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Risk Analysis of a Residential Area Close to the

Tailing Dams of an Ex-Foundry

Ma. Cecilia Valles Aragón and Ma. Teresa Alarcón Herrera
Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados. CIMAV., Miguel de Cervantes 120.Complejo Industrial Chihuahua C.P. 31109,
Chihuahua, Chih. Mexico; (for correspondence)
Published online 24 September 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.11701

Several old mining sites in Latin America are unexpectedly because most metals are prone to be more available to acidic
turning into residential areas, posing a high health risk for its pH except As, Mo, Se, and Cr, which are prone to alkaline
residents. Hence, we address the case of an old mineral proc- pH. Adsorption of heavy metals is strongly determined by soil
essing plant and foundry, located in Chihuahua, Mexico. This pH and by the bioavailability of its components [4].
study comprised site sampling, determination of Pb contents The most common and potentially toxic elements derived
in the soil, and a risk analysis of the exposed child population from mining processes in Mexico are Pb, Cd, Zn, As, Se, and
via the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model (IEUBK, Hg [5], where Pb and Cd are the most commonly found pol-
USEPA model). Three exposure scenarios were derived from lutants in Mexican mining areas [6].
the Pb concentrations found in soil and were classified as: Because of its widespread use nowadays, Pb can be
maximum (A), average (B), and minimum (C). The IEUBK found inside our bodies in far superior levels than those
considered two amounts of soil intake: (350 mg/day) for areas found in ancient times. These levels cause adverse effects in
without paved streets and (200 mg/day) for paved streets. the health of adults, especially in children [7–9].
Results show that 62% of the samples exceed the maximum Children are in higher risk of showing elevated Pb levels
permissible level recommended for lixiviates, which indicates because they ingest higher dosages of Pb-contaminated soil
the solubility and possible dispersion of metal contents. 90% of and dust than adults. This behavior is explained by children’s
the samples exceed the permissible contents of Pb for residen- habit of continuously putting their hands in their mouths and
tial use and 85% are above guidelines for industrial use. ingesting objects that are not considered food. Moreover, the
Results from the IEUBK model, considering unpaved streets, absorption of Pb in the gastrointestinal tract of children is
show that the average concentration of Pb in blood in scenar- higher than in adults; it is believed that the development of
ios A, B, and C were 79.94, 16.58, and 9.25 lg/dL, respec- the children’s nervous system is more vulnerable to the toxic
tively. For communities with paved streets and under the same effects of Pb than the more mature brain of adults [8, 10].
conditions, the amounts of Pb in blood decreased to 57.75, Neurological damage has been detected at exposure levels
11.57, and 4.18 lg/dL respectively. In both cases, the maxi- that were not considered harmful before (<10 lg/dL), therefore,
mum permissible concentration of Pb in children’s blood is there might not be a minimum threshold for Pb that indicates
exceeded. It is imperative to take the appropriate remediation the beginning of adverse neurological effects in children [9–16].
measures in this site to reduce the Pb contents in the soil and The EPA classified elemental Pb and inorganic Pb com-
to minimize the public health risk. Ó 2012 American Institute of pounds as belonging in Group B2: probable human carcino-
Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 32: 1150–1154, 2013 gens [8].
Keywords: risk analysis, lead, soil, human health, mining The Avalos metallurgical plant and foundry was estab-
lished in the southeast area of Chihuahua City, Mexico
(located in a semidesertic region) and started operating in
1908. During the 1950s, it was considered to be one of the
most important companies in Latin America, and eventually
The environmental impact caused by the pollution with worldwide. The company ceased its activities in 1993, pro-
heavy metal depends from their soil complexation capacity ducing around 250 tons of Pb per day during its last years of
and from the physicochemical and biological conditions of the operation [17].
environment, which are capable of changing the oxidation During the last 5 years, there has been a residential growth
state of the metals [1]. The chemical form of an element has in the area close to the tailing dams of the foundry, represent-
direct influence in its solubility, mobility, and toxicity in soil. ing a health risk for the population established there. The
This toxicity depends on the contamination source and the objective of this study was to conduct a sampling and general
environmental factors, along with the chemical characteristics analysis to determine the degree of Pb contamination present
of the soil at the contaminated site [2]. Metals can reach con- in the soil, as well as a risk analysis for the infant population
centration levels that produce negative effects in the physical, living in this area via the IEUBK, Version 1.1. [18].
chemical, and biological properties of the soil: reduction in
the amount of organic matter, nutrient reduction, pH variation
generating acidic soils, large temperature fluctuations, and METHODS AND MATERIALS
adverse effects in the number, diversity, and activity of micro-
organisms from the rhizosphere [3]. pH is an essential factor Sampling
Sampling was carried out in accordance with the require-
Ó 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers ments of the Mexican regulations [19] in the residential area

