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The History Of Civil

Engineering in the Philippines

D a t e : SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 BSCE-1A
Name: SHERWIN R. BONGCAWIL Course: Teacher: , C E , S O - 2


Civil Engineering, as practiced in 1586 1596 - 1602
the Philippines during the Spanish The baluarte is one of the oldest
The Santiago fortress was
era, was not by virtue of an stone fortifications in Intramuros.
built between 1596 and 1602
academic title. The only Designed and built by Jesuit priest
on the land promontory
Antonio Sedeno from 1586 to 1587.
architects/engineers with between the sea and the Pasig
Was breached by British forces
academic degrees were Spaniards. River, and was the most
with cannon fire in 1762. Restored
Social prejudice constrained the important fortification built in
and strengthened after the British
repressed indio builders to content Manila. The walls encircling
occupation but was damaged
themselves to be called mere the city started at this point.
during the 1863 earthquake.
Maestro de Obras.


1571-1577 1591-1631 1599
The Spaniards started building Fort Construction work for the Santiago St. Augustine Church is the
Santiago (Fuerte de Santiago) after castle/fortress was commenced in oldest stone church in the
the establishment of Manila under 1591 and was completed in 1634. Philippines. It was built in
Spanish rule on June 24, 1571. In This was the work of Leonardo 1599; however, it was also
1739 they constructed a stone Iturrino, and was the second most destroyed and rebuilt many
church that was financed by the important fortress to be built of times. It is an immense
public charity and became one of stone in Manila, the Nuestra Señora structure of thick walls of
richest in Intramuros. de Guía fortress being the first of Corinthian and Ionic designs.
In 1621, Don Bernardino Castillo,
a generous patron and a well-
known devotee of St. Sebastian,
Patron of Archers, donated his
lot, which is now the present site
Cavite Friar Land Irrigation System
of the San Sebastian Church. The
SPANISH TIME is one of the oldest irrigation
original church, which was made systems in the Philippines.
of wood, was burned in 1651 Sometimes in the 17th century, the
during a Chinese uprising. The Manila was hit by an Spanish period encomiendas or
succeeding structures were earthquake and was Spanish Royal lands grants were
destroyed twice by fire and an reconstructed implemented in Cavite. The priests
were granted by the Spanish King,
earthquake in 1859, 1863, and portions of the agricultural land.
1880 respectively.


1632 1686
Puente Grande was the first The first artesian wells were The Pasig River Light House was
bridge to be erected across built in Betis, Pampanga by the first lighthouse (masonry-
the grand Rio del Pasig. Built Fr. Manuel Camanes. The built) erected in the Philippines.
in 1632, this wooden bridge water system in Manila (now It was first lighted on 1846 and
connects Intramuros and MWSS) had its beginning from deactivated on 1992. It was then
Binondo. Replaced with a the water works constructed located on the north jetty at the
neo-classical design by Juan by Fr. Juan Peguero in 1686. mouth of Pasig River, (San
Arellano in the 1930s. The first irrigation system Nicolas, Manila) marking the
was constructed in Tanay, entrance to the river for vessels
Rizal by Fr. Jose Delgado. around Manila Bay, looking to
dock on the ports along the
banks of the river in Manila.
It was in 1868 when the 1875
1852 Bureau of Public Works and On June 25, 1875, King
Puente Colgante was the first Highways (Obras Publicas) ALFONSO XII of Spain
suspension bridge built in and Bureau of promulgates the Royal Decree
Southeast Asia. It was started Communications and directing the Office of the
in 1849 and completed in 1852. Transportation Inspector of Public Works of
The bridge was named Puente (Communicationes y the Philippines to submit a
de Claveria, likely in honor of Meteologia) were organized general plan of railroad in
Governor-General of the under a civil engineer known Luzon
Philippines Narciso Clavería. as “Director General”.

