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HOA 2 - Modern Architecture

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1. Industrial Age Began in Great Britain;

vast economic and social upheavals, stemming from
mechanization and mass production, required new build-
ing types for industry, commerce, and transportation

2. steam engine one of the may examples of new technologies and prod-
ucts invented during the Industrial Age

3. Crystal Palace Building erected in London, for the Great Exhibition of

1851. Made of iron and glass, like a gigantic greenhouse,
it was a symbol of the industrial age.

4. Joseph Paxton Designed the Crystal Palace

5. Brooklyn Bridge World's largest steel suspension bridge

6. John Roebling designed the Brooklyn Bridge

7. Eiffel Tower wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris,


8. Alexandre Gus- Eiffel Tower is named after the engineer and whose com-
tave Eiffel pany designed and built the tower.

9. Stephen He is notable for being one of the architects contributing

Sauvestre to the design of the world-famous Eiffel Tower

10. Skyscrapers The invention of elevator and more sophisticated heating,

plumbing, and electric lighting systems made the higher
spaces as accessible and comfortable as the lower ones

11. Home Insurance is frequently noted as the first tall building to be supported
Building, Chica- both inside and outside by a fireproof structural steel and
go metal frame;
considered the world's first skyscraper

12. William Le Baron Designed the first skyscraper, Home Insurance Building

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Wainwright considered first expression of high rise as a tall building
Building, St. early skyscrapers;
Louis a 10-story, 41 m (135 ft) terra cotta office building at 709
Chestnut Street

14. Louis Sullivan designed the Wainwright Building in St. Louis

and Dankmar

15. Louis Sullivan His greatest contribution to the skyscraper was the orga-
nizing of its identical, stacked floors to express a strong
visual identity.

16. form follows the famous dictum of Louis Henry Sullivan which became
function the slogan of modern architecture.

17. nature-inspired Sullivan used this inspiration in decorations to humanized

or organic his imposing structure

18. Prudential (Guar- The three zones of Sullivan's design are visible in the
anty) Building large open windows of the ground zone, the thin vertical
elements of the office zone and the arches and curves of
the terminating zone at the top of the building

19. The Sullivan Formerly Carson, Pirie, Scott and

Center Company Building Chicago by Louis Sullivan

20. Frank Lloyd Considered America's greatest architect. Pioneered the

Wright concept that a building should blend into and harmonize
with its surroundings rather than following classical de-
Believed that buildings should be spreadout horizontally

21. Prairie House architectural style characterized by long, sweeping

ground lines, unconfined by abrupt limits of the wall, and
which seemed to reach out towards and express the great
flat-lands of the Mid-West

22. Broadacre City

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a visionary plan meant to bring urban life to the country; a
low-density settlement with small establishments and an
acre of land for each person

23. Fallingwater Kaufmann House by Wright

24. Organic Archi- An architectural style in which the building was in harmo-
tecture ny with its natural surroundings. (p. 370)

25. Solomon R. The cylindrical building, wider at the top than at the bot-
Guggenheim Mu- tom, was conceived as a "temple of the spirit". Its unique
seum, Manhat- ramp gallery extends up from ground level in a long,
tan, New York continuous spiral along the outer edges of the building to
end just under the ceiling skylight.

26. Johnson Wax Mushroom-shaped columns, pyrex skylights and earthy

Company coloured furnishings feature by Frank Lloyd Wright

27. Art Deco Based on geometric motifs, streamlinedand curvilinear

forms, sharply definedoutlines;
Uses bold colorsand synthetic materials (plastics)

28. Style Moderne Art Deco is also called ___

29. France Art Deco is first appeared in ____ before the WW 1

30. William Van Alen Architect of Chrysler Building

31. Chrysler Build- an art deco sample


32. American Radia- architects combined Gothic and modern styles in the
tor Building design of the building. Black brick on the frontage of the
building (symbolizing coal) was selected to give an idea
of solidity and to give the building a solid mass.

33. American Stan- 38 years later, American Radiator Building became sim-
dard Building ply known as ___
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34. Art Nouveau an international style of art, architecture and applied art,
especially the decorative arts, that was most popular
between 1890 and 1910.