1150 December 2013 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.32, No.4) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 1. Location of sampling points of the site. [Color fig-
ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

close to the tailing dams of a metal foundry out of service in

the southeastern part of Chihuahua City. 39 samples were
collected within a 1-km radius (for an area of 60 ha) with a
sample distance of 132 m. The samples were extracted from
a depth of 10 cm or less and were taken to the laboratory for
preparation and analysis. The coordinates of each sampling
point were located in situ using a Thales MobileMapper de-
vice (GPS) model 2004 (Figure 1).
Figure 2. Flow chart of data suministred to the IEUBK
Soil Characterization model.

Mineralogical Soil Composition

Determination of Total and Soluble Lead in the Soil
To determine the main mineralogical components, a soil The extraction method for soluble Pb in soil samples was
fraction was pulverized, placed in a sample holder, and carried out according to the procedures described by the Mex-
inserted in an X-Ray diffraction equipment. The analysis was ican Regulations (NOM 053; 1993), which allows to determine
carried out using PANalytical X’Pert Pro equipment CuK radi- the mobility of pollutants in the environment [23]. The method
ation from 5 to 808 in the 2y scale with a step of 0.5 and to obtain the total Pb concentration in the soil samples was
time of 5 s. performed in accordance to the procedures in NOM 147.
Digestion of leachates was obtained by the TCLP method
pH Measurement (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) for metal extrac-
pH measurement was performed using a CORNING pH/ tion. The digestions were carried out in a microwave
ion meter 450 potentiometer. Distilled water and soil were (MARSXpress) and subsequently read in a GBC Avanta Sigma
mixed in a 1:1 ratio, in accordance to the Mexican regulation atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The minimum Pb
NOM 147 [20]. detection limit of the equipment was 0.1 mg/kg.

Risk Analysis
Amount of Organic matter The risk analysis was performed using the IEUBK model
The Walkley and Black method was followed to deter- [18], which allows to predict the Pb concentration in the
mine OM, in accordance with Mexican regulations [21]. This blood of infant population. Two runs of each setting were
procedure was performed through the oxidation of organic made (taking into account the areas with paved or unpaved
carbon in the soil via a carbon potassium dichromate solu- streets). The model parameters and considerations used on
tion (K2Cr2O7). Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) was added to avoid this study are shown in Figure 2. Three scenarios were con-
interferences. Between 70 and 84% of the total organic car- sidered for this study, derived from the total amount of Pb in
bon was detected with this procedure. To obtain the OM, the soil from the recently inhabited area (15 ha, Triangle
this value was multiplied with a correction factor of 1.298 (1/ marked in Figures 1, 4, and 5).
0.77), which is recommended for Mexico [21].
Cation-Exchange Capacity
Sodium acetate method was used [22] to determine the Mineralogical Soil Composition
CEC. The amount of sodium in the obtained mixture was Soil is primarily composed of gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O), quartz
determined in a GBC Avanta Sigma atomic absorption spec- (SiO2) K2Ca Mg (SO4)3, and to a lesser extent, of basic hydrous
trophotometer. sulfate of potassium and iron, Jarosite (KFe3 (OH)6(SO4)2).