1867 1878-1918 1876

The project for public supply of fresh Manila didn't get running
The General Plan for Railways was
water to the city dates from the early water until 1878, when the
drawn up in 1876 for the island of
18th century. Before this, the city had to municipal waterworks was
Luzon, and included a network
be content with a fresh water supply established by Governor
totalling 1,730 kilometers. A 192 Km
based on cisterns. In 1867, the town Domingo Moriones. Don
stretch of track was constructed
council decides to take on the challenge Francisco Carriedo y Peredo
between Manila and Dagupan. This
of a project to supply fresh water to the was a Basque from Santander
operated a regular service as from
whole of the city. In 1882 the first public who conferred immense
1892. The most outstanding works
water fountain gushed forth its waters, benefits on the Philippines.
carried out on the railway system
and shortly after this, the technology of One of his "obras pias" (pious
were the bridge over the great
the times was successful in providing works) was a legacy he left in
Pampanga River and the building of
Manila with a fresh water supply from his will for building a Manila
Tutubán Station, in the Tondo
sources up-river. water system.
The Pasig River Light House was
1868 the first lighthouse (masonry-
built) erected in the Philippines.
It was in 1868 when the
It was first lighted on 1846 and
1852 Bureau of Public Works and
deactivated on 1992. It was then
Puente Colgante was the first Highways (Obras Publicas)
located on the north jetty at the
suspension bridge built in and Bureau of
mouth of Pasig River, (San
Southeast Asia. It was started Communications and
Nicolas, Manila) marking the
in 1849 and completed in 1852. Transportation
entrance to the river for vessels
The bridge was named Puente (Communicationes y
around Manila Bay, looking to
de Claveria, likely in honor of Meteologia) were organized
dock on the ports along the
Governor-General of the under a civil engineer known
banks of the river in Manila.
Philippines Narciso Clavería. as “Director General”.

1867 1878-1918
The project for public supply of fresh 1878
Manila didn't get running
water to the city dates from the early The concession for
water until 1878, when the
18th century. Before this, the city had to constructing five tramways in
municipal waterworks was
be content with a fresh water supply Manila and its suburbs was
established by Governor
based on cisterns. In 1867, the town approved. The plan included a
Domingo Moriones. Don
council decides to take on the challenge main station at San Gabriel
Francisco Carriedo y Peredo
of a project to supply fresh water to the and the crossing of the river
was a Basque from Santander
whole of the city. In 1882 the first public via the "Puente de España"
who conferred immense
water fountain gushed forth its waters,
benefits on the Philippines.
and shortly after this, the technology of
One of his "obras pias" (pious
the times was successful in providing
works) was a legacy he left in
Manila with a fresh water supply from
his will for building a Manila
sources up-river.
water system.
Road work in the Philippine
1880 Islands during the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries, under
The Ayala Bridge or better
the Spanish regime, consisted in
known as the Ayala bridge
opening of routes of
was completed in 1880.
communication throughout the
Originally it is composed of
Islands. The right of way, as
two separate spans connected
established by law, has made
by the Isla de Convalecencia.
possible the construction
Its first Filipino graduates 1887 methods of to-day. Use of
were Julio Hernandez (1891), On July 31, 1887, construction broken stone or gravel on road
Isidro Medina (1894) and Juan of the Manila-Dagupan work seems not to have been
Carreon (1896). railroad was started practiced by the Spaniard.

1883 1892
On November 1, 1883, the study of the FIRST PHILIPPINE
On November 24, 1892, the
first railroad project between Manila and REPUBLIC
entire line from Manila to
Dagupan done by Antonio dela Camara (AGUINALDO)
Dagupan, with a total length
was appoved 1898
of 195.4 kms, was completed On June 12, 1898, Gen. Emilio
and put into commercial Aguinaldo declared the
operations Philippine Independence in
Kawit, Cavite. The Organic
Decree of the Philippine
Revolutionary Government
created four (4) government
departments. One of them
was the Department of War
and Public Works.
EARLY 1900’S
Transportation in the Philippines was
depended largely on trails,
waterways, railroad, earth roads and
In 1899, US Major-General Elwell
partially-gravelled roads. Highway in
S. Otis, the Military Governor of
the Philippines at that time is nothing
the Philippines, announced US
1899 more than a dream to most Filipinos.
President William McKinley's
The Malolos Constitution was The US government initiated the
instructions for the islands'
ratified during a general development of roadways in the
Benevolent Assimilation.
assembly of Congress, and Philippines connecting towns, cities
Instructions stated that the
the first Council of and provinces. The popular Macadam
management of public property
Government of the First road type was introduced. It gained
and revenue, and use of all public
Philippine Republic was acceptance because of abundant
means of transportation, were to
created. supply of stones and gravel.
be conducted by the military.


