How To Get A Edu Email HQ Top 3 Methods ALL Working PDF

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♦ Introduction ♦

In this E-book, you’ll learn 3 different methods of opening an EDU email

on 3 different colleges.

The first method uses Solano Community College.

The second method uses Sacramento Community College.
The third method uses City College of San Francisco.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Why shouldn’t I just use the first method?
A: You should always use all of the methods, spamming one of them is
risky and not recommended.

Q: What if my emails got banned?

A: This shouldn’t happen - since day one all of my emails are up and
running, you should contact me on Sinister.

Q: Are those methods going to get patched?

A: All of the methods are 100% private and I’ve found them by myself. If
all of the methods are going to get patched you can contact me on Sinister
and I’ll give you my backup methods, that will be available to all of the
buyers if all of the methods are going to get patched.

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Things you should know:
I STRONGLY recommend using a VPN for the process, you can use a free one
but the best VPNs are paid.

Best free VPN: Tunnelbear and Windscribe, both of them are pretty good.
Best paid VPN: ExpressVPN, VyprVPN, Windscribe Pro and NordVPN.

Note: If you want to understand the other methods you will have to understand
the first method.

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♦ Method 1 ♦
Before we start with the method, make sure that you’re connected to a VPN.
Step 1: Creating an account
A. Personal Information
If you want to change the password of the email save your date of birth and SSN
in a file!
1. Go to this link and click on “Create an account”.

Note: Before you click on “Begin Creating My Account” make sure you have
an email address. Temp-Mail will not work, so the best email in my opinion is and, they are easy to create.

2. Click on “Begin Creating My Account” and go to

3. Enter your first and last name according to Fake Name Generator.
4. Enter a Date of Birth, the year should be 1998.

Important Note: Save your date of birth if you want to change the password of
your EDU email!

5. Uncheck the financial aid check-box and click on Social Security Number.
6. Go to Fake Name Generator, you should see an SSN, copy it.

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7. Go to and enter your SSN, replace the last four digits
in random numbers. For example:
641-52-XXXX → 641-52-4775

Important Note:
Save your valid SSN in a file if you want to change the
password of your EDU email!

8. If the SSN is valid enter it in CCCApply and click “Continue”.


B. Contact Information 1.
Enter your email address.
2. On the Telephone section, make sure the boxes are un-checked and skip the
3. For an address, I recommend using this hotel in San Francisco.

4. Click “Continue”.


C. Security and Credentials

1. Username: I recommend using the first and last name of your fake profile in
Fake Name Generator.
2. Password: Any password that you want.
3. PIN: Random 4 digit number that you’ll remember.
4. Security Questions: Choose random answers.
5. Click “Continue” and then “Continue”.


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Step 2: Application
A. Enrollment Application & Account and Mailing Information 1.
Click on “Start Application”.

2. On “Term Applying For” choose the first option, On “Educational Goal”

click the first option.
4. On “Intended Major or Program of Study” “choose Art History (AA)”.
5. Click “Continue” (Example).

6. Click on the check-box near “My mailing address is the same as the
Permanent Address in my OpenCCC Account above” (Example).

B. Personal Information
1. On “Gender”, choose the gender that you want (by the name of the account, if
the name in the account is Lynda so the gender should be female).
2. For the other information follow the example.


C. Education
1. On the first input choose the first option.
2. In “High School Education” choose the first option and choose a random date
in 2018. Choose “Yes” in the other options like in the example.
3. In “Last High School Attended” choose California in “State” and type “San
Francisco” in the input. Choose a random high school from the list.
4. For the other options follow the example.

D. Citizenship/Military
1. On “Citizenship Status” choose the first option.

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2. On “Military Status” choose the first option.


E. Residency
The instructions on this one are very simple, the first one should be “Yes” and
others should be ”No”.


F. Needs and Interests

On this one, you can just follow the example below.


G. Final Steps
1. On “Supplemental Questions” you can just click continue and skip, you can
just leave it blank.
2. On “Consent” just click “I consent”.

3. On “Review Application” just scroll down and click “I have reviewed the
application and confirm it is complete and accurate”.
4. On “Submission”, check the boxes and click on “Submit My Application”.

5. You will be forwarded to the confirmation page, click on “Continue”.

6. You can leave the survey blank and click on “Submit Survey”.

Congratulations! Your email is on its way.

Step 3: Getting Your Email

You’ve passed the hard part and your email is on its way! Your first email
should be a confirmation for OpenCCC, you can ignore this one. You’ll need to
wait up to 1 hour or more, usually, it takes 10 minutes or less, sometimes
instantly. The email that you’ll get will be called “Admissions and Records” and
it will contain the information for your EDU email!

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A. The Email

Instructions for logging in:

Your email address should be like this:
The username is your web user login (in the screenshot it’s 1).
The email address from the screenshot is

To log in go to and enter the email address, you’ll be

forwarded to a login page, enter your username and password in the login page.

♦ Method 2 ♦
Before we start with the method, make sure that you’re connected to a VPN.

Step 1: Creating an account

Go to this link and click on “Create an Account”, if you don’t remember how to
create an account, go to method 1. Once you’ve created the account, you can
proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Application

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A. Enrollment Application & Account and Mailing Information 1.
Click on “Start Application”.