35. New Art the word art nouveau came from the word ___; based
on the return to craftsmanship and the integration of art,
design, and architecture

36. glass and iron- art nouveau characteristics emphasizes on materials

work such as ___

37. Jugendstil Art Nouveau in Germany

38. Modernismo Art Nouveau in Spain

39. Stile Liberty Art Nouveau in Italy

40. Sezession Art Nouveau in Austria

41. Le Modern Style Art Nouveau in France

42. Victor Horta Art Nouveau Architects in Brussels

43. Antoni Gaudi Art Nouveau Architects in Barcelona

44. Raimondo Art Nouveau Architects in Constantinople and Turin


45. Joseph Hoffman Art Nouveau Architects in Vienna

46. Charles Rennie Art Nouveau Architects in Glasgow


47. Hôtel Tassel, Bel- designed by Victor Horta


48. Paris Metro En- designed by Hector Guimard


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moorish and Antoni Gaudi combined ____ elements with naturalistic
gothic forms, their textured, undulatingshapes recall waves, sea
coral, and fish bones.

50. Park Güell, a public park system composed of gardens and archi-
Barcelona tectural elements located on Carmel Hill, in Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain;
designed by Antoni Gaudi

51. Casa Batllo a building in the center of Barcelona;

designed by Antoni Gaudi, one of his masterpieces

52. Casa Milà it was the last private residence designed by architect
Antoni Gaudí

53. La Pedrera or the Casa Milà popularly known as ___, a reference to its
stone quarry unconventional rough-hewn appearance

54. Sagrada Familia is a large unfinished Roman Catholic minor basilica in

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain;
designed by Antoni Gaudi

55. Expressionism A European movement that generated jaggedand dynam-

ic forms in both painting and architecture.

56. De Stijl Use of black and white with the primary colors rectangular
forms, and asymmetry (inspiredby a Mondrian painting).

57. The Style another term for De stijl

58. Constructivism Expression of construction was to be the basis for all

Emphasizes on functional machineparts

59. Metabolism A post-war Japanese architectural movement that fused

ideas about architectural megastructures with those of
organic biological growth.

60. Organic Archi- A building should be functional, harmonizes with its nat-
tecture ural environment, and forms an integrated whole
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61. nature shapes in Organic Architecture are often of irregular con-

tours and resemble forms found in ___

62. Bauhaus Emphasis on functional design;

A school in Germany founded by Walter Gropius

63. building in Bauhaus, Bau means ___

64. house in Bauhaus, haus means ___

65. International Simple geometric forms, large untextured surfaces (often

Style white), large areas of glass, and general use of steel or
reinforced concrete construction.

66. devoid of region- International Style is a functional architecture which __

al characteristics

67. Charles Edouard Le Corbusier real name


68. Le Corbusier who own the dictum , The house is a machine for living

69. Villa Savoye, Reflected the architect's five points of architecture by Le

Poissy, France Corbusier

70. Pilotis structural system of stilts that lifted the building off the
ground to allow people and traffic to pass underneath

71. Unite d'Habita- An apartment block with 23 different unit types;

tion, Marseille, designed by Le Corbusier

72. Notre Dame du This building designed by Le Corbusier looked like many
Haut things, featuring a rough stucco finish hiding a concrete
frame, and a roof that appears to be heavy and imposing
but is actually well supported and has a light construction
system. It had some elements that alluded to traditional
church design, but it also featured odd shaped square and
rectangular windows.
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73. La Ville Contem- Utopian scheme of a city with magnificent skyscraper

poraine towers surrounded by a broad and sweeping open space.
(Le Corbusier)

74. Mies van der Best known for developing boxy, steel-and-glass architec-
Rohe ture for nearly every purpose - from houses to skyscrap-

75. Less is more the famous dictum of Mies van der Rohe

76. Farnsworth ne of the world's most widely-recognized and studied

House, Plano, structures constructed in the 20th century;
Illinois a site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation is
celebrating Edith Farnsworth Reconsidered, a yearlong
focus on namesake Dr. Edith Farnsworth's life and times;
one of the pinnacle works of Mies van der Rohe's style
and philosophy

77. Seagram Build-

ing, New York

78. Postmodernism A renewed appreciation for the rich traditions of architec-

ture past;
Architects began enlivening facades with color, pattern,
and ornaments.