Foundation of the Liceo de
The coming of the Americans brought By virtue of Act No. 83 passed
Manila, a private institution
about drastic changes in our engineering by the Philippine Commission
offering academic course for
culture. The new colonizers pursued on February 6, 1901, public
maestro de obras and headed
“benevolent” policies that focused on works and projects were
by Leon Ma. Guerrero. The
English education, public health, free placed under the “Provincial
first private school to offer an
enterprise, and representative Supervisions”.
academic title for Maestro de
governance thus bringing with them
Obras. (the forerunner of
were military engineers, Thomasite
formal education in
teachers, doctors and evangelist
1902 The above-mentioned
The first professional Academia merged with the 1906
association of architecture Liceo and established the On July 7, 1906, Philippine
and surveyors was born on Escuela de Ingeniera y Commission Act No. 1510 was
September 14, 1902 with the Arquitectura, which offered a enacted giving the concession
creation of the Academia de five-year course in of the railway to Speyer and
Arquitectura y Agrimensura architecture and civil Co. with Mr. Horace Higgins as
de Filipinas (AAAF). engineering. General Manager

1905 1907
AAFF changed the name of association to
The Escuela ceased to operate after its The Faculty of Engineering of the
Academia de Arquitectura, Ingeniera y
first year of inception. The Bureau of University of Santo Tomas (UST)
Agrimensura de Filipinas (AIAAF) –
Public Works was created and placed is the oldest engineering school
including civil engineers and surveyors
under Department of Commerce and in the Philippines. It was
Police. Provincial boards were created established on May 18, 1907, as
But everything was confused and
in 1907 with authority to collect School of Civil Engineering with
disorganized under our tolerant new
double cedula taxes to finance the one program offering leading to
masters. Even in government, it took
construction of provincial roads and the degree of Master of Science
several years before the Philippine
bridges. in Civil Engineering (MSCE). From
commission could buckle down to work
and create the first Philippine assembly. faculty records, it appears that it
was only in 1912 when the
earliest batch of students was
conferred their MSCE degrees.
In 1911, the AIAAF was dissolved
when the civil engineers (and During World War I, all appropriations
other engineering profession) for irrigation was withdrawn and it
The above-named Escuela was withdrew to form their own was downgraded to a section in the
reorganized and reopened its professional organization (The Design Division of the BPW. Through
doors to students but this time Philippine Society of Engineers), legislative Act No. 2562, financial
offered a three-year course for but not before it has struggled for assistance was given to existing
architecture, civil engineering the passage of an Engineers and private irrigation systems covering a
and electrical engineering. Architects Law. minimum of 25.

1910 1912 1914

The first instructor was Jose P. The Irrigation Act of 1912
regulated the appropriation of Communal irrigation systems
Katigbak of the City Engineer's
public waters, investigation, (CIS) were simple structures.
Office of Manila, as instructor in
construction, operation and The earliest on record is as far
graphics (drawing) on a part-time
maintenance of irrigation back as 1914, mostly located
basis. Initially, a four-year course
systems. It prescribed rules on in the Ilocos area of northern
leading to the degree of Bachelor
water rights and provided for Philippines. Water from these
of Science with an additional
the securing of payments for systems was obtained from
degree of Civil Engineer.
irrigation services, from the river diversions by bamboo
beneficiaries. The act was and rock structures-the
passed in 1912 under the "brush dam".
American regime.
A group of civil engineers from the
On February 4, 1916, By authority
government sector formed the
of Philippine Legislature Act No.
Philippine Society of Civil Engineers
2574, former Governor General
(PSCE) which was the first civil
Harrison negotiates the 1919 – 1954
engineering organization in the
acquisition of the MRRCo by the
Metropolitan Water District was Philippines with Engr. Marcial Kasilag
Philippine Government.
founded as its first president.

