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Instructor Notes for Creating Custom Hands-on Exercise Guides

Notes about Creating Custom Exercise Guides

• You can deliver any combination of:
o The LTM, DNS, ASM, and APM modules from the 3-day partner boot camp, and
o The Advanced ASM, AFM, and WebSafe modules from the 2-day security solutions boot camp.
o The ASM and AWAF lessons in the ASM / AWAF standalone course.
▪ You should always teach both Manual vs Automatic Policy Building, and Trusted vs
Untrusted Requests and Learning, Staging, and Enforcement lessons together.
o There are no exercise dependencies between the different modules.
• Be sure you are using the correct course in Ravello for the module(s) you are delivering.

Instructions for Creating Custom Exercise Guides

1) Open the Files for Creating Custom Exercise Guides directory.

2) Open PBC – <Course Title> – Workbook – Title and TOC.

3) Go to File > Save As, and then give the custom guide a new name.

4) If you like, you can change the title and subtitle of the custom guide.

5) Move the cursor to the end of the document (you may be able to use ).

6) From the Files for Creating Custom Exercise Guides directory, open the file for the first lesson you’ll be

7) Type Ctrl + A to select all the text, then copy the text (Ctrl + C), and then close the file.

8) With the cursor at the end of the custom guide, paste the text (Ctrl + V).

9) IMPORTANT: Delete the extra paragraph mark at the end of the file (make sure there is only one
paragraph mark on the last page before moving on, not counting the paragraph mark in the header).

10) From the Files for Creating Custom Exercise Guides directory, open the file for the next lesson you’ll be

11) Select and copy all the text, then close the file, then at the end of the custom guide paste the text,
and then delete extra paragraph mark(s).

12) Continue with steps 10 and 11 until you have all lessons you’ll be covering in your custom guide.

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13) After your custom guide is complete, go to the table of contents page.

14) Right-click on the table of contents and select Update Field (if prompted, select Update entire table).

15) Delete the first line of the table of contents (which displays the text “Table of Contents”.

16) Save the custom guide, and then if you plan to email copies to your students, save the guide as a PDF
file. Please do not send the Word files to your students.

Any questions, contact Chris Manly (

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