79. Alvar Aalto Finnish architect; one of the first modernists to fuse tech-
nology with craft.;
Humanized modernism with curved walls and roofs and
wood-finished interiors.;
He was also sensitive to the contours of the land and to
a building's orientation to daylight

80. Nature, not the Alvar Aalto one of famous dictum

machine, should
serve as the
model for archi-

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81. MIT Baker House
Dormitory, Cam-

82. Eero Saarinen Function influence but does not dictate form

83. Function influ- Used advances in structural systems to create sculptural-

ence but does ly expressive buildings.;
not dictate form His buildings followed a unique design direction according
to the particulars of their site and purpose.

84. TWA Flight Cen-

ter, New York

85. Dulles Interna-

tional Airport,
Dulles, Virgini

86. Louis Kahn His work is often compared to ancient monuments. Com-
posed of circles, squares, and triangles, his designs were
constructed of rough concrete and brick to convey a mas-
sive primal quality

87. Architectural Louis Kahn famous dictum

form should
reflect a
building's social

88. Daylight in Louis Kahn design, ____ played an important role in his

89. Phillips Ex-

eter Academy
Library, New

90. Kimbell Art Louis Kahn exemplifies his mastery of natural illumination
Museum, Fort
Worth, Texas
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91. Richards Medical Divided clustered towers into "served" and "servant"
Research Build- spaces, an architectural principle that is still followed to-
ing, Pennsylva- day

92. Robert Venturi Suggested that architects should embrace ambiguity,

decoration, and "messy vitality"in their buildings;
His vision was an architecture of "both-and" rather than
"either-or." This led to the development of a more plural-
istic attitude towards architecture that still prevails today

93. Less is a bore Robert Venturi famous dictum

94. Episcopal

95. Philip Johnson Once an advocate of the International Style, became one
of postmodernism's biggest promoters

96. Architecture is Philip Johnson famous dictum

the art of how to
waste space

97. The Glass

House, New
Canaan, Con-

98. AT&T Building,

New York

99. James Stirling Proponent of New Brutalism and high-tech.;

He sculpted his buildings to convey solidity.

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Neue Staatsga-
lerie, Stuttgart,

101. Michael Graves Incorporated decorative, historical references within his

abstract designs;
His architecture often has a childlike, cartoonish quality,
shown to exaggerated effect

102. In any architec- Michael Graves famous dictum

ture, there is
an equity be-
tween the prag-
matic function
and the symbolic

103. Team Disney

Burbank, Califor-

104. Peter Eisenman, The New York Five Leading the modern revival group:
Michael Graves,
Charles Gwath-
mey, John Hej-
duk, and Richard

105. Getty Museum oil industrialist, works purchased on the black market, Van
Gogh's Irises;
A cultural acropolis of six building situated high above a
Los Angeles freeway

106. Postmodern generally more complex, exaggerated styles not totally

Styles devoid of organization among the parts, although the
organization may be less apparent than in fashion goods

107. Brutalism Used to describe massive modern architecture built of

reinforced concrete, with the concrete's rough, abrasive
surfaces left exposed
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108. béton brut (raw Brutalism is inspired by the ____ used by Le Corbusier in
concrete) his laterbuildings.

109. High Tech Using the technology of building in a highly expressive


110. Richard Rogers, high Tech is pioneered by ___

Norman Foster,
and Renzo Piano

111. Deconstruc- Using bent, angled and exploded forms to represent the
tivism uncertainty of our times

112. theories of Deconstructivism Drew upon the literary ___, who holds
Jacques Derrida that "there is no fixed truth but only multiple interpreta-

113. Deconstruc- Characterized by nonrectilinear shapes which distort the

tivism geometry of the structure, the finished appearance of
deconstructivist buildings is typically unpredictable and
even shocking

114. Guggenheim Mu- Frank Gehry

seum, Bilbao,

115. Blobitecture A style of postmodernist architecture characterized by

organic, rounded, bulging shapes, Blobitecture (aka blo-
bism or blobismus) was first christened by William Safire
in the New York Times in 2002 (although architect Greg
Lynn used the term "blob architecture" in 1995) the style
first appeared in the early 1990s

116. Blobitecture Developed by postmodernist artists on both sides of the

Atlantic, the construction of blobitecture's nongeometric
structures is heavily dependent on the use of CATID
software (Computer Aided Threedimensional Interactive

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117. green architec- Sustainable design, considering land use, transportation
ture issues, energy efficiency, indoor ecology and waste re-
duction when designing buildings

118. Sustainability to ensure that our actions and decisions today do not
inhibit the opportunities of future generations.

119. Nanyang Techno-

logical Universi-
ty; Singapore

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