18 JANUARY 1917 – 1921 1930'S

03 OCTOBER 1922
The Engineers and Architects Law
When the first cabinet comprised Puente Colgante Bridge was
(Act No. 2985) passed on February
of Filipinos was organized, Gov. replaced by a modern steel
23, 1921. The law created separate
Gen. Francis. B. Harrison arch bridge during early
Board of Examiners for civil
appointed Cebu governor Dionisio 1930’s. It was renamed
engineering and architecture.
Jakosalem as Secretary of Quezon Bridge after Manuel L.
They were schooled abroad as
Commerce and Communication. Quezon, the president of the
civil engineers and architects. Due
The construction of roads and Philippines at that time.
to the Engineers and Architects
public buildings marked his
Law of 1921, Filipinos were
administration as governor of
allowed to practice as Architects
Cebu. He is credited with having
and Engineers because of their
linked the southern and northern
experience as Maestro de Obras in
parts of the province with roads.
the Spanish Period.

More development for the

Department took place in 1931
when the Philippine Legislature
passed on May 1 of that year Act
No. 4007, renaming the
Department of Commerce and Highway 54 was the former name of
Communications as Department the Epifanio delos Santos Avenue. It
The Philippine Association of Civil
of Public Works and formed a major part of the
Engineers (PACE) was formed
Communications. This Act, circumferential roads in Metro
from a group of civil engineers in
however, did not state the proper Manila. From the south, it passes
the private sector with Engr.
composition and functions of the through five cities Pasay, Makati,
Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes as its
DPWC. Mandaluyong, Quezon City, and
first president.


In 1938, statutes for practice of OCCUPATION (WORLD
On August 2, 1935, Act Number
architecture from engineering WAR II) 1941
4211 was enacted – permitting
separated by law – National In 1941, outbreak of World
under-aged persons to take the
Assembly Bill No. 1850 War II, the Department of
board exam on condition that they
On January 31, 1938, the first Bicol Public Works and
will not practice their profession
train was put into operation Communications (DPWC) and
until they attained the required
On May 8, 1938, the unified other government offices
age of 21.
system of railroad from San were practically abolished due
Fernando, La Union in the North to dislocation of manpower,
to Legazpi in the South was lack of funds, materials and
formally inaugurated. equipment, installation of
enemy administration and the
setting up of resistance
During the Japanese occupation, After the Second World War, the new
the exiled Commonwealth independent Philippine government
government of President Manuel continued the rehabilitation and
Quezon issued Executive Order construction of roads, bridges, buildings
The reorganization of the government
396, which reorganized and and other infrastructures, through the
after it was re-established on
grouped the cabinet. The reparations and war damages paid by
Philippine soil was undertaken with
Department of Public Works and the Japanese government. Other
Executive Order No. 27 on February
Communication became the financial grants and aids received from
27. The Department of National
Department of National Defense, the US government were used in the
Defense and Communications was
Public Works, Communications construction and rehabilitation of roads,
again named Department of Public
and Labor, with Basilio Valdes as bridges, buildings and other
Works and Communications.
Secretary. infrastructures.

1942 1944 08 MARCH 1945-1946

Caliraya Dam is an embankment dam President Sergio Osmeña issued Justice Sotero Cabahug
located in the town of Lumban province of Executive Order 15-W on August 8, replaced Secretary Valdes as
Laguna, in the Sierra Madre Mountain 1944 reorganizing and Secretary of Public Works and
Range of the Philippines. The reservoir consolidating the Executive Communications.
created by the dam, Lake Caliraya, Departments of the
initially supplied one of the oldest Commonwealth government with
hydroelectric plants in the Philippines, Secretary Basilio Valdes as
and later became a popular recreational Secretary of National Defense and
area for numerous water sports and Communications.
fishing. The dam construction was started
in 1939 and a small hydroelectric plant
was operated in 1942.
Resuming its operation in 1946,
the Department of Public Works
and Communications (DPWC)
started with limited human
resources, funds, materials and 1947
equipment. An office of the U.S. The authority of the
Bureau of Public Roads was set Department of Public Works
up to cooperate with the and Communications was
Philippine Bureau of Public Works further expanded when, in
in implementing the highway 1947, the Motor Vehicles Office
program as authorized by the was placed under its direct 1949
Philippine Rehabilitation Act of Laws separating statutes between
1946. architects and engineers passed