2. On “Term Applying For” choose the first option, On “Educational Goal”

click the first option.
4. On “Intended Major or Program of Study” choose “Communication and
5. Click “Continue” (Example).

6. Click on the check-box near “My mailing address is the same as the

Permanent Address in my OpenCCC Account above” (Example).

B. Personal Information
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

C. Education
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

D. Citizenship/Military
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.
E. Residency
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

F. Needs and Interests

1. For the phone number you can write any any phone number that starts with
515, for example 515-XXX-XXXX.

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2. For the other information just follow the example.


G. Final Steps
2. On “Consent” just click “I consent”.
3. On “Review Application” just scroll down and click “I have reviewed the
application and confirm it is complete and accurate”.
4. On “Submission”, check the boxes and click on “Submit My Application”.
5. You will be forwarded to the confirmation page, click on “Continue”.
6. You can leave the survey blank and click on “Submit Survey”.

Congratulations! Your email is on its way.

Step 3: Getting the email

You’ll get a confirmation email instantly and after 10 minutes or more you
should get the email that contains all of the details. The login process is pretty
simple for this one, just follow the instructions that you got in the email.

♦ Method 3 ♦
Before we start with the method, make sure that you’re connected to a VPN.

Step 1: Creating an account

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Go to this link and click on “Create an Account”, if you don’t remember how to
create an account, go to method 1. Once you’ve created the account, you can
proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Application
Click on “Start Application”.

A. Enrollment Information & Account and Mailing Information

1. On “Term Applying For” choose the first option.
2. On “Educational Goal” choose the first option.

3. On “Intended Major or Program of Study” choose “Sociology”.

4. Click “Continue”. (Example)

5. Check the box near “My mailing address is the same as the Permanent

Address in my OpenCCC account above” (Example)

B. Personal Information
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

C. Education
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

D. Citizenship/Military
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.
E. Residency
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

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F. Needs and Interests
1. Exactly the same as the first method, you can go to page 6 to get instructions
for this section of the application.

G. Supplemental Questions
1. You may follow the example below.


G. Final Steps
2. On “Consent” just click “I consent”.
3. On “Review Application” just scroll down and click “I have reviewed the
application and confirm it is complete and accurate”.
4. On “Submission”, check the boxes and click on “Submit My Application”.

5. You will be forwarded to the confirmation page, click on “Continue”.

6. You can leave the survey blank and click on “Submit Survey”.

Now here’s the hard part… Waiting.

For this college, you’ll get 4 new emails after you’ve finished the application,
none of them are relevant and you can ignore them. Sometimes you’ll get the
details instantly, other times it can take 24 hours or more so this can take some
time unlike the other methods. You can change the password without any
requirements with this college.

The emails that will contain the information will look like this:

The first part will contain the email address, the second part will contain
the password. You can log in to your email from

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♦ Unlimited Emails ♦
If you guys are making money of the method I recommend spending $2 on
unlimited emails.

What are unlimited emails?

To get unlimited emails you’ll need to buy a domain (a cheap one) and make it
an email. For example:
We are going to buy the domain and make it an email
instead of a domain, which means the domain will be from now on an email and
not a website:
As long as the email address ends with your domain you’ll always get the emails
to your inbox, for example, even if we write we will
get the emails to our inbox.

This method is not only necessary for EDU emails - you can use it for trials,
registering on different websites and more.

Step 1: Buy the emails

1. Go to and search for a domain - just choose
whatever you want, for this example I’m going to choose “eduemails” but I’m
not really going to buy it, so it’s yours :)
2. The cheapest one is and it costs $0.99 for a year,
keep in mind that this domain is going to be valid just for a year because the
price after a year will go up.
3. Go to checkout and click on “Confirm Order”, create an account and
pay for the domain, please do not add nothing to the cart except the domain.

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My cart is going to look like this:

As you can see I didn’t add anything so I can checkout with PayPal. Make sure
to disable Auto-Renew to avoid getting charged.

Now go to the dashboard and click on Domain List, you should see your domain
there. Click on Manage.

You should see “Redirect Email”, click on “Add Catch-All”.

Now add your own email address, once you’ve done any email that will end
with your domain will get to your personal inbox. For example, if the catch-all
email is going to be and I register to OpenCCC with, I’m going to get that mail to my personal inbox.

♦ Making A Profit ♦
If you are interested in making a profit of these E-book the process couldn’t be
easier, to be honest - it will make your more money than any other E-book that

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will promise users “AUTOPILOT” methods. I’ve made more than $100 on my
first month, and that’s just the start.

Choose a community to sell the EDU emails, it’s better to find a community that
doesn’t already have someone that sells those kind of emails. If you did find this
kind of community you can start selling at a reasonable price - $3 is the sweet
spot for me. If you do have competition make sure to sell at a lower price than
your competition.

Set up a thread design that will show the users the benefits of having an EDU
email and most importantly - set up AUTOBUY like Digitox, Selly or Shoppy.
In my opinion, Digitox is the best because it’s completely free with no fees,
Rocketr is also good because it provides you a lot of information about the

The best way to start getting money in my opinion is Facebook group - find a
group with a marketplace where you can sell that stuff and sell it for $10, people
will buy your emails fast because you’ll probably have no competitors.

Always maintain your stock, I usually like to always have a stock of 20 emails
in my shop, if someone buys an email I’ll create a new one.

Good luck with your shop!

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