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.32, No.4) DOI 10.1002/ep December 2013 1151
Figure 5. pH values results in the sampling site. [Color fig-
Figure 3. Curves of isoconcentration of total Pb (mg/kg) in ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
the site. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,]
which is available at]

as having a low amount of OM. The deficient levels of OM

pH are characteristic of arid and semiarid soils [26].
The results of the pH measurement in characterized soil 5
are classified according to NOM-021, 18% of the samples Cation-Exchange Capacity
have acidic pH, 38.5% neutral and 43.5% alkaline. The pH in According to NOM-021, the average values of CEC, and
soil can induce toxicity by influencing the bioavailability of considering the fertility and composition of soil, the results
hazardous substances to plants and animals [24]. As pH indicate a low or very low fertility in the soil, which limits
decreases, metal solubility is increased [25], as well as its the natural growth of vegetation.
infiltration to subsoil and possible entrance to groundwater.

Lead Concentrations in Soil

Organic Matter According to the reference levels (NOM-147), 90% of the
According to the soil classification dictated by the criteria samples exceed the total lead concentration in soil for resi-
of NOM-021, and taking into account the classification for dential use (400 mg/kg), and 85% are above the reference
volcanic soil [21], 100% of the analyzed samples are classified level for industrial use (750 mg/kg) (Figure 3).
Totally, 62% of the samples exceed the maximum permis-
sible concentration for lead in leachate (6 mg/L, NOM-053)
extracted by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
(TCLP). Pb solubility in the samples that exceed the permissi-
ble levels show that the solubility of the metal in this area is
high; the higher the solubility of a compound the greater its
bioavailability is [6]. This greater bioavailability indicates that
Pb can potentially enter the food chain and affect human
health [27].These values agree with the pH values; in the
areas where pH is acidic, Pb solubility is higher (Figures 4
and 5).

Risk Analysis
The IEUBK model can use different values of soil inges-
tion. This study used two values for the children’s soil intake:
200 and 350 mg/day, corresponding to communities with
paved and unpaved streets respectively [28].
The results of the model, obtained for communities with
unpaved streets (350 mg/day), as well as the Pb concentra-
tions in the soil of the site are as follows. In exposure sce-
nario A, which corresponds to the highest concentrations of
Pb in soil, the population exposure risk is high. Results indi-
cate that the concentrations of Pb in blood for children
Figure 4. Isoconcentration curves of soluble Pb (mg/L) in between the ages of 6 and 7 could be 72.7 lg/dL; for chil-
the site. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, dren younger than 1 year it would increase to 98.6 lg/dL,
which is available at] being 79.94 lg/dL the geometric mean (Table 1). With levels
of Pb in blood like these, children may show: poor muscle

1152 December 2013 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.32, No.4) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 1. Geometric mean of Pb in blood according to the Pb concentration in soil.

Soil Intake 350mg/dia Intake 200mg/dia

concentration Blood concentration Above 10 lg/dL Blood concentration Above 10 lg/dL
Scenarios (mg Pb/kg) mean (lg Pb/dL) probability (%) mean (lg Pb/dL) probability (%)
A 9646 14 79.94 100 57.75 99.99
B 642.41 16.58 85 9 11.57 62.19
C 103.80 5.43 97 4.18 3.16