1946 – 1948 1948 1950’S

Ricardo Nepumoceno served as Secretary The country’s premiere airport, The momentum to rebuild
of Public Works and Communications Manila International Airport from the ashes of WWII and
under the administration of President Authority was originally a US Air replace destroyed public
Manuel Roxas. He continued to do so Force base until 1948, when it was edifices and utilities made the
under the administration of President turned over to the Philippine 1950s an eventful decade for
Elpidio Quirino government’s National Airport the construction industry.
Corporation. The fledgling civil
aviation airport’s facilities were
nothing more than the current
domestic runway and a small
building as its only passenger
REPUBLIC ACT No. 1383 was approved on June
18, 1955
1950 – 1956 President Elpidio Quirino under Executive WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY”
Ambuklao dam was the highest Order No. 392 in 1951, the DPWC was The first road classification system in the
and biggest in the Far East. again reconstituted to Department of country was established through Republic Act
Construction began on July 1950 Public Works, Transportation and No. 917, known as the Philippine Highway Act,
and opened on December 23, Communications (DPWTC) to include the enacted in 1953 and Executive Order 113,
1956. Gross storage capacity of Bureaus of Public Works, Posts, series of 1955 which classified roads into
the dam's reservoir is 327,170,000 Telecommunications, Motor Vehicles national roads (national primary and national
cubic meters. The drainage area Office, Irrigation Council, Flood Control secondary), “national aid” roads (roads of
is 686 square kilometers and is 11 Commission, Radio Control Board, sufficient importance for eventual
km long. National Transportation Board and reclassification at a later stage) and
Government Quarters Committee. provincial/city/municipal/barangay roads.

1950 1954
On June 17, 1950, the Architects 1955 – 1970
Bureau of Public Highways (BPH) was
(Philippine Institute of Architects) National Waterworks and
created and placed under The
prepared and lobbied the passing of the Sewerage System Authority
Department of Public Works,
first Architect’s law (RA 545) while the Civil (NAWASA) was created
Transportation and Communications
Engineers (Philippine Association of Civil through RA 1383
Engineers), the Civil Engineering law (RA R.A. No. 1192, AN ACT TO CREATE THE
544, through the efforts of PACE President BUREAU OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS,
Alberto Guevarra) was also passed the ABOLISHING THE DIVISION OF
same year. They jointly celebrated the HIGHWAYS OF THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC
passing of their respective laws at the WORKS Approved, August 25, 1954.
Manila Hotel Winter Garden. R.A. No. 1080 was enacted on June 15,
1954 – making bar and board exam
(passers) are equivalent to First-Grade
Civil Service eligibility.
The first thirteen years of the airport were
marked by the building of infrastructure
dedicated to international flights. The
international runway and associated taxiway
On June 16, 1956, the Civil were built in 1953, and 1961 saw the
Engineering law was further 1960 – 1980’S
completion of a control tower and a terminal
amended by Republic Act No. The automobile age. It was during
building for the exclusive use of international
1582. On the same year, the the decade that road construction
passengers at the southwest intersection of
Architecture law was further becomes a matter of priority of the
the runways. This system came to be officially
amended by Republic Act No. government under the slogan: “This
known as the Manila International Airport
1581. nation is on Wheels.”

1957 1960 1961-1967

Agusan Dam started construction on May In 1960, the International Bureau of
Angat Dam located at
1956 and it opened on December 29, 1957. Weights and Measures prepared a
Norzagaray, Bulacan started
system of units designated the
its construction on November
“Systeme Internationale d’ Unites”
1961 and opened on October
with the abbreviation SI, for worldwide
16, 1967 with height of 131
adoption. It has been adopted and
meters, length of 568 meters
used by most of the over 160 countries
and base width of 550 meters.
in the world, with the exception of
The source of dam is the
Borneo, the Sultanate of Brunei,
Angat River, with a capacity of
Liberia and notably the United States.
850 million cubic meters
The National Irrigation
Administration is a government-
owned and controlled
corporation tasked with the
development and operation of
Irrigation Systems all over the 1965 DURING MARTIAL LAW
country. It was created under RA (MARCOS ERA)1965-1973
3601 which was signed on June R.A No. 4566 was enacted on June 19,
1965 – regulating constructions or President Ferdinand Marcos appointed
22, 1963 by then President
“The Contractor’s License Law” Manuel Syquio as Acting Secretary of Public
Diosdado P. Macapagal.
Works and Communications.

