to do good to others and help others.

2. What motivates people to be kind is that they relate to that person, like they have sympathy for
them. For example, your classmates forgot their textbooks or didn’t have one, and you have
experienced the same situation: it is hard to study without a textbook. So, you shared your book
with your classmates, which is an act of kindness. Even though it might seem like a small action,
it is your kindness that you showed to people around you. One more thing that motivates people
to be kind is their nature. Some people are born to be optimistic. They see the world in positive
ways. This cause could help them be kind to all the people around them. For instance, when
someone makes a mistake, an optimistic person can spread kindness and positivity by correcting
their mistakes or giving them advice.
3. Kindness is very important to people and society. People who treat others with kindness will
receive the same treatment that they wanted to be treated with, and there won’t be any hate
between people in society. Moreover, they will understand each other better than before. With
these acts of kindness, there will be no hate, no fight, and no crime. When we have kindness in
our minds, all those negative thoughts will not take over.
In society, when people are kind to each other, they will remain at peace because there are no
conflicts, no chaos, and no wars. However, when people spread kindness in society, positivity will
also come along and influence others to be kind and spread peace and love.

1. In my perspective, kindness is type of behavior of being general, caring, helpful and support.
2. Well, I think kindness makes others happy and improves relationships too. In addition, kindness
and empathy go hand in hand, and acting empathetic toward someone who I struggling can
result of appreciation.
3. Kindness is really important to people and society. Because kindness is free. Being kind to
someone can make their whole day better. It can even change their life. We help each other
because we care each other. And in our world today kid ness builds communities because it has
a way of creating a chain of friends and acquaintances who will help in the times of hardship
The information provided in the interview highlights the importance of kindness in people's lives and in
society. They emphasize that kindness is a moral value that drives individuals to do good and help others.
The interviewee mentions that people are motivated to be kind when they can relate to someone or
when they have sympathy for them. This aligns with the notion that empathy plays a significant role in
motivating acts of kindness.

Additionally, the interviewee mentions that some individuals are naturally optimistic and see the world
in positive ways, which can lead them to be kind to others. This suggests that personal disposition and
outlook on life can influence one's propensity for kindness.

Both sources acknowledge the positive impact of kindness on individuals and society. They assert that
when people treat others with kindness, they are likely to receive the same treatment and foster
understanding and harmony. The absence of hate, conflicts, and crime is emphasized as a result of
widespread kindness. Furthermore, it is suggested that kindness has the power to promote peace, love,
and positivity in society, creating a ripple effect that encourages others to be kind.

From this study, it is evident that kindness is a fundamental virtue that can significantly shape individuals
and society as a whole. The interviews and the analyzed information reinforce the notion that acts of
kindness, no matter how small, have the potential to create a positive and harmonious social
environment. By cultivating kindness within ourselves and promoting it in others, we can contribute to a
more compassionate and peaceful world.
1. Kindness is a type of kind that shows being gentle, caring, and having a full support

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