development, lack of coordination, premature anemia, hemo- and behavioral disorders [15, 31]. The behavioral deficits
globin decrease, tiredness and somnolence (40 lg/dL); pain among exposed children seem to be equal to those among
and abdominal cramps, anemia, destruction of red blood children who suffer attention deficit disorder and hyperactiv-
cells, and brain damage (50 lg/dL); difficulties in cell growth, ity [14]. Fraser proved that Pb is a neurotoxin that may have
problems in the development of bones and teeth (>62 lg/ a direct impact on impulsive behavior and activity levels of
dL) and encephalopathy (70–80 lg/dL) [8]. children [14]. All of this can be not just a public health issue,
In exposure scenario B, results from the model estimate but also a social one, due to the link between criminal
Pb concentrations in blood of 14.6 lg/dL for children who behavior in adulthood to Pb exposure during childhood [12,
are between 6 and 7 years old, 20.8 lg/dL for children 1 31]. Nevin (1999) states that even though delinquency rates
year old and younger, the geometric mean was 16.58 lg/dL and out-of-wedlock pregnancies are clearly affected by sev-
(Table 1). At these concentrations, children may show a eral factors, the temporary tendencies of exposure to Pb
decrease in their intelligence quotient (IQ), hyperactivity, seem to be a noteworthy factor associated with later tenden-
short attention spans; learning, speech, and talk problems; cies of these undesired social behaviors [32].
slower reflexes (10 a 50 lg/dL); also hearing impairment and Pb has neurochemical effects at different molecular, cellu-
growth disorders (10 a 30 lg/dL) [13, 18]. lar and intracellular levels. At lower dosages, it causes the
In exposure scenario C, estimated values of Pb in blood interruption of the neurotransmitters. The most affected neu-
of 4.4 lg/dL were obtained for children who are between 6 rotransmitters are noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and
and 7 years old. 7.5 lg/dL was obtained for children younger acetylcholine; which are essential for the regulation of emo-
than 1 year. The geometric mean was 5.43 lg/dL (Table 1). tional, cognitive and locomotor responses. This demonstrates
In this case, children may present cavities; motor, visual, and that the relationship between exposure to Pb and the behav-
behavioral problems; as well as lack of appetite [9, 13, 29]. ior of children can be linear [14]. In addition to this, the dam-
Several studies have shown that the strongest effects of Pb age caused to the nervous system by lead is irreversible and
which affect IQ are due to the first micrograms of Pb in the may become permanent [10, 16].
blood [13].
The results of the model, obtained for communities with
paved streets (200 mg/day), are as follows. In exposure sce-
nario A, the results obtained from the model for this daily CONCLUSIONS
soil intake indicate that the concentration of Pb in the blood The soil in this site is highly contaminated with Pb. The
of children between 6 and 7 years old could be of 53.4lg/ desertic climate of Chihuahua fosters the pollution of the ad-
dL, for children under 1 year of age it would rise up to 69.9 jacent populated area due to winds and hydrological disper-
lg/dL. The geometric mean was 57.75 lg/dL (Table 1). sion. There is metal solubility; hence, making the Pb leach-
In exposure scenario B, results of the model indicate that able and environmentally bioavailable to enter the food
the estimated concentrations of Pb in blood are 9.8 lg/dL for chain.
children between 6 and 7 years old, 15.0 lg/dL for children This area represents a high public health risk, especially
younger than 1 year the geometric mean was 11.57 lg/dL for children because the adverse effects can be severe and
(Table 1). range from behavioral to neurological disorders and cancer.
In exposure scenario C, estimated values of Pb in blood It is therefore necessary to reduce the Pb levels in the soil to
of 3.3 lg/dL for children between 6 and 7 years old, and 5.8 minimize the risk and it is imperative to take prevention and
lg/dL for children under 1 year of age were obtained. The exposure control measures for the inhabitants of the area.
geometric mean was 4.18 lg/dL (Table 1). The results of this study show that it will be essential to
With these levels of Pb in blood, children may show the work in a complete characterization of the site, to target all
aforementioned symptoms and disorders for an intake of 350 pollution sources and contaminants that have being affecting
mg/day. Although the probable concentration values of Pb in the population, and to research for an adequate alternative
blood for children decrease, they are still high values to con- of remediation.
sider and remain at the same concentration ranges that mani-
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