1964 1967 1970’S

On June 20, 1964, Republic Act No. 4156 is
The reservoir supplies about 90 In the early 1970's, there were
enacted. It changes the corporate name of
percent of raw water requirements for already 591 national and
Manila Railroad Company (MRRCo) to
Metro Manila through the facilities of municipal ports plus 200
Philippine National Railways (PNR)
the Metropolitan Waterworks and private ports scattered all
Sewerage System and it irrigates about over the country
28,000 hectares of farmland in the necessitating the need for
provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga. long-range planning and
Construction began on November 1961 rationalization of port
and it opened on October 16, 1967. development.
1971 - 1997
On 19 June 1971, Republic Act 1972 1974
6234 was enacted. It dissolved the Some concerns were raised such as
On February 1974, the first election
National Waterworks and formal accounting and turnover of of officers of PICE was held and
Sewerage System (NAWASA) and assets and liabilities, accreditation of
Engr. Cesar Caliwara became its
created in its place the bonafide members and election rules first president. In order to truly
Metropolitan Waterworks and for the first officers which were unite the civil engineers of the
Sewerage System (MWSS). sooner resolved. Philippines, provincial chapters
were organized.

1971 1973 1975

On August 20, 1971, Republic Act No. 6366
On June 1973, President Ferdinand E. The first International
was passed amending the PNR Charter
Marcos issued Presidential Decree 223, convention was held in the
creating the Professional Regulation Philippines on May 20 to 24,
Commission (PRC) regulating all 1975 with the theme “Civil
professions and accrediting only one Engineering in Disaster
organization to represent each Prevention Control."
profession. (Philippine Institute of Civil

In 1976, Department of Public

Works, Transportation and
Communications (DPWTC) 1978 1979
became Ministry of Public Works, On June 11, 1978, Presidential Decree On July 23, 1979, by Executive
Transportation and Number 1594 or “The Prescribing Order No. 546, PNR becomes one of
Communications (MPWTC) & Policies, Guidelines, Rules and the attached agencies of the
Department of Public Highways Regulations for Government Ministry of Transportation and
(DPH) as Ministry of Public Infrastructure Contracts” was Communications, now DOTC
Highways (MPH). promulgated.

1977 1978 – 1982 1980

In May 1969, the Congress of the
Implementation of this multipurpose
Philippines authorized the development In 1980 President Marcos
project was based on the preliminary
of the Pampanga Basin with Republic Act founded the Rural
study conducted in 1973 by the
No. 5499. In October of that year, detailed Waterworks Development
National Irrigation Administration
studies of the Pantabangan site were Corporation (RWDC),
(NIA) with the assistance of the United
carried out and lasted two years. responsible for water supply
States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
and the United States Agency for in areas where neither MWSS
International Development (USAID). nor LWUA carries out the
service or assists the LGUs,
1981 1982 On August 17, 1987, Republic Act
In as early as 1981, the Philippine Magat Dam is a large rock-fill dam No. 6639 was enacted and the MIA
Board of Examiners for the on the island of Luzon in the was renamed the Ninoy Aquino
Various Licensure Examinations Philippines. The dam is located on International Airport. The MIA
for the Practice of Engineering Magat River, a major tributary of Authority however, retained its
and Architecture began to use Cagayan River. Construction of the corporate name since the law did
the new system of units, SI. dam started in 1975 and completed not amend the original or revised
in 1982. charters of the MIAA.

1980’S 1984 1989

The increase of handheld calculators
Ipo River in Bulacan. It was completed On August 23, 1989, the
revolutionized engineering, with faster
in January 1984 with a maximum Tutuban Station and part of
and more efficient calculations leaving
storage capacity of 7.5 million cubic the railroad yard was leased
the old slide rule behind.
metres, an increase of about 2,500 out for shopping mall
million litres per day (MLD) from the development. PNR
old Ipo Dam, which used to be located Management Center
200 metres upstream of the new dam. transfers to its Training
Center site in Caloocan City
and PNR Operations Center
transfers to its railway
station in Paco, Manila.
And for the first time, a "Civil
Engineering Week" for the period
1995 RA 8981 or Professional
November 3 to 9, 1991 was
Regulations Commission (PRC)
declared by Malacañang thru On February 28, 1995, the Syllabi for Modernization Act of 2000 was
Proclamation No.799 issued on the Subjects in the Civil Engineering enacted and signed into law on
September 20, 1991 by President licensure examinations were December 5, 2000 by President
Corazon C. Aquino. promulgated. Joseph Ejercito Estrada

