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ACTIVITY 1 Maye Zaidyle E.

Borinaga RW (10:00 am – 11:30 am TTH) March 5,

In the spaces below, answer these questions in two to three sentences.

1. How was science valued during Rizal’s time? How did they view it?
In the 19th century and during the time of Rizal, science was not a priority in the Spanish colonial Philippines. It
was simply added as a necessary subject to be taken in order to complete the required courses for a degree.
Science was valued to varying degrees during Rizal's time, it was often overshadowed by colonial interests,
religious doctrine, and traditional beliefs. However, intellectuals like Rizal recognized the importance of scientific
inquiry and rational thinking for progress and enlightenment, advocating for its promotion as a means of
empowering the Filipino people and advancing society. One of the factors in science is the Conflict with Tradition
and Religion: Despite the growing acceptance of science, there were tensions between scientific knowledge and
traditional beliefs, particularly within the context of colonial societies like the Philippines. Some religious
authorities viewed scientific ideas as threatening to established beliefs and authority, leading to conflicts between
science and religion.

2. How did Rizal relate science to the propaganda movement? Can you specify which essays
were used in giving importance to science?
Rizal published an article in which he discussed the importance of science in the lives of Filipinos. Rizal emphasizes
the value of knowledge, comprehending social reality, and history in laying forth reforms and improving the
world’s condition. Jose Rizal authored La Solidaridad to demonstrate the value of science to Filipinos. Jose Rizal's
views on science were intricately linked to his involvement in the Propaganda Movement, a Filipino reformist
movement aimed at advocating for political and social reforms under Spanish colonial rule. Rizal believed that
scientific education and rational thinking were essential tools for national progress, enlightenment, and liberation
from colonial oppression. He highlighted the importance of science in several of his essays, which were influential
in shaping the discourse of the Propaganda Movement. Some of these essays include:
"The Philippines Within a Century" (Filipinas Dentro de Cien Años): In this essay, Rizal envisioned the future of the
Philippines and emphasized the importance of education, progress, and enlightenment in shaping the destiny of
the nation. He advocated for the promotion of scientific education as a means of uplifting the Filipino people and
advancing national development.
"The School in the Philippines" (La Escuela en Filipinas): Rizal critiqued the deficiencies of the colonial education
system in the Philippines and called for reforms to promote scientific education and intellectual enlightenment. He
argued that scientific knowledge was essential for understanding the world and addressing the socio-economic
challenges facing Filipino society.
"The Indolence of the Filipino" (La Indolencia de los Filipinos): While not explicitly focused on science, this essay
addressed the misconceptions and stereotypes about the Filipino character perpetuated by colonial authorities.
Rizal argued against the notion of Filipino indolence and emphasized the need for scientific inquiry to debunk such
myths and promote a more accurate understanding of Filipino society.
"The Triumph of Science Over Death" (El Triunfo del Cientificismo Sobre la Muerte): This essay underscored Rizal's
belief in the power of science to overcome disease, suffering, and mortality. He highlighted the advancements of
medical science and the potential for scientific knowledge to improve public health and alleviate human suffering.
Through these essays and others, Rizal emphasized the importance of scientific education, rational thinking, and
intellectual enlightenment as essential components of national development and progress. His advocacy for
science aligned with the goals of the Propaganda Movement, which sought to challenge colonial oppression and
promote reforms that would uplift the Filipino people and advance their interests.