1993 1997 UP TO PRESENT 2001

The Board of Civil Engineering (at PRC) In 1997, the Legislature passed into
Philippine Institute of Civil
held its first fully computerized (board) law Republic Act 8041, also known
Engineers, Inc. (PICE) has
examinations on May 29, 1993 and as “The Water Crisis Act.” The Act,
been awarded by the
released the results on November 9, 1993. which paved the way for the
Professional Regulation
privatization of MWSS.
Commission (PRC) as the
Most Outstanding Accredited
Professional Organization.
2003 In 2005, a petition for declaratory
The San Roque Dam, operated relief filed on May 3 2005 by the
under San Roque Multipurpose PICE and Engr. Leo Cleto Gamolo to
Project (SRMP) is a 200 meters declare null and void Sections 302.3
tall, 1.2 kilometer long and 302.4 of the Revised
embankment dam on the Agno 2007
Implementing Rules and
River. It spans the municipalities Regulations (“Revised IRR”) of November 2007 CE Board Exam
of San Manuel and San Nicolas, Presidential Decree No. 1096 (the was invalidated (retake last
Pangasinan and is nearly 200 km “National Building Code”). January 2008 for Hydraulics and
north of Metro Manila. Geotechnical Engineering)

2004 2006 2008

Republic Act No. 9275 was approved on Since November 2006 CE Board
After several court hearings
March 22, 2004 “AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A Exam, the Professional Regulation
at the Manila Regional Trial
COMPREHENSIVE WATER QUALITY Commission releases only Top 10
Court, the PICE's motion was
MANAGEMENT AND FOR OTHER Board Exam Performers and
denied on January 29, 2008
PURPOSES". stopped releasing the 11th to 20th
and the RTC ruled in favor of
the architects.
House Bill No. 2797

House Bill No. 2797 as filed by

Representatives Rufus B. Rodriguez 2010 UP TO PRESENT
and Maximo B. Rodriguez, Jr.
House Bill No. 4456
2010 UP TO PRESENT Status of the Bill: Pending with the
Committee on CIVIL SERVICE AND House Bill No. 4456 as filed by
PROFESSIONAL REGULATION since Representative Aurelio “Dong” D.
2010-09-01 Gonzales Jr.


HOUSE OF THE REPRESENTATIVES House Bill No. 4071 House Bill No. 5940
House Bill No. 2200 House Bill No. 4071 as filed by Status of the Bill:
Representative Angelo Palmones Submitted by the Committee
House Bill No. 2200 as filed by
on Civil Service and
Representative Salvador H. Escudero III Status of the Bill: Pending with the Professional Regulation on
Status of the Bill: Pending with the Committee on CIVIL SERVICE AND March 1, 2012
Committee on CIVIL SERVICE AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION since Recommending its approval
PROFESSIONAL REGULATION since 2010- 2011-02-02 in substitution of HB No.
2200, 2797, 4071 and 4456
(It was approved in
substitution of HB Nos.2200,
2797, 4071 and 4456)
Senate Bill No. 2109: “AN ACT
FURTHER AMENDING REPUBLIC Last March 2012, the Board of Civil
ACT NO. 544, AS AMENDED, OR Engineering wrote to Philippine
THE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAW” Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)
(Introduced by Senator F. that the board exam questions will
Escudero); be increased from 30/35 (per
15th Congress subject) to 100 problems per subject
Filed on July 27, 2010 by Escudero, effective for May 2012 CE Board
Francis "Chiz" G. Exams. Meaning, there are 100
Status: Pending in the Committee problems per subject or a 300-item
(9/15/2010) board exam questions.

Senate Bill No. 2770: “AN ACT AN ACT
PROFESSIONALIZING THE PRACTICE OF Last August 23, 2013, Republic Act
CIVIL ENGINEERING IN THE PHIILIPPINES, 10609 or the Protection of Students'
ACT NUMBER FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY- Act of 2013 was signed into law.
FOUR (RA NO. 544), AS AMENDED, AND More info at GMA News Online
ENGINEERING LAW OF 2011> (Introduced
by Senator P. Lacson)
Filed on March 31, 2011 by Lacson, Panfilo
Status: Pending in the Committee

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