3. Identify the different discoveries made by Rizal during his exile in Dapitan.
The different discoveries made by Rizal during his exile in dapitan he was fostered fascination for
conchology or the study or collection of shells, estimated to be around 346 shells from 203
species. Rizal became a Familiar name for at least three species named after him: Draco Razali
(lizard), Apagonia, (beetle), and Rhacophorus Razali (frog).
Here are some more info about Rizal’s discovery in Dapitan.
During his exile in Dapitan from 1892 to 1896, Jose Rizal, the Philippine national hero, made
several notable discoveries and accomplishments. Some of these include:
Medicine and Healthcare: Rizal established a clinic in Dapitan where he provided medical
assistance and care to the local community. He treated various ailments and injuries,
demonstrating his proficiency in medicine and his commitment to public health.
Agriculture and Horticulture: Rizal engaged in agricultural activities during his exile, experimenting
with different crops and farming techniques. He introduced new agricultural practices, such as
crop rotation and irrigation systems, to improve productivity and sustainability.
Botany and Natural Sciences: Rizal conducted botanical studies and collected specimens of plants
and animals in the Dapitan area. He documented his observations and findings, contributing to the
scientific knowledge of the region's biodiversity.
Engineering and Infrastructure: Rizal initiated several infrastructure projects in Dapitan, including
the construction of waterworks systems, roads, and bridges. He applied engineering principles and
techniques to improve the community's infrastructure and quality of life.
Education and Academics: Rizal established a school in Dapitan where he taught various subjects,
including languages, sciences, and humanities. He encouraged intellectual inquiry and critical
thinking among his students, fostering a spirit of learning and enlightenment.
Overall, Rizal's discoveries and accomplishments during his exile in Dapitan reflect his diverse
talents and interests, as well as his dedication to serving the community and advancing knowledge
and progress. His contributions in medicine, agriculture, botany, engineering, and education left a
lasting impact on the people of Dapitan and underscored his commitment to public service and
intellectual pursuit.
ACTIVITY 1 Maye Zaidyle E. Borinaga RW (10:00 am – 11:30 am TTH) March 5,

Reflect on why the study of the sciences was integral into understanding how nations
are ruled. Why are the most advanced in the sciences found in the most developed
countries? How is it related to nation building? What are their contributions to the
The study of the sciences is integral to understanding how nations are ruled because it provides the knowledge
and tools necessary for effective governance, national security, economic prosperity, and sustainable
development. A scientifically literate society and government can navigate complex challenges, harness
opportunities for progress, and ensure the well-being and prosperity of its citizens.
The most advanced countries in the sciences benefit from a combination of factors, including significant
investments in R&D, strong educational systems, supportive innovation ecosystems, access to resources and
infrastructure, intellectual property protections, government support, and global collaboration. These factors
contribute to their scientific leadership and technological prowess on the global stage. Here are two factors First
is the Strong Educational Systems: Developed countries prioritize education, particularly in STEM (science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, from primary school through higher education. Well-funded
educational systems and prestigious universities attract top talent and cultivate a skilled workforce with expertise
in scientific disciplines. Second is the Government Support and Policies: Developed countries enact policies and
regulations that support scientific research, innovation, and technology transfer. Government funding, grants, tax
incentives, and regulatory frameworks promote investment in R&D and create favorable conditions for scientific
progress and economic growth.
Science plays a vital role in nation building by driving economic development, informing infrastructure
development, developing human capital, ensuring national security, promoting environmental sustainability, and
advancing social progress and well-being. Nations that prioritize investments in scientific research, education,
and innovation are better positioned to build prosperous, resilient, and inclusive societies capable of meeting the
challenges of the 21st century. For example the National Security and Defense: Scientific advancements are
essential for national security and defense, safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation. By
investing in scientific research and technology development, nations can enhance their military capabilities,
cybersecurity defenses, and intelligence gathering capabilities, ensuring the safety and security of their citizens.
And the Environmental Sustainability: Science provides solutions to environmental challenges such as climate
change, pollution, and natural resource depletion. Nations committed to sustainable development integrate
scientific knowledge into environmental policies and practices, preserving natural ecosystems, mitigating
environmental risks, and ensuring the well-being of present and future generations.
The contributions of science to the economy are essential for driving long-term economic growth, fostering
innovation and entrepreneurship, creating jobs and employment opportunities, enhancing productivity and
competitiveness, and improving standards of living for citizens. By investing in scientific research, education, and
innovation, countries can harness the transformative power of science to build prosperous and resilient
economies in the 21st century. Example is the Job Creation and Employment: Scientific advancements create
demand for skilled workers in fields such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), research
and development, and technology-related industries. The expansion of these sectors generates employment
opportunities and contributes to job creation, reducing unemployment rates and stimulating economic activity.
And the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems: Scientific research and innovation create fertile ground for
entrepreneurship and the growth of startups and small businesses. Innovation ecosystems, comprising research
institutions, universities, incubators, and venture capital firms, support the commercialization of scientific
discoveries and the development of new products and services, fostering economic dynamism and